Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tight Ponytails Can Be The Reason For Your Headache

Tight Ponytails Can Be The Reason For Your Headache    

Ponytails pt physical strain on the hair follicles, causing breakage and hair loss. But they also lead to a headache because it pulls the nerves on the scalp. His also happens in the case of tight buns. More details click here.


Blood Vessel Inflammation May Be The Cause Of Migraines And Strokes

Blood Vessel Inflammation May Be The Cause Of Migraines And Strokes    

A research has found that women who suffer from migraines have double the risk of experiencing a stroke and also increase cardiovascular risk. The reason might reside in the inflammation of blood vessels, and higher level of blood clotting. Click here for more information.


Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head

Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head    

One of the causes of migraine might be located in the neck, in which the vertebral disks presses the nerves. To research it, a clinic is conducting a study focusing on the neck and not the head, and without drugs. More Information click here.


LED Bulbs May Be A Source Of Headache Due To Their Flickering

LED Bulbs May Be A Source Of Headache Due To Their Flickering    

They Flicker Four Times More Than Fluorescent Lights    

According to a specialist, LED bulbs could be a source of a headache because of their continuous flickering. This means that they turn on and off hundreds of times per second, which causes a disrupting movement control of the eyes, making the brain to work harder. These bulbs double the risk of having a headache. They work with the alternating current of the power grid, which causes the flicker. A research showed that fluorescent lights in offices flickered 100 per second, whereas LED bulbs flicker 400 times per second, increasing the chance of a headache. Click here for more info.


Light Sensitivity Can Have Several Causes

Light Sensitivity Can Have Several Causes    

Among Them Are Dry Eye, Allergies, And Migraine    

Sensitivity to light, also called photophobia—the medical term for extreme sensitivity to light—light can actually cause damage to the eyes. There are some causes to it, such as dry eyes, in which these can’t lubricate themselves properly because of a problem with tear secretion. Another is allergies in the form of allergic conjunctivitis which is a form of pink eye, caused by an irritation of the conjunctiva, the delicate membrane that covers your eyes and insides of the eyelids. Migraines also cause like severe sensitivity to light, severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision. There can be extreme sensitivity to certain types of light, such as fluorescent light. Check the complete list of causes for light sensitivity. More info click here.


Does Coffee Cures Or Makes Worse A Migraine?

Does Coffee Cures Or Makes Worse A Migraine?    

It is not completely clear what causes migraine. Also, caffeine is known to be a painkiller, therefore, a cup of coffee or tea can provide instant relief, interacting with a brain substance called adenosine. On the other hand, for frequent coffee drinkers, caffeine suppression can also trigger a migraine. More Information click here.


Light Sensitivity Can Have Several Causes

Light Sensitivity Can Have Several Causes    

Among Them Are Dry Eye, Allergies, And Migraine    

Sensitivity to light, also called photophobia—the medical term for extreme sensitivity to light—light can actually cause damage to the eyes. There are some causes to it, such as dry eyes, in which these can’t lubricate themselves properly because of a problem with tear secretion. Another is allergies in the form of allergic conjunctivitis which is a form of pink eye, caused by an irritation of the conjunctiva, the delicate membrane that covers your eyes and insides of the eyelids. Migraines also cause like severe sensitivity to light, severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision. There can be extreme sensitivity to certain types of light, such as fluorescent light. Check the complete list of causes for light sensitivity. More info click here.


New Treatment Based On Colored Light Reduces The Symptoms Of Migraine And Tinnitus

New Treatment Based On Colored Light Reduces The Symptoms Of Migraine And Tinnitus    

A new treatment based on colored lenses helps treat migraines and is also being used on patients with tinnitus. It consists of tiny lamps of different colors, and the patient can control the intensity of them. The initial study was made for patients with migraine, which reduced the intensity of the pain. A number of them had also tinnitus, and also observed a reduction in the symptoms. The different colors distract the sensory area of the brain, reducing the tinnitus symptoms. Additional information click here.


Migraine Attacks Can Also Occur In Children

Migraine Attacks Can Also Occur In Children    

Learn How To Deal Which Them If Your Child Suffers From Migraines Or Strong Headaches    

Even though migraines usually appear in early adulthood, it can also affect children. They can be confused with a strong headache, so parents must take the child to a specialist in order to identify other symptoms, such as weakness, blurred vision, and nausea and vomiting. If the child has migraine attacks with a frequency of more than one per week, it is advisable to have also preventive treatments, including techniques for managing stress and regulating emotions. Also, it is a good idea for the parents to predict and prevent headaches, which can be done by writing a headache log, including time of the day of the attack and the situations that led to it, in order to identify potential triggers. Other ways are helping the child developing healthy habits, and teaching how to relax. Click here for more details.


Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn        

It Also Helps Relieve Tension Headaches, Promotes Hair Growth, And Reduces Anxiety    

Peppermint has health benefits, such as pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties. In the form of essential oil and capsules, it can help in treating digestive conditions and headaches. It is rich in menthol, which is considered to be the bioactive ingredient that provides its health benefits. It helps to treat irritable bowel disease (IBS), which has symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and changes in stool patterns. The menthol in the peppermint oil helps easing the symptoms up to 79%, relaxing the stomach and digestive tract muscles. It also can reduce indigestion by decreasing the contractions in the esophagus, and also reduce heartburn symptoms. It can also help relieve tension headaches and other chronic pain conditions, due to the methanol included in peppermint. It is also beneficial for hair growth, according to research in mice, and anxiety, in the form of aromatherapy, reducing the stress responses. Additional information click here.


