Wednesday, September 30, 2020

There Is A Connection Between Chronic Pain And Stress And Depression

There Is A Connection Between Chronic Pain And Stress And Depression    

Treating These Mental Conditions Will Help Lowering Chronic Pain    

Everybody experiences pain at some moment in his life. If chronic or untreated, such as low back pain, migraines, or fibromyalgia, it leads to anxiety or even depression. According to a study, there is a connection between pain, anxiety, and depression. If chronic pain increases depression and stress, the other way around is also true: mental disorders, such as stress and depression can turn chronic pain into acute physical pain, which generates feedback between these conditions. Therefore, one way to treat chronic pain is by treating the mental disorders associated with it. Among them is cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT, which teaches skills that help manage their pain, rather than feel a victim of them. Another way is relaxation training in which decreases the amount of stress. Since excessive stress is associated with an increase in pain, the opposite is also true. Reducing stress will also reduce pain, and it can be done with relaxation training, breathing techniques, or yoga. Hypnosis will also help because it leads to a trance-like state, in which the patient receives positive suggestions, which can include decreasing the stress and depression. Exercises are another way to deal with stress.


Consequences Of Magnesium Insufficiency

Consequences Of Magnesium Insufficiency    

Magnesium is a fundamental mineral for the proper functioning of the body. It is necessary for the operation of more than 300 enzymes. Also, it is essential for the activity of muscles and nerves, hormones, immune system, and food processing. Low magnesium intake has serious consequences. Among them are high blood pressure, diabetes, migraine headache. Also, there are fatigue, confusion, anxiety, muscle cramps, nausea, among others. Check the complete list. More details click here.


This Type Of Migraine Does Not Cause A Headache

This Type Of Migraine Does Not Cause A Headache    

It Is Called Migraine-Associated Vertigo, And It Has Most Of The Other Symptoms    

There is a condition called migraine-associated vertigo, which is characterized by dizziness, with or without headaches. Dizziness includes a sensation of falling, moving ground, or even difficulty to coordinate movements. Another symptom of migraine is an aura, which occurs prior to a migraine episode, usually due to hypoxia, which is a reduced oxygen level. Other symptoms are neck pain, pressure in the ear or in the head, ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, sensitivity to light and sound, smell and visual disturbances, and partial or complete loss of sight. The most annoying symptom is a severe headache on one side, which is called an only lateral headache. However, there are cases in which there are no headaches, but the sensitivity of light and sound persist, and also the dizziness. There are medications such as anti-histamines that are usually prescribed for dizziness but have a side effect such as drowsiness. Brain cells in charge of balance and coordination, and become very active before and for the duration of a migraine episode, which results are the symptoms of dizziness and nausea. Treatment includes locating in the region in the nervous system that is dysfunctional. It can be rehabilitated with eye-movement activities or vestibular activities, located in the inner ear, brain-balance auditory and olfactory stimulation.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine

New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine    

A drug called Marsyndol has shown to be effective in pain management and migraine. However, in order to find out what triggers migraines, doctors encourage patients to keep a migraine diary, registering every possible trigger. This way the patient can avoid the attack or at least prepare for it. Additional details click here.


Intracerebral Hemorrhage Related To A Severe Headache

Intracerebral Hemorrhage Related To A Severe Headache    

Intracerebral hemorrhage is the second deadliest stroke. The main type of stroke is the ischemic stroke, in which a clot blocks the blood flow to the brain and prevents access to oxygen. Intracerebral hemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel ruptures, usually caused by chronic high blood pressure. This is also associated with a severe headache. More Information click here.


Do You Have Headaches On Rainy Days And Thunderstorms? This Is The Reason

Do You Have Headaches On Rainy Days And Thunderstorms? This Is The Reason    

It Is Related To Low Atmospheric Pressure    

Headaches can be related to rainy days. However, the cause is not the rain or the level of humidity. A lower barometric pressure is associated with rainy weather and thunderstorms – this is how barometers can forecast the weather. A lower pressure leads to a difference in pressure between the sinuses and the atmosphere. The same happens when there is low pressure in a plane or when it suddenly varies its altitude. Click here for more information.


Monday, September 28, 2020

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Can Result In Permanent Damage If Left Untreated

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Can Result In Permanent Damage If Left Untreated    

Symptoms Include Headaches, Tinnitus, Depression, And Oral Health Issues    

Vitamin B12 helps to keep the nervous system and blood cells healthy. However, its deficiency may result in severe health conditions, such as anemia, which can be common among vegetarians and vegans. Among the symptoms are extreme fatigue, headache, tinnitus, and lack of appetite. Additional symptoms include oral health issues, such as sore and red tongue, and mouth ulcers, and also mental issues, such as mood changes, depression, or psychosis. This condition can be extremely dangerous because, if untreated, it can become irreversible. It must be treated as soon as possible - the longer the condition goes untreated increases the risk of permanent damage. More Information click here.