Migraine Attacks Affects Levels Of Dopamine, The Feel-Good Neurotransmitter

Migraine Attacks Affects Levels Of Dopamine, The Feel-Good Neurotransmitter    

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps one feel good, regulating motivation, emotion, and sensory perception. Recent studies have shown that dopamine levels fluctuate in patients with migraine attacks. This will help researchers understand more about dopamine-based treatments for controlling migraine pain. Click here for more details.


This Smartphone App Can Help Avoid And Predict Migraine Attacks

This Smartphone App Can Help Avoid And Predict Migraine Attacks    

Many smartphone apps are oriented to health and well-being. One of them can identify the personal triggers for a migraine and rank them in order of importance. This way, the app can predict when a migraine attack is on the way. Additional info click here.


Effects Of Ketogenic Diet In Migraine Treatment

Effects Of Ketogenic Diet In Migraine Treatment    

The ketogenic diet restricts carbohydrates, so the liver begins using fat as an energy source instead of glucose. This liberates substances called ketones, which, among other things, help control the neural inflammation present in migraines and epilepsy. Additional details click here.


Tight Ponytails Can Be The Reason For Your Headache

Tight Ponytails Can Be The Reason For Your Headache    

Ponytails pt physical strain on the hair follicles, causing breakage and hair loss. But they also lead to a headache because it pulls the nerves on the scalp. His also happens in the case of tight buns. More details click here.


Study: A Daily Dose Of Ibuprofen Could Prevent Alzheimer’s

Study: A Daily Dose Of Ibuprofen Could Prevent Alzheimer’s    

This Drug For Back Pain And Headache Inhibits The Action Of A Substance Related To This Mental Condition    

Ibuprofen is a quick way to treat back pain or headaches. Even though this medication is oriented to pain relief, researchers have discovered that it could also be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. It is based on the mechanism used by ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation caused by a substance related to this mental condition. This substance, an amyloid peptide called Abeta 42, is present in the saliva of adults with Alzheimer’s as well as adults with a healthy mental condition, but with a high risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s. According to the study, a daily dose of ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), could prevent Alzheimer’s in patients that have shown a high level of Abeta42. Additional info click here.


New Approach Treats Migraine In The Neck, Not The Head

New Approach Treats Migraine In The Neck, Not The Head    

A new approach orients migraine treatment to the neck, and not the head. The objective is to treat the nerves that could be responsible for migraines. The reason is that these nerves could heighten the sensitivity in the pain areas of the brainstem. More info click here.


Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedy For Headaches

Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedy For Headaches    

Sometimes headache can have alternative treatments other than drugs or natural medicines. This method described making a pillow with a scent that, when heated, will have positive effects on treating the headache. Additional information click here.


Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision

Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision    

Blurred vision can be the result of myopia, hyperopia, or other conditions related to eyesight, usually corrected with lenses. However, sudden blurred vision is related to other conditions, such as migraine headaches, poor eye lubrication, overusing contact lenses, or even uncontrolled diabetes. Check the symptoms. Click here for more information.


How To Identify A Hypochondriac

How To Identify A Hypochondriac    

A hypochondriac has anxiety related to illness, living in constant fear about his health condition. This worrying can turn into an obsession unless it is controlled. One of the signs is assuming that an eventual headache can be a migraine or a brain tumor. Another sign is believing that there is an underlying illness, even when the patient is healthy. More Information click here.


Do You Have Frequent Sinus Headaches? Perhaps You Have Migraine

Do You Have Frequent Sinus Headaches? Perhaps You Have Migraine    

Sinus headache is caused by sinusitis, which can be the result of an allergy or flu. However, a recent study has shown that 86% of the patients diagnosed with sinus headaches actually have migraines. This is because the differences are too subtle and the specialists prescribe an antibiotic for the supposed sinus infection. Learn the differences between both conditions. More info click here.


Study: Turmeric Could Provide A Natural Treatment For Chronic Headaches

Study: Turmeric Could Provide A Natural Treatment For Chronic Headaches    

Its Active Component Has Antioxidant And Anti-Inflammatory Properties    

Turmeric is a spice popular in Indian cuisine. According to specialists, it can be used to treat headaches due to its component curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These can help in the prevention of migraines. However, there have been studies with opposite conclusions: while one states that the body has difficulty absorbing curcumin, other shows its positive effects on reducing the production of a protein that activates neurons, neuroinflammation, and pain. Therefore, these conflicting results indicate that more research is required. However, we have read before about the health benefits of turmeric and curcumin, so it’s worth giving it a try. More info click here.


New Diagnosis Technique Can Identify Migraine And Headache Triggers

New Diagnosis Technique Can Identify Migraine And Headache Triggers        

It Monitors Electrical Wavelengths In The Skin And Is 97% As Accurate Blood Tests    

There is a new device to diagnostic the cause of headaches and other health conditions. Headaches and migraines can be originated from a series of conditions, such as foods, weather, and health issues. Sufferers are advised to maintain a log in order to discover the trigger of the headache. This device is based on bioresonance and identifies many of the causes of headaches and migraines. Detecting the cause helps in to reduce their frequency, and, in some cases, also prevents them. The technique was originally developed by the health department of NASA and consists in measuring and monitoring electrical wavelengths emitted from the skin. The information is collected and analyzed by a computer, determining the headache or migraine trigger. It performs several tests, such as food sensitivities and intolerances, nutrient and mineral deficiencies, emotional stressors, and viruses, among others. It also recommends the natural treatments to eliminate these triggers. The technique has proven 97% as effective as blood tests but less expensive. More details click here.


Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion

Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion    

A concussion can have long-term consequences, like structural brain damage which can result in depression and anxiety, chronic headaches and attention and concentration issues, among others. Among the symptoms of concussions are losing consciousness, a constant headache, and dizziness and balance issues, among others. Check all the concussion symptoms. Click here for more info.


A Protein In The Brain May Be Responsible For The Pain In Migraine Attacks

A Protein In The Brain May Be Responsible For The Pain In Migraine Attacks    

Scientists have found that a protein, called BNDF, may be linked to migraine attacks. Migraine patients are more sensitive to triggers that lead to the attack, and the protein was present during the attack. After the injection of a substance that neutralizes the protein, the subjects were desensitized to migraine pain. Click here for more info.


Reading In Poor Light May Cause Headache, But Won’t Harm The Eyesight

Reading In Poor Light May Cause Headache, But Won’t Harm The Eyesight    

There are myths about health, like relating varicose veins to crossing the legs, or that stress will turn the hair grey. One of them is that reading in poor light will damage the eyesight. It can give headache and cause eyestrain, but won’t give permanent damage. Check for other myths. Click here for more details.


Learning About The Different Types Of Headaches, Causes, And Treatments

Learning About The Different Types Of Headaches, Causes, And Treatments        

Among Them Are Tension Headaches, Migraines, And Cluster Headaches, Also Known As Suicide Headaches    

There are different types of headaches, and each has its origin an treatment. The most common is called tension headaches, which has mild to moderate pain, with pressure on both sides of the head, and behind the eyes. Main causes are stress, poor posture, dehydration, and skipping meals. A migraine is a neurological condition, consisting of extreme pain on one side of the head and can go along with nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity. It is more common in women than in men. Cluster headaches are so strong that they are sometimes called suicide headaches, consisting of excruciating pain on one side of the head, most commonly behind or near the eye. It is associated with activity in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. Sinus headaches occur in the cheekbones, forehead or the bridge of the nose, and are caused by inflammation of the sinuses and buildup of mucus. Check the complete list of headache types. More Information click here.


What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?

What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?    

Cluster headaches are a rare condition, but it is even more painful than a migraine. They are so rare that are often misdiagnosed as migraine, allergies, or even sinus headache. However, if correctly diagnosed, it is very treatable with several drugs that prevent the episodes. More details click here.


Blood Vessel Inflammation May Be The Cause Of Migraines And Strokes

Blood Vessel Inflammation May Be The Cause Of Migraines And Strokes    

A research has found that women who suffer from migraines have double the risk of experiencing a stroke and also increase cardiovascular risk. The reason might reside in the inflammation of blood vessels, and higher level of blood clotting. Click here for more information.


There Are Different Types Of Migraine, Depending On Their Frequency

There Are Different Types Of Migraine, Depending On Their Frequency    

They Have Different Levels Of Symptoms, Anxiety, And Inability To Focus    

There are different types of migraine, depending on the frequency of occurrence. One of them is episodic, between 1 to 9 days per month, high frequency episodic, 10 to 14 migraines days per month, and chronic, 15 or more per month. The most concerning symptom for all is a head pain, complemented with aura in more than one-third of the cases. Other symptoms were clumsiness, memory loss and vertigo, experienced in a minor degree in cases of an episodic migraine and in a high degree of a chronic migraine. The same degrees occur when identifying migraine triggers and the level of anxiety it causes, along with the inability to focus. Additional details click here.


New Drug-Free Migraine Treatment Varies The Temperature Of The Balance Organs

New Drug-Free Migraine Treatment Varies The Temperature Of The Balance Organs    

It Is Done With Special Headphones And A Handheld Device    

Recent research has shown a new therapy for treating migraine with mild temperature changes in the balance organs. This is known as caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) is done with special headphones and a handheld device, and sends cool and warm temperatures to the balance organs in the inner ear, which are connected to the brain areas responsible for migraine. An additional advantage is that it is drug-free treatment. Click here for more details.


New Approach Treats Migraine In The Neck, Not The Head

New Approach Treats Migraine In The Neck, Not The Head    

A new approach orients migraine treatment to the neck, and not the head. The objective is to treat the nerves that could be responsible for migraines. The reason is that these nerves could heighten the sensitivity in the pain areas of the brainstem. More info click here.


Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body

Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body    

The Tension In Jaw And Neck Muscles Will Result In Headaches And Upper Back Pain    

Teeth grinding do not only affect teeth. This habit is usually caused by stress. However, the cause of concern id that it usually occurs at night, when the person is asleep. Like sleep apnea, the consequences of these conditions will show when waking up and gradually over time. Constant grinding of teeth will lead to accelerated teeth wear, as well as chips and cracks. Also, the jaw muscles will ache and also affect the muscles of the neck and back, causing upper back pain. The tension in the neck muscles will result in headaches. The chronic stress that causes teeth grinding also affects oral health. It promotes gum disease due to lower immunity, and also leads to dehydration, resulting in bad breath. More details click here.


Avoiding Headaches While Swimming

Avoiding Headaches While Swimming    

Tight Swimming Caps Or Goggles May Compress Certain Nerves    

Swimming is one of the most complete exercises because it involves a large number of muscles, boosts the cardiovascular system and helps with back pain.  However, there are a number of health conditions that can derive from it. One is Swimmer’s Headache, which is caused when the swimming caps or goggles are too tight. These compress one of the four major nerves in the head, resulting in explosive headaches. This is not the only type of headache when swimming – pool chemicals or bacteria may lead to a sinus headache. Other health conditions that affect swimmers are related to the ears, shoulder and skin itches. Click here for more info.