Peppermint Tea Has Beneficial Properties, But Beware If Suffering From Acid Reflux

Peppermint Tea Has Beneficial Properties, But Beware If Suffering From Acid Reflux    

Among Them Are Treating Bad Breath, Gastrointestinal Pain, Headaches, And Sleep Disorders    

Peppermint tea is very refreshing and has many health benefits because of its antioxidants and minerals. It is known for dealing with bad breath but also has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It contains vitamins A and C, and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, calcium. Studies have shown that peppermint oil combines with eucalyptus oil can be a natural treatment for headaches. It is also beneficial for gastrointestinal pain due to its anesthetic properties, and can also lower pain caused by cramps. There are people who cannot drink tea may be a problem to people who cannot tolerate caffeine, however, peppermint tea does not contain this substance. This is beneficial also for people with sleep disorders. All its health benefits are due to its high content substances like menthol, menthone, and menthyl acetate. However, if suffering from acid reflux, peppermint tea can relax the gastroesophageal valve, allowing the food matter to return to the esophagus. More info click here.


Learning What Foods Trigger Migraine

Learning What Foods Trigger Migraine    

Chocolate and wine are considered the two main food triggers for migraines. However, there are other foods, such as the ones that contain sulfites, like dried fruits. Other food triggers are aged cheeses, processed food, and caffeine. Additional info click here.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Checking The Cause Of A Headache Before Taking A Painkiller

Checking The Cause Of A Headache Before Taking A Painkiller    

Dehydration, Oxygen Deprivation And Stress Might Be The Reasons    

When we have headaches, it is better to check what might be causing it than to take a pill. This can be painful, but the pill might act faster if the causes of the headache have been identified and taken care of. Among them are stress, dehydration, tension, poor sleeping, irregular meals, and oxygen deprivation, among others. Check at what time was your last meal, or how many glasses of water you have drunk in the day. Also, check if you are taking short breaths. This can cause oxygen deprivation in the brain and can be solved with long, deep breaths. Check all the natural cures for headaches. Click here for more info.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion

Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion    

A concussion can have long-term consequences, like structural brain damage which can result in depression and anxiety, chronic headaches and attention and concentration issues, among others. Among the symptoms of concussions are losing consciousness, a constant headache, and dizziness and balance issues, among others. Check all the concussion symptoms. Click here for more info.


This Smartphone App Can Help Avoid And Predict Migraine Attacks

This Smartphone App Can Help Avoid And Predict Migraine Attacks    

Many smartphone apps are oriented to health and well-being. One of them can identify the personal triggers for a migraine and rank them in order of importance. This way, the app can predict when a migraine attack is on the way. Additional info click here.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

New Handheld Device For Vestibular Migraine Treatment

New Handheld Device For Vestibular Migraine Treatment    

It Stimulates The Vagus Nerve, Based On A Similar Treatment For Vertigo And Epilepsy    

There is a condition called vestibular migraine. According to statistics, 15% of the world's population suffers from migraines, which can be moderate to severe headaches. Minor or moderate migraine can be confused with frequent headaches and not diagnosed. It also can be related to neurological issues, such as light sensitivity, nausea, dizziness, and disordered speech. In the case of vestibular migraine, the symptoms are vertigo and dizziness, including the sensation that everything is spinning over. Up to now, the causes have not been identified, and there is no clear treatment. However, researchers have devised a new treatment, consisting of a new a small handheld device that is placed over the neck, sending a short electrical impulse to activate the vagus nerve, which is a long nerve that goes from the brainstem through the neck, and is responsible for regulating all the organs in the body, including heart rate, intestinal movements, and mood. This treatment is being used for epilepsy and depression and may treat migraine headaches, and also vertigo not related to migraine.


Migraine Headaches And Lack Of Sleep May Be The Trigger For A Heart Attack

Migraine Headaches And Lack Of Sleep May Be The Trigger For A Heart Attack    

A heart attack can be triggered by a series of things. Among them are lack of sleep for people who slept less than 6 hours, migraine headaches with auras, cold weather, which causes the arteries to narrow, and air pollution, because dirty air is related to clogged arteries and heart disease. Click here for more details.


Tight Ponytails Can Be The Reason For Your Headache

Tight Ponytails Can Be The Reason For Your Headache    

Ponytails pt physical strain on the hair follicles, causing breakage and hair loss. But they also lead to a headache because it pulls the nerves on the scalp. His also happens in the case of tight buns. More details click here.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Identifying Flu From The Common Cold

Identifying Flu From The Common Cold    

Influenza, also known as flu, and a common cold can be difficult to identify for some people. This is important, because flu is a dangerous disease, and if not treated properly, it can be fatal. While the symptoms of the common cold are sneezing, a runny nose and a sore throat, influenza have fever, chills, general achiness, chest discomfort, and headache. Learn all the signs of flu. Click here for more info.


Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Headaches

Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Headaches    

They Can Also Be Used For Treating Dandruff And Gastric Conditions    

Essential oils are extracted from seeds and plants and have many health benefits. One of them is chamomile oil, which is good for skin care, helping with acne and inflammation. Also, peppermint oil can help with oral hygiene, headaches and also treat indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Researchers have also discovered that peppermint oil can be used as an alternative treatment for hair loss. Lavender oil can help improve the sleeping patterns, treating insomnia. Tea tree oil is very good for skin conditions and hair care, helping treat dandruff. Additional details click here.


Ibuprofen Painkiller Can Do More Harm Than Good If Having These Health Conditions

Ibuprofen Painkiller Can Do More Harm Than Good If Having These Health Conditions    

Among These Are Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, And Arthritis    

Ibuprofen belongs to a family of painkillers called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs). In certain situations, it can do more harm than good, such as the case of heart disease in, which might increase the risk of heart attack in 75%. Also, if suffering from hypertension, it could make the blood pressure medication less effective. Another condition in which this medication must be avoided is in the case of gastrointestinal issues, in which these drugs irritate the lining of the stomach, and also restrict the blood flow in this area, reducing its ability to repair itself. Arthritis and back pain suffers must also beware of these drugs. These painkillers not only increase blood pressure but also are not able to control the information enough to avoid further joint damage. Check all the health conditions that might worsen in taking this painkiller. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects

Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects    

If you have a hangover after a night with excess alcohol, it is very probable that you will take a painkiller, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. This can have serious side effects on your liver and on the stomach lining. Also, think twice about taking aspirin or paracetamol. Additional information click here.


The Combination Of Opioid Painkillers Plus Gabapentin Can Result In Severe Breathing Difficulties

The Combination Of Opioid Painkillers Plus Gabapentin Can Result In Severe Breathing Difficulties    

It Adds To The Risk Of Respiratory Depression And A Higher Risk Of Opioid Overdose Death    

Recent studies have shown that there is a risk of serious breathing difficulties for patients that use gabapentin, along with opioid painkillers, which are used for controlling chronic pain. However, some doctors also prescribe gabapentin, because it can be used as a treatment for depression that results because of chronic pain. It is also prescribed for epilepsy fibromyalgia, generalized anxiety disorder, and restless legs. Additionally, is also used to treat insomnia, social phobia, migraine, panic disorder and bipolar disorder, among others. Also, it will worsen the opioid crisis, which affects users who have been dependent on opioid painkillers. It is important for doctors to detect symptoms of misuse and abuse, as soon as anyone of the signals shows up. If both medications are used at the same time, it can lead to complications such as respiratory depression and a higher risk of abuse or opioid overdose deaths. Sleep apnea patients can be in a greater risk, due to the fact that they already have breathing difficulties at night because of the relaxation of the soft palate, which prevents a proper airflow, interrupts the breathing process, and lowers the blood oxygen level.


Coffee And Tea Can Help Reducing Headache Symptoms

Coffee And Tea Can Help Reducing Headache Symptoms    

They Also Improve The Effects Of Common Painkillers, Such As Paracetamol And Ibuprofen    

Drinking caffeine beverages can have positive effects on headache symptoms. Coffee and tea constrict the blood vessels and improves alertness and mood. Caffeine also improves the effects of common painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen. However, sudden suppression of caffeine intake can lead to headaches. Also, lowering carbohydrate intake, like in low-carb diets, can also result in headaches. It reduces the glycogen, the main source of energy of the brain, which in turn causes dehydration, triggering headaches. These can be avoided by drinking water and eating healthy carbs, like whole grains. Ginger is also effective on migraine sufferers due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Check all the foods that can help reduce headaches and migraine symptoms. Click here for more info.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Do You Have Frequent Sinus Headaches? Perhaps You Have Migraine

Do You Have Frequent Sinus Headaches? Perhaps You Have Migraine    

Sinus headache is caused by sinusitis, which can be the result of an allergy or flu. However, a recent study has shown that 86% of the patients diagnosed with sinus headaches actually have migraines. This is because the differences are too subtle and the specialists prescribe an antibiotic for the supposed sinus infection. Learn the differences between both conditions. More info click here.


Suffering From Tension Headaches? The Reason Might Be The Handbag

Suffering From Tension Headaches? The Reason Might Be The Handbag    

Handbags can be the cause of headaches among other health issues. This is because excessive pressure on the trapezius muscle, which connects with the back to the skull, can cause tension headaches. The solution is to reduce weight in the handbag and switch positions. Remember that a heavy handbag will also affect the spine and the posture. Check all the health issues with handbags. More Information click here.


Is Acupuncture Really Effective?

Is Acupuncture Really Effective?    

This Traditional Chinese Medicine Could Have An Impact On Treating Back Pain And Headaches    

Chronic pain sufferers are looking for alternative treatments, due to the addiction risk of opioids. One of them is acupuncture. However, doctors do not agree yet is it's effective or not. According to specialists in traditional Chinese medicine, inserting the needles in specific points balances the flow of energy in the body. In modern medicine, these points are considered to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers. It is used for back and neck pain, headaches, dental pain, and menstrual cramps, among others. The question is if it really works. Some say it has a placebo effect, but studies have shown a positive effect on the treatment of back pain, headaches, and migraines. Several studies show that acupuncture could have an impact on improving pain and reducing the need for medication. More info click here.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Red Wine Can Be A Major Migraine Trigger, But There Are Now Alternatives

Red Wine Can Be A Major Migraine Trigger, But There Are Now Alternatives    

Fruit-Based Wines Include Blackberry, Guava, Mango, And Black Cherries.    

There are many migraine triggers, and one of them is the tannins contained in red wine. To address these issue, there are now wines made of fermented fruit, rather than grapes. These fruits include guava, passion fruit, and key lime, which are some of the 40 different blends. Others are kiwi, mango, banana, and there is also blackberry, mango and black cherries for dark wine. These even have health benefits, such as antioxidants, potassium, among others. Click here for more details.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head

Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head    

One of the causes of migraine might be located in the neck, in which the vertebral disks presses the nerves. To research it, a clinic is conducting a study focusing on the neck and not the head, and without drugs. More Information click here.


Physical Activity Can Trigger Or Worsen Migraine Attacks

Physical Activity Can Trigger Or Worsen Migraine Attacks    

The Reason Is Anxiety Sensitivity, Which Causes Migraine Sufferers To Avoid Physical Activity Completely    

According to a study, migraine affects 10% to 15% of the population. One of the recommendations for migraine prevention is aerobic exercise. However, for 30%, who suffer migraines, physical exercise can actually trigger migraine episodes. Then, for these people, exercise must be avoided to control migraines. And some of them do not perform any physical activities to prevent these episodes. These patients might suffer from anxiety sensitivity, which is the fear of experiencing anxiety because of harmful physical or cognitive consequences, which also may be associated with the avoidance of physical exercise. This is true in the case of excessive physical exercise, which can potentially trigger or worsen a migraine attack. However, anxiety sensitivity is a perception that physical activity will trigger a migraine attack or worsen migraine symptoms. Therefore, the solution is to have moderate physical activity, which is part of the current treatment.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Green Light Exposure Is An Alternative To Migraine Drugs

Green Light Exposure Is An Alternative To Migraine Drugs    

It Increases The Level Of Endogenous Opioids    

Migraine is a debilitating condition that affects daily life. There are drugs to treat it, but some can have side effects. However, there is active research on alternative therapies. One of them is exposing the patient to green light. Even though it’s very simple and drew skepticism from other researchers, the result was positive with an exposure of three times per week. The outcome could be psychological, but also increases the level of endogenous opioids. More Information click here.


Botox Can Also Be Used For Treating Headaches And Migraines

Botox Can Also Be Used For Treating Headaches And Migraines    

Besides Cosmetic Treatments, It Can Also Be Used For Crossed Eyes, Eyelid Spasms, And Excessive Sweating, Among Others    

Botox is usually associated with cosmetic treatments and elimination of wrinkles. However, it has many other uses, due to its capacity to paralyze muscles. One of them is treatments for headaches and migraines. Some of the symptoms of these conditions are nausea, sensitivity to light and pain in the head, which can be caused by pain in the scalp muscles. These can be relaxed by injecting botox in the temples on the back of the neck, and at the base of the head. Also, many people frown involuntarily, which contributes to tension headaches. This can be alleviated by injecting botox between the eyebrows, also known as the glabellar area. It can also treat several issues related to eyesight, such as crossed eyes, or strabismus. This condition can be corrected by surgery, but some doctors prefer to inject botox to relax the muscles and see how the uncrossed eye will look. Another eye condition is thyroid eye disease, in which the eyelids are tightened due to hyperthyroidism, giving a look of retracted or bulging eyes. Patients also have difficulty lowering their eyelids completely, which fails to protect the surface of the eye and to moisturize it. The tightened eyelid muscles can be relaxed with Botox. In addition, another eye-related condition is eyelid spasms, also known as blepharospasms, in which there is a loss of control of the ability to communicate with the basal ganglia, an area of the brain responsible for controlling eye movements. This causes to have uncontrollable spasms or droopy eyelids. Botox blocks the communication between the nerves and the muscles, preventing the spams. Other uses of Botox are excessive sweating and drooping, among others. Check all the conditions that can be treated with botox. Additional details click here.