How To Identify A Hypochondriac

How To Identify A Hypochondriac    

A hypochondriac has anxiety related to illness, living in constant fear about his health condition. This worrying can turn into an obsession unless it is controlled. One of the signs is assuming that an eventual headache can be a migraine or a brain tumor. Another sign is believing that there is an underlying illness, even when the patient is healthy. More Information click here.


Caffeine Withdrawal Can Be The Source Of Migraines

Caffeine Withdrawal Can Be The Source Of Migraines    

There are foods that trigger migraine. On the other hand, eliminating some foods from the diet can also trigger it. This is the case of coffee, in which caffeine withdrawal can result in migraine. This is the case of the people who regularly take three or four cups a day and decide to skip the morning coffee. Additional information click here.


Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place

Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place    

Among Them Are Migraine, Cardiovascular Problems, And Narcolepsy And Extreme Sleep Disorders    

Dogs can be very sensitive, not only for their sense of smell to detect drugs or to detect people after an earthquake or a disaster but also as service animals for disabled people, such as guide dogs. Their sense of smell is so strong and precise, that they also can detect if a person has a medical condition. Trained medical dogs can detect cardiovascular problems, drops in blood pressure and even strokes. They can also detect if a migraine is coming. There have been cases in which migraine sufferers have seen a change in behavior prior to an attack. Extreme sleepiness or narcolepsy can also be detected by dogs. These are sudden attacks of sleep which can also include loss of muscle control. There are service support dogs for patients with these conditions that can provide then a warning before an episode. Learn about all the medical conditions that can be detected by trained medical dogs. Additional details click here.


Craniosacral Therapy For Tinnitus Treatment

Craniosacral Therapy For Tinnitus Treatment        

It Can Also Be Used To Treat Anxiety, Insomnia, Headaches, And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome    

There are professional activities that have greater exposure to loud noises, such as musicians, and DJ. This is how one of them dealt with this condition. In noise-induced hearing loss, the hair cells in the cochlea become damaged, the sensory information sensory sent to the brain is incomplete. Therefore, the ear tries to find the missing information – analogous to a phantom limb – which results in the communication of a ringing sensation back to the brain. This worsens when there is chronic stress, which prepares the body for a dangerous situation. Among the effects is a hypersensitivity of the nervous system, in which the brain amplifies the nervous impulses that come through the senses, including the tinnitus noise. Craniosacral therapy looks for any tensions, imbalances, restrictions or disturbances, calming the central nervous system, which is directly linked to the cranial nerves of the ears and reducing the chronic stress, resulting in the decrease of tinnitus symptoms. It can be used also to treat anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome, among others. Click here for more info.


New Device Aids Mitigating The Migraine Pain

New Device Aids Mitigating The Migraine Pain        

It Freezes A Group Of Nerves In The Back Of The Nose, Which Transmit Pain Information    

There is a new device for migraine treatment. It affects one group of nerve cells called the sphenopalatine ganglion, which is related to the main nerve involved in headache attacks. It transmits information about sensation, including pain, among others. It is located on the back of the nose, and the procedure consists of freezing it to alleviate migraines. This procedure is not new, but the specialist did not have imaging information to locate the are to be frozen, not the amount of freezing agent. This new device consists of a moveable piece of plastic that, with the aid of an X-ray device, allows specialists to get exactly to the point where the freezing agent can be applied. This migraine mitigation effect can last just a day, or a year, or longer. Click here for more details.


Avoiding Headaches During Workouts

Avoiding Headaches During Workouts    

These Can Be Tension Headaches Or Excess Intracranial Pressure    

Sometimes you may experience a headache during a workout. It might be the body’s reaction to the physical effort. If the pain is around the temples, the cause might be excess blood flow into the brain, expanding the arteries and resulting in intracranial pressure. The solution is to hydrate before the workout and warm up, which reduces rises in intracranial pressure. If you feel that a headache is coming, you can constrict the blood vessels in the scalp and head by cooling the head with cold water. If the headache can go from the back to the front of the head, it might be a tension headache, which can be avoided by working out muscles below the neck. Additional details click here.


Brain Stimulation Treatment Has Not Been Successful With Migraine

Brain Stimulation Treatment Has Not Been Successful With Migraine    

Direct current stimulation has been successful in treating chronic pain in the joints and in the spine. However, when a similar non-invasive was applied to migraine headaches, the results were negative. The same happened with magnetic stimulation. More Information click here.


There Are Different Types Of Migraine, Depending On Their Frequency

There Are Different Types Of Migraine, Depending On Their Frequency    

They Have Different Levels Of Symptoms, Anxiety, And Inability To Focus    

There are different types of migraine, depending on the frequency of occurrence. One of them is episodic, between 1 to 9 days per month, high frequency episodic, 10 to 14 migraines days per month, and chronic, 15 or more per month. The most concerning symptom for all is a head pain, complemented with aura in more than one-third of the cases. Other symptoms were clumsiness, memory loss and vertigo, experienced in a minor degree in cases of an episodic migraine and in a high degree of a chronic migraine. The same degrees occur when identifying migraine triggers and the level of anxiety it causes, along with the inability to focus. Additional details click here.


Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects

Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects    

If you have a hangover after a night with excess alcohol, it is very probable that you will take a painkiller, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. This can have serious side effects on your liver and on the stomach lining. Also, think twice about taking aspirin or paracetamol. Additional information click here.


Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up

Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up    

The Key Is To Identify The Triggers Such As Hunger, Hormones, And Lack Of Sleep    

There are times when migraine sufferers wake up with a migraine. To control this, the idea is to determine what the triggers are. Migraine sufferers tend to have six triggers each, however, they are not all the same for each person. It also depends on the threshold, which is determined by genetics. For example, one glass of red wine before sleeping will activate a migraine, while half a glass won't. Also, migraine drugs work by increasing the threshold. To identify the triggers, the best idea is to keep a journal. Among the most common triggers are hunger, which lowers the blood sugar, hormones, and lack of sleep, which can be caused by frequent changes in shift times. Check all the migraine triggers. More details click here.


Morning Headaches Related To Sleeping Positions

Morning Headaches Related To Sleeping Positions    

Sometimes we wake up with a headache. The cause can be a bad sleeping posture. While sleeping, the muscles are relaxed, but when waking up, their effort to support the spine and head can result in a headache. Check which sleeping postures make the body more susceptible to morning headaches. Click here for more details.


Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place

Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place    

Among Them Are Migraine, Cardiovascular Problems, And Narcolepsy And Extreme Sleep Disorders    

Dogs can be very sensitive, not only for their sense of smell to detect drugs or to detect people after an earthquake or a disaster but also as service animals for disabled people, such as guide dogs. Their sense of smell is so strong and precise, that they also can detect if a person has a medical condition. Trained medical dogs can detect cardiovascular problems, drops in blood pressure and even strokes. They can also detect if a migraine is coming. There have been cases in which migraine sufferers have seen a change in behavior prior to an attack. Extreme sleepiness or narcolepsy can also be detected by dogs. These are sudden attacks of sleep which can also include loss of muscle control. There are service support dogs for patients with these conditions that can provide then a warning before an episode. Learn about all the medical conditions that can be detected by trained medical dogs. Additional details click here.


Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedy For Headaches

Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedy For Headaches    

Sometimes headache can have alternative treatments other than drugs or natural medicines. This method described making a pillow with a scent that, when heated, will have positive effects on treating the headache. Additional information click here.


Migraines Are Related To Silent Strokes And Changes In The Brain Structure

Migraines Are Related To Silent Strokes And Changes In The Brain Structure    

A study has shown that migraines can affect permanently the brain structure. It discovered that people with migraine have a higher risk of suffering white matter brain lesions, have a higher tendency for brain volume changes, and to have silent strokes. However, these brain changes did not prove to affect the patient’s well-being. Click here for more information.


A Sore Throat Can Also Affect The Ears Causing Headache And Even Hearing Loss

A Sore Throat Can Also Affect The Ears Causing Headache And Even Hearing Loss    

Among The Causes Are A Bacterial Infection, Tonsillitis Sinusitis, And Even Tooth Infection    

A sore throat can also cause ear pain because the nerves in the back of the throat are located near the nerves from the ear, the throat pain often radiates to one or both ears. Also, the ears communicate with the throat via the Eustachian tube, which can transmit bacteria or swell, increasing the pressure of the ear. the infection can originate in the ear, in the form of otitis media, or even in the ear canal, which can become moist, promoting the growth of bacteria. Symptoms are a sore throat, headache, earache, and hearing loss. Other conditions to throat inflammation are related to the tonsils and bacterial infections. The sinuses an also affect the throat and ears, due to sinusitis and allergies. Additional causes are related to oral health in the form of a tooth abscess, which is a pocket of pus grows at the root’s tip of the tooth, causing a severe pain that radiates to the jawbone and ear. Check all the causes of a sore throat and how it can affect the ears. Additional details click here.


Overthinking Can Result In Headaches, Muscle Tension, And Even Back Problems

Overthinking Can Result In Headaches, Muscle Tension, And Even Back Problems    

It Consists Of Replaying Scenarios In The Mind Over And Over    

Overthinking is different from thinking. It consists of replaying situations or scenarios in the mind over and over again. Overthinking is the result of excessive left-hemisphere activity, which can physical and emotional issues. Among them are headaches, ulcers, muscle tension, and even back problems. The brain creates thoughts based on your past programming and are sometimes bad, trapped on an endless loop of self-criticism and negative thoughts. Meditation can also help let go of these negative thoughts when stuck in that downward spiraling cycle of rumination. More Information click here.


Ocular Migraine Can Occur Without A Painful Headache

Ocular Migraine Can Occur Without A Painful Headache    

It Is Similar To A Migraine With Aura, But Only Includes The Aura    

Not all migraines include headaches. There is a different type of migraine, called ocular migraine that affects vision but does not involve excruciating head pain. In some cases, migraine includes a headache plus an aura, which appear as visual disturbances like seeing flashes of light, blind spots, zigzagging patterns, or shimmering spots or stars. Ocular migraine only consists of the aura. In other cases, it can show as a retinal migraine, which includes short periods of reduced vision or blindness, often before or with head pain. Specialists are not sure what causes migraines, but it seems to be related to an electrical impulse over the surface of the brain, and when it contacts the visual cortex, which processes visual signals, it can lead to an ocular migraine. Additional info click here.


Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedy For Headaches

Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedy For Headaches    

Sometimes headache can have alternative treatments other than drugs or natural medicines. This method described making a pillow with a scent that, when heated, will have positive effects on treating the headache. Additional information click here.


A Protein In The Brain May Be Responsible For The Pain In Migraine Attacks

A Protein In The Brain May Be Responsible For The Pain In Migraine Attacks    

Scientists have found that a protein, called BNDF, may be linked to migraine attacks. Migraine patients are more sensitive to triggers that lead to the attack, and the protein was present during the attack. After the injection of a substance that neutralizes the protein, the subjects were desensitized to migraine pain. Click here for more info.