Learning What Foods Trigger Migraine

Learning What Foods Trigger Migraine    

Chocolate and wine are considered the two main food triggers for migraines. However, there are other foods, such as the ones that contain sulfites, like dried fruits. Other food triggers are aged cheeses, processed food, and caffeine. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines    

A new diet trend, the ketogenic diet, can be useful for migraines. The ketogenic diet consists in forcing the body to use fats as its primary energy source, instead of carbs. This is done by increasing the fat ingestion. A study revealed that the ketones also reduce the neural inflammation that causes both migraines and epilepsy. Click here for more info.


Researchers Are Working On A Model That Will Help Predict Migraine Attacks

Researchers Are Working On A Model That Will Help Predict Migraine Attacks    

It Is Based On The Stress Levels Of The Last 24 Hours    

Migraine sufferers know that an attack can happen at any time. This incapacitating condition affects their everyday life and patients are usually unprepared. Researchers are working on a model that will allow predicting when an attack will occur. This is based on monitoring the stress levels on the last 24 hours. Forecasting migraine attacks will help patients plan the type of daily activities and prepare them with their medicines. More info click here.


Magnesium Deficiency Can Affect Many Body Functions

Magnesium Deficiency Can Affect Many Body Functions    

Among Its Signs Are High Blood Pressure, Muscle Cramps, Fatigue, Osteoporosis, Sleep Disorders, And Heart Arrhythmia    

Magnesium is fundamental for more than 300 different biochemical functions in the body. However, some people are deficient in this mineral. Among these functions are protein synthesis, nerve and muscle function, blood pressure control, regulation of blood sugar, hormone regulation, DNA synthesis and immune system health. There are some symptoms that can reveal magnesium deficiency. Among them are fatigue, which is usually associated with iron deficiency, but also can be a symptom of magnesium deficiency. Another sign is constant muscle cramps and spasms, due to issues in the muscle operation and regulation of muscle contractions. Magnesium deficiency prevents muscles to relax properly, resulting in cramps spans and twitches. Another symptom is osteoporosis, which increases the risk of fractures and bone breakage. Additionally, poor sleep can also be a symptom of magnesium deficiency, because it improves the sleep quality by helping the muscles and the brain to relax and contributing to melatonin production, a substance that regulates the sleep cycles. It is also required to relax the blood vessels, and its deficiency can result in high blood pressure. Other signs are migraine, nausea, and heart arrhythmia. Magnesium helps with a healthy heartbeat, along with sodium, potassium and calcium. Its deficiency can stimulate in excess the cells in the heart muscle, leading to an irregular or rapid heartbeat.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Study: Low Sleep Fragmentation And Sleep Efficiency Related To A Higher Risk Of Migraine

Study: Low Sleep Fragmentation And Sleep Efficiency Related To A Higher Risk Of Migraine    

Sleep Disturbance Triggered Migraine On Nearly 50% Of Patients    

According to specialists, there is a relation between a higher risk of migraine episodes, and low sleep efficiency and sleep fragmentation. Sleep efficiency is defined as the amount of time a person is awake in time in bed while trying to sleep and sleep fragmentation is low sleep efficiency. Nearly 50% of all patients with migraine reported that it was triggered by sleep disturbance. However, there is a lack of data in the relationship between both, which makes it difficult for a specialist to determine which treatment would be better for these patients. The study reported that sleep fragmentation increased the risk of migraines by 39%, however it did not find a real relationship between migraines and short sleep duration or insufficient duration.


Migraine Can Be Treated By A Piercing In The Ear

Migraine Can Be Treated By A Piercing In The Ear    

The daith is the inner cartilage of the ear. There are people who had got rid of migraine by making a piercing in it, although there are nor serious studies to back it up. It possibly has to relate to the vagus nerve. More info click here.