Migraines Are Not Only Strong Headaches – They Can Be Severely Incapacitating

Migraines Are Not Only Strong Headaches – They Can Be Severely Incapacitating    

New Treatments Include Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Ketamine And Controlling The Protein CGRP, Associated With Migraine Attacks    

Most people believe that a migraine is like a headache, but worse. However, there are differences. Migraine is a neurological incapacitating disease and includes nausea, visual disturbances like auras, sensitivity to light and sound, and also touch ad smell, dizziness, and loss of balance, and numbness in the face, arms, or legs. It is also the third most prevalent illness in the world, affecting 12% of the population, and also the sixth most disabling health condition. Due to the severity of its attacks, migraine sufferers have 2 to 4 times the possibility to have also depression. It can be triggered by lifestyle changes, such as skipping meals or dehydration, environment and weather changes, like strong smells, altitude, humidity, and bright sunlight. Even though treatments include OTC medication and preventive treatments, many people seek alternative therapies, regular exercise, and preventing dehydration. There are also new in treatments including, TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation), controlling the protein CGRP, which is associated with migraines, and ketamine, used also for depression and chronic pain. More Information click here.


Learn To Differentiate A Headache From A Migraine

Learn To Differentiate A Headache From A Migraine    

How to differentiate a headache from a migraine? Headaches can be caused by poor sleeping, excess work, or loud noise, while a migraine has triggered such as eating foods with certain additives, excess caffeine, or bright or flashing lights. Other differences are the location of the pain in the head, the side effects, and the migraine aura. More info click here.


Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues

Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues    

Among Them Are Headaches, Hypertension, Hearing Loss, Sleep Disorders, And Even Memory Loss    

Recently, the U.S. embassy staff in Havana started hearing a high-pitched sound, which resulted in a diplomatic incident between the two countries, even though the cause was not found. Exposure to this sound resulted in severe health consequences for the embassy personnel. Among these were headaches, memory loss, sleep disorders and ear-related conditions, such as hearing loss and struggle to maintain balance. Testing also revealed a sustained injury to widespread brain networks. Studies have proven that exposure to sound, including frequencies that go beyond the range that humans can detect, can cause hearing loss, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. Additional info click here.


Headaches Can Be Originated On The Cervical Nerves, Leading To A Misdiagnosis

Headaches Can Be Originated On The Cervical Nerves, Leading To A Misdiagnosis    

The Pain Reflects  To The Head, And The Symptoms Are Similar To Headaches Or Migraine    

We have discussed the causes of headaches. There is an overlooked cause and originates on the spinal nerves in the neck, located in C1, C2, and C3. These carry the sensation from the face to the brain. However, they share a common pain nucleus, which makes the brain to assume that the pain is being located in the head. This results in misdiagnosis since the symptoms are the same as a headache, but it also includes a possible increase of pain along with head movements. A proper diagnostic will help avoid the extra cost and pain of an erroneous treatment. Additional details click here.


Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects

Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects    

If you have a hangover after a night with excess alcohol, it is very probable that you will take a painkiller, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. This can have serious side effects on your liver and on the stomach lining. Also, think twice about taking aspirin or paracetamol. Additional information click here.


Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up

Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up    

The Key Is To Identify The Triggers Such As Hunger, Hormones, And Lack Of Sleep    

There are times when migraine sufferers wake up with a migraine. To control this, the idea is to determine what the triggers are. Migraine sufferers tend to have six triggers each, however, they are not all the same for each person. It also depends on the threshold, which is determined by genetics. For example, one glass of red wine before sleeping will activate a migraine, while half a glass won't. Also, migraine drugs work by increasing the threshold. To identify the triggers, the best idea is to keep a journal. Among the most common triggers are hunger, which lowers the blood sugar, hormones, and lack of sleep, which can be caused by frequent changes in shift times. Check all the migraine triggers. More details click here.


New Device Aids Mitigating The Migraine Pain

New Device Aids Mitigating The Migraine Pain        

It Freezes A Group Of Nerves In The Back Of The Nose, Which Transmit Pain Information    

There is a new device for migraine treatment. It affects one group of nerve cells called the sphenopalatine ganglion, which is related to the main nerve involved in headache attacks. It transmits information about sensation, including pain, among others. It is located on the back of the nose, and the procedure consists of freezing it to alleviate migraines. This procedure is not new, but the specialist did not have imaging information to locate the are to be frozen, not the amount of freezing agent. This new device consists of a moveable piece of plastic that, with the aid of an X-ray device, allows specialists to get exactly to the point where the freezing agent can be applied. This migraine mitigation effect can last just a day, or a year, or longer. Click here for more details.


This Smartphone App Can Help Avoid And Predict Migraine Attacks

This Smartphone App Can Help Avoid And Predict Migraine Attacks    

Many smartphone apps are oriented to health and well-being. One of them can identify the personal triggers for a migraine and rank them in order of importance. This way, the app can predict when a migraine attack is on the way. Additional info click here.


Learn To Differentiate A Headache From A Migraine

Learn To Differentiate A Headache From A Migraine    

How to differentiate a headache from a migraine? Headaches can be caused by poor sleeping, excess work, or loud noise, while a migraine has triggered such as eating foods with certain additives, excess caffeine, or bright or flashing lights. Other differences are the location of the pain in the head, the side effects, and the migraine aura. More info click here.