Nausea Can Have A Variety Of Causes, Besides Pregnancy And Food Poisoning

Nausea Can Have A Variety Of Causes, Besides Pregnancy And Food Poisoning        

Among Them Are Migraine, Stress, Dehydration, And Acid Reflux    

Nausea is a common symptom that can be caused by several health conditions, such as gastrointestinal illnesses, hormonal issues, motion sickness, and pregnancy. There are other causes, such as a migraine, which is related to a mechanism that signals the blood vessels in the brain to grow bigger and can affect the area of the brain related to nausea and vomiting. Anxiety is also another cause, in which the stress hormone cortisol forces the body to react as in a potential danger, sending the blood to the muscles instead of the organs and digestive system, causing nausea. These hormones also increase the contractions in the stomach. Dehydration can also cause nausea, in which the body sends the blood to the most important organs, which are the brain and the heart, reducing the flow to the other organs. In addition, acid reflux can also cause nausea. The acidic matter returns through the esophagus, damaging its lining, leading to nausea, Check all the causes of nausea. Click here for more info.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Check These Unusual Headaches Triggers

Check These Unusual Headaches Triggers    

A headache can be triggered by a variety of reasons. For example, dried, smoked or aged foods like cheeses or salami contain sulfites, which dilates the blood vessels. Other are fragrances and smells, like gasoline, perfume or tobacco, the computer screen brightness, which stimulates the optical nerve, and dehydration, which narrows the blood vessels. Check all the causes of headaches. More info click here.


Sleep Apnea Occurs When Being Asleep And Can Be Difficult To Detect

Sleep Apnea Occurs When Being Asleep And Can Be Difficult To Detect    

Among The Symptoms Are Excessive Fatigue, Snoring, And Morning Headaches    

Sleep apnea is not easy to detect, because it occurs while sleeping. There are symptoms that can help identify it. The most common is excess snoring, which will probably be a cause to complain from the partner, but is not detectable if the person lies alone. Snoring also comes with regular breathing pauses, which disrupts sleep. The interruption in breathing leads to poor brain oxygenation, which results in headaches and excess fatigue when waking up, and also poor concentration and memory loss. It is important to check the symptoms, because, if sleep apnea is untreated, it can lead to serious health conditions, such as heart failure, diabetes, and strokes. Check all the symptoms of sleep apnea. Click here for more details.


LED Bulbs May Be A Source Of Headache Due To Their Flickering

LED Bulbs May Be A Source Of Headache Due To Their Flickering    

They Flicker Four Times More Than Fluorescent Lights    

According to a specialist, LED bulbs could be a source of a headache because of their continuous flickering. This means that they turn on and off hundreds of times per second, which causes a disrupting movement control of the eyes, making the brain to work harder. These bulbs double the risk of having a headache. They work with the alternating current of the power grid, which causes the flicker. A research showed that fluorescent lights in offices flickered 100 per second, whereas LED bulbs flicker 400 times per second, increasing the chance of a headache. Click here for more info.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Chili Pepper Ingestion Resulted In An Intense Headache

Chili Pepper Ingestion Resulted In An Intense Headache    

The Cause Was A Narrowing Of The Brain’s Arteries    

Chili pepper ingestion can result in a severe headache called thunderclap headache. Studies on one patient revealed that it has caused a narrowing in the brain’s arteries called “reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome”. The headache becomes so intense, that it might be mistaken for a stroke. Other cases of chili peppers and spicy food ingestion have resulted in heart attack, and studies have found a relationship between capsaicin, the active ingredient in peppers, and higher heart rate and blood pressure, due to the fact that this ingredient affects the function of blood vessels. Even though there are not enough cases to define a link between chili peppers and a thunderclap headache, it is advisable to be careful when eating them if the person has blood pressure, or has a propensity to headaches. More details click here.


Friday, September 11, 2020

Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects

Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects    

Among These Are Drowsiness, Headaches, And Gastrointestinal Issues    

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain, which regulates when the body should fall asleep or wake up, also known as the circadian rhythm. It can be taken as a supplement, which helps with sleep disorders and also with jet lag. However, it has side effects, such as drowsiness, similar to the sensation of a hangover. This happens when the body does not process the supplement quickly. In other cases, it is insomnia, which is a completely opposite effect than the one sought. This happens because the body starts producing melatonin at sundown, and, if taken at late night, it might not work. Headaches and gastrointestinal issues are also present due to the fact that the body might react differently to the supplement. Click here for more info.


A Sore Throat Can Also Affect The Ears Causing Headache And Even Hearing Loss

A Sore Throat Can Also Affect The Ears Causing Headache And Even Hearing Loss    

Among The Causes Are A Bacterial Infection, Tonsillitis Sinusitis, And Even Tooth Infection    

A sore throat can also cause ear pain because the nerves in the back of the throat are located near the nerves from the ear, the throat pain often radiates to one or both ears. Also, the ears communicate with the throat via the Eustachian tube, which can transmit bacteria or swell, increasing the pressure of the ear. the infection can originate in the ear, in the form of otitis media, or even in the ear canal, which can become moist, promoting the growth of bacteria. Symptoms are a sore throat, headache, earache, and hearing loss. Other conditions to throat inflammation are related to the tonsils and bacterial infections. The sinuses an also affect the throat and ears, due to sinusitis and allergies. Additional causes are related to oral health in the form of a tooth abscess, which is a pocket of pus grows at the root’s tip of the tooth, causing a severe pain that radiates to the jawbone and ear. Check all the causes of a sore throat and how it can affect the ears. Additional details click here.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines    

A new diet trend, the ketogenic diet, can be useful for migraines. The ketogenic diet consists in forcing the body to use fats as its primary energy source, instead of carbs. This is done by increasing the fat ingestion. A study revealed that the ketones also reduce the neural inflammation that causes both migraines and epilepsy. Click here for more info.


Migraine And Epilepsy Are Two Neurological Conditions That Can Trigger Sudden Attacks

Migraine And Epilepsy Are Two Neurological Conditions That Can Trigger Sudden Attacks    

Learn The Symptoms, As Well As Other Main Neurological Conditions    

Many people believe that a migraine is just a strong headache. Migraine is a neurological condition, which includes a primary headache which can last for up to 72 hours. It has other symptoms that differentiate it from a strong headache, such as increased sensitivity to sound and smell, pulsating pain in the head, and eye pain. Other common symptoms are depression, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and neck stiffness. Migraine is one of the main neurological conditions that can cause a sudden attack. Another is epilepsy, which can cause uncontrolled jerking of the limbs, with or without loss of consciousness, and even muscle stiffness. Learn the symptoms of other main neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. Click here for more information.


Is Acupuncture Really Effective?

Is Acupuncture Really Effective?    

This Traditional Chinese Medicine Could Have An Impact On Treating Back Pain And Headaches    

Chronic pain sufferers are looking for alternative treatments, due to the addiction risk of opioids. One of them is acupuncture. However, doctors do not agree yet is it's effective or not. According to specialists in traditional Chinese medicine, inserting the needles in specific points balances the flow of energy in the body. In modern medicine, these points are considered to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers. It is used for back and neck pain, headaches, dental pain, and menstrual cramps, among others. The question is if it really works. Some say it has a placebo effect, but studies have shown a positive effect on the treatment of back pain, headaches, and migraines. Several studies show that acupuncture could have an impact on improving pain and reducing the need for medication. More info click here.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Study: Turmeric Could Provide A Natural Treatment For Chronic Headaches

Study: Turmeric Could Provide A Natural Treatment For Chronic Headaches    

Its Active Component Has Antioxidant And Anti-Inflammatory Properties    

Turmeric is a spice popular in Indian cuisine. According to specialists, it can be used to treat headaches due to its component curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These can help in the prevention of migraines. However, there have been studies with opposite conclusions: while one states that the body has difficulty absorbing curcumin, other shows its positive effects on reducing the production of a protein that activates neurons, neuroinflammation, and pain. Therefore, these conflicting results indicate that more research is required. However, we have read before about the health benefits of turmeric and curcumin, so it’s worth giving it a try. More info click here.


Identifying A Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Leak

Identifying A Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Leak    

The Fluid Leaks Through The Eyes And Ears, Causing Tinnitus And Postural Upright Headaches    

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a fluid that surrounds the spinal cord and the brain. It works as a shock absorber in case of contusions, and also delivers nutrients to them. It is contained by a series of tissues that cover the brain inside the skull, known as the dura mater, and if this tissue tears, the CSF can escape. It can leak from the nose, ears or even into tissues such as muscles, and the connective tissues surrounding the spinal column, leading to serious complications like meningitis and seizures. It can be identified by an upright, headache, which gets worse when the head is in an upright position, when a person is sitting or standing, or if the headache worsens throughout the day. Also, another symptom is a watery and clear fluid that drained from the nose or ears, when moving their head, especially when bending forward. It can also drain to the back of the throat, having a salty and metallic taste. The CSF is not to be confused with mucus caused by sinusitis, which is thick and sticky. Additional symptoms are tinnitus or ringing in their ears, changes in vision and hearing loss. It can be caused by head injuries that can fracture bones in their face, or in that temporal areas, which tear the dura matter, resulting in CSF leaks. Other causes are infections, lumbar puncture, and epidural injections


Headaches Can Be Caused By A Poor Posture

Headaches Can Be Caused By A Poor Posture    

We have talked about foods as headaches triggers. There are other triggers, such as posture. While working on a computer or looking down at a screen of a digital device, the neck has excess tension, which will lead to a headache. This is because the neck is designed to work in a neutral position. Another cause of headaches is dehydration. More Information click here.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

New Migraine Treatment Exposes Balance Organs To Different Temperatures

New Migraine Treatment Exposes Balance Organs To Different Temperatures    

The Treatment Is Called Caloric Vestibular Stimulation And Reduces The Migraine Frequency And Intensity    

A recent study has shown the results of caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) for migraine treatment. This consists of exposing the balance organs in the ear to different temperatures. The balance organs are assumed to affect an area in the brain, known as the brainstem, which is related to migraine headaches. This treatment reduced the frequency of the headaches, as well as the intensity of the pain. Click here for more details.