Retinal Migraine Includes Flashes Of Light, But Not Headaches

Retinal Migraine Includes Flashes Of Light, But Not Headaches    

It Can Also Cause Temporary Blindness In One Eye    

Migraine is not always related to headache symptoms. This is the case of ocular or retinal migraine, which includes signs such as blurred vision, flashes of light and temporary blindness. Since it excludes headaches, it is often called “silent migraine”. Another difference is that it usually affects only one eye, while a headache-type migraine with aura affects the vision of both eyes. The cause is the sudden narrowing of blood vessels in one eye, reducing the blood flow. Additional details click here.


New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine

New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine    

A drug called Marsyndol has shown to be effective in pain management and migraine. However, in order to find out what triggers migraines, doctors encourage patients to keep a migraine diary, registering every possible trigger. This way the patient can avoid the attack or at least prepare for it. Additional details click here.


Unable To Cut Off Coffee? Try These Tips To Kill The Habit

Unable To Cut Off Coffee? Try These Tips To Kill The Habit    

Even though coffee boosts your energy, lowers the risk of depression, Parkinson’s disease and Type 2 diabetes, among others, if ingested in excess, can damage your health. If you are already drinking excess coffee and think it has turned into an addiction, there are ways to limit this, such as substituting coffee for other healthy drinks, drink water to stay hydrated and try peppermint to get rid of coffee headache. Check the complete list. More Information click here.


Excessive Use Of Ibuprofen Can Have Serious Health Issues

Excessive Use Of Ibuprofen Can Have Serious Health Issues    

Among The Side Effects Are Erectile Dysfunction, Heartburn, Tinnitus, And More Headaches    

Ibuprofen is one of the most used drugs for headaches, hangovers, or muscle pain. It has no side effects if taken in small doses. However, large doses or frequent use can have serious health issues. Among them are lower sperm count, and erectile dysfunction, due to the blocking of the chemical prostaglandin. This substance also protects the stomach against acid, resulting in heartburn. Also, even if it sounds contradictory, taking excessive ibuprofen to treat headaches may result in even more headaches. The cause could be changed in hormones. Another consequence is tinnitus, however, this side effect stops after discontinuing the use of these drugs. Check all the side effects of excessive use of ibuprofen. Additional details click here.


Headache And Nausea Cures Can Be Found In The Kitchen

Headache And Nausea Cures Can Be Found In The Kitchen    

Certain foods found in the kitchen can help as home cures for common illnesses. For example, nausea caused by pregnancy can be treated with ginger. Headaches can be cured with a big glass of water, due to dehydration, but an apple or walnuts can also help. Sleep problems can be treated with kiwi, which is rich on folates, a B vitamin, which helps the brain to produce sleep-inducing chemicals. Click here for more information.


Checking The Cause Of A Headache Before Taking A Painkiller

Checking The Cause Of A Headache Before Taking A Painkiller    

Dehydration, Oxygen Deprivation And Stress Might Be The Reasons    

When we have headaches, it is better to check what might be causing it than to take a pill. This can be painful, but the pill might act faster if the causes of the headache have been identified and taken care of. Among them are stress, dehydration, tension, poor sleeping, irregular meals, and oxygen deprivation, among others. Check at what time was your last meal, or how many glasses of water you have drunk in the day. Also, check if you are taking short breaths. This can cause oxygen deprivation in the brain and can be solved with long, deep breaths. Check all the natural cures for headaches. Click here for more info.


Home Treatments For Getting Rid Of Sinusitis

Home Treatments For Getting Rid Of Sinusitis    

Some of the symptoms of sinusitis is a runny nose, headaches, and fatigue. There are healthy tips to get rid of it. Among them are irrigating the nasal cavity to get rid of bacteria, inhaling hot steam, drinking water, and keeping your house cleaned, to avoid allergens. Click here for more info.


Migraine Can Be Treated By A Piercing In The Ear

Migraine Can Be Treated By A Piercing In The Ear    

The daith is the inner cartilage of the ear. There are people who had got rid of migraine by making a piercing in it, although there are nor serious studies to back it up. It possibly has to relate to the vagus nerve. More info click here.


Identifying Flu From The Common Cold

Identifying Flu From The Common Cold    

Influenza, also known as flu, and a common cold can be difficult to identify for some people. This is important, because flu is a dangerous disease, and if not treated properly, it can be fatal. While the symptoms of the common cold are sneezing, a runny nose and a sore throat, influenza have fever, chills, general achiness, chest discomfort, and headache. Learn all the signs of flu. Click here for more info.


Ibuprofen Painkiller Can Do More Harm Than Good If Having These Health Conditions

Ibuprofen Painkiller Can Do More Harm Than Good If Having These Health Conditions    

Among These Are Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, And Arthritis    

Ibuprofen belongs to a family of painkillers called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs). In certain situations, it can do more harm than good, such as the case of heart disease in, which might increase the risk of heart attack in 75%. Also, if suffering from hypertension, it could make the blood pressure medication less effective. Another condition in which this medication must be avoided is in the case of gastrointestinal issues, in which these drugs irritate the lining of the stomach, and also restrict the blood flow in this area, reducing its ability to repair itself. Arthritis and back pain suffers must also beware of these drugs. These painkillers not only increase blood pressure but also are not able to control the information enough to avoid further joint damage. Check all the health conditions that might worsen in taking this painkiller. Click here for more information.


Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects

Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects    

If you have a hangover after a night with excess alcohol, it is very probable that you will take a painkiller, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. This can have serious side effects on your liver and on the stomach lining. Also, think twice about taking aspirin or paracetamol. Additional information click here.


New Device Aids Mitigating The Migraine Pain

New Device Aids Mitigating The Migraine Pain        

It Freezes A Group Of Nerves In The Back Of The Nose, Which Transmit Pain Information    

There is a new device for migraine treatment. It affects one group of nerve cells called the sphenopalatine ganglion, which is related to the main nerve involved in headache attacks. It transmits information about sensation, including pain, among others. It is located on the back of the nose, and the procedure consists of freezing it to alleviate migraines. This procedure is not new, but the specialist did not have imaging information to locate the are to be frozen, not the amount of freezing agent. This new device consists of a moveable piece of plastic that, with the aid of an X-ray device, allows specialists to get exactly to the point where the freezing agent can be applied. This migraine mitigation effect can last just a day, or a year, or longer. Click here for more details.


Popular Myths: Sitting Too Near The Tv Cause Eye Damage?

Popular Myths: Sitting Too Near The Tv Cause Eye Damage?    

In our childhood, many of us have heard that sitting too near the television damages the eyesight, but nobody knows why. This is a myth. It can lead to a headache, but won’t affect the vision. The myth originates with some TV sets of the 60s, which has a factory error that caused to emit excess radiation. Click here for more details.


Reading In Poor Light May Cause Headache, But Won’t Harm The Eyesight

Reading In Poor Light May Cause Headache, But Won’t Harm The Eyesight    

There are myths about health, like relating varicose veins to crossing the legs, or that stress will turn the hair grey. One of them is that reading in poor light will damage the eyesight. It can give headache and cause eyestrain, but won’t give permanent damage. Check for other myths. Click here for more details.


Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision

Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision    

Blurred vision can be the result of myopia, hyperopia, or other conditions related to eyesight, usually corrected with lenses. However, sudden blurred vision is related to other conditions, such as migraine headaches, poor eye lubrication, overusing contact lenses, or even uncontrolled diabetes. Check the symptoms. Click here for more information.


Frequent Headaches Can Be Treated With This Useful Advice

Frequent Headaches Can Be Treated With This Useful Advice    

If you are having frequent headaches, there is some quick advice for taking care of it. For example, one cause may be dehydration, so it is a good idea to drink twice the water you usually do. Also use essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and chamomile, and also control the coffee ingestion. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Ibuprofen Painkiller Can Do More Harm Than Good If Having These Health Conditions

Ibuprofen Painkiller Can Do More Harm Than Good If Having These Health Conditions    

Among These Are Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, And Arthritis    

Ibuprofen belongs to a family of painkillers called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs). In certain situations, it can do more harm than good, such as the case of heart disease in, which might increase the risk of heart attack in 75%. Also, if suffering from hypertension, it could make the blood pressure medication less effective. Another condition in which this medication must be avoided is in the case of gastrointestinal issues, in which these drugs irritate the lining of the stomach, and also restrict the blood flow in this area, reducing its ability to repair itself. Arthritis and back pain suffers must also beware of these drugs. These painkillers not only increase blood pressure but also are not able to control the information enough to avoid further joint damage. Check all the health conditions that might worsen in taking this painkiller. Click here for more information.


Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects

Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects    

Among These Are Drowsiness, Headaches, And Gastrointestinal Issues    

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain, which regulates when the body should fall asleep or wake up, also known as the circadian rhythm. It can be taken as a supplement, which helps with sleep disorders and also with jet lag. However, it has side effects, such as drowsiness, similar to the sensation of a hangover. This happens when the body does not process the supplement quickly. In other cases, it is insomnia, which is a completely opposite effect than the one sought. This happens because the body starts producing melatonin at sundown, and, if taken at late night, it might not work. Headaches and gastrointestinal issues are also present due to the fact that the body might react differently to the supplement. Click here for more info.


Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines    

A new diet trend, the ketogenic diet, can be useful for migraines. The ketogenic diet consists in forcing the body to use fats as its primary energy source, instead of carbs. This is done by increasing the fat ingestion. A study revealed that the ketones also reduce the neural inflammation that causes both migraines and epilepsy. Click here for more info.


If The Migraine Medications Are Not Working, It Can Be A Symptom Of A Brain Tumor

If The Migraine Medications Are Not Working, It Can Be A Symptom Of A Brain Tumor    

Other Symptoms Are Nausea And High-Intensity Headaches    

A migraine is a neurological condition with steep headaches. In some cases, it can be a symptom of a more serious illness, such as a brain tumor. This can be identified by several warning signs. One is that the medication is being ineffective – the headaches persist even when taking the prescribed drugs. Other is vomiting or nausea related to a headache, and the last one is a high-intensity level. Additional information click here.


Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia

Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia        

Symptoms Include Lack Of Energy, Erectile Dysfunction, Mouth Injuries, Tinnitus, Headaches, And Even Hair Loss    

Testosterone deficiency is a condition that affects 38% of men over 45. It occurs when the testicles are not producing enough testosterone. It is caused by insufficient testosterone production by the testicles, which affects several body functions, such as libido, concentration, mood, and strength. Among the symptoms are tiredness and lack of energy, weight gain, low mood, lack of concentration, reduced strength and endurance, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive. However, according to a new research, 70% of the cases could be mistaking testosterone deficiency for natural signs of aging. Another condition that can have similar symptoms as testosterone deficiency is anemia. Other signs of anemia are tiredness and lack of energy, noticeable heartbeats (heart palpitations), shortness of breath, and pale skin. there are also headache, tinnitus, food tasting strange, itchiness, and hair loss. There are also moral issues, such as difficulty swallowing, a sore tongue, and painful open sores in the corners of the mouth. More info click here.