Headache Treatment Though Sound-Based Therapy

Headache Treatment Though Sound-Based Therapy    

There is a new therapy based on the sound that is showing positive effects on controlling high blood pressure and migraine. It reads brain activity using sensors in the scalp. This activity is transformed into audible tones and immediately reflected in the brain. The treatment has also proved effective for insomnia. Additional information click here.


Overthinking Can Result In Headaches, Muscle Tension, And Even Back Problems

Overthinking Can Result In Headaches, Muscle Tension, And Even Back Problems    

It Consists Of Replaying Scenarios In The Mind Over And Over    

Overthinking is different from thinking. It consists of replaying situations or scenarios in the mind over and over again. Overthinking is the result of excessive left-hemisphere activity, which can physical and emotional issues. Among them are headaches, ulcers, muscle tension, and even back problems. The brain creates thoughts based on your past programming and are sometimes bad, trapped on an endless loop of self-criticism and negative thoughts. Meditation can also help let go of these negative thoughts when stuck in that downward spiraling cycle of rumination. More Information click here.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Paracetamol Is Effective Only For Mild Pain

Paracetamol Is Effective Only For Mild Pain    

Paracetamol was introduced in 1956. However, a recent study shows that it is ineffective for most of the conditions it is prescribed. It can be a first-line painkiller for headache or back pain, but for more serious or chronic pain, it is better to go with more potent drugs. Additional info click here.


Red Wine Can Be A Major Migraine Trigger, But There Are Now Alternatives

Red Wine Can Be A Major Migraine Trigger, But There Are Now Alternatives    

Fruit-Based Wines Include Blackberry, Guava, Mango, And Black Cherries.    

There are many migraine triggers, and one of them is the tannins contained in red wine. To address these issue, there are now wines made of fermented fruit, rather than grapes. These fruits include guava, passion fruit, and key lime, which are some of the 40 different blends. Others are kiwi, mango, banana, and there is also blackberry, mango and black cherries for dark wine. These even have health benefits, such as antioxidants, potassium, among others. Click here for more details.


Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak    

Symptoms Are A Strong Headache, Neck Pain, Tinnitus, And Even Coma    

Researchers have found a correlation between snoring and a thinner skull. The thinning is up to 1.23 mm, however, a skull erosion of 1mm can cause a spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak (sCSF-L). This allows the liquid that serves as a cushion to the brain and spinal cord to flow away by the eroded area. The result can be life-threatening, including coma, stroke, and symptoms of dementia. This serious condition is also associated with obesity. The causes are not clear. The main symptom is a headache that gets more severe when upright and lying down. Other symptoms are neck pain, light or sound sensitivity, tinnitus, hearing changes, among others. Click here for more details.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Headache And Nausea Cures Can Be Found In The Kitchen

Headache And Nausea Cures Can Be Found In The Kitchen    

Certain foods found in the kitchen can help as home cures for common illnesses. For example, nausea caused by pregnancy can be treated with ginger. Headaches can be cured with a big glass of water, due to dehydration, but an apple or walnuts can also help. Sleep problems can be treated with kiwi, which is rich on folates, a B vitamin, which helps the brain to produce sleep-inducing chemicals. Click here for more information.


Friday, September 4, 2020

Ponytail Headache May Persist After The Hair Has Been Loosened

Ponytail Headache May Persist After The Hair Has Been Loosened    

The Cause May Be A High Level Of Scalp Sensitivity    

Ponytail headaches occur when people use tight hairstyles, such as ponytails, braids or buns, stimulating the nerve receptors on the scalp. Also, it might cause traction alopecia, which leads to hair loss due to the constant stress on the hair follicles. However, some people have more scalp sensitivity than others, which results in not only a more intense headache, but it persists even after the hair has been loosened. More details click here.


Probiotics May Help In Reducing The Symptoms Of Heartburn And Indigestion

Probiotics May Help In Reducing The Symptoms Of Heartburn And Indigestion    

It Also Helps Decreasing The Frequency Of Migraine Attacks And Controls Bad Breath    

Probiotics are one of the most important supplements to consider. They promote gut bacteria in the intestine. Digestive problems and acid reflux have been related to a poor balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Heartburn can be treated with probiotics, which has been found in foods and also supplements. Probiotics also help to fight pathogenic bacteria and even yeast overgrowth and also supports the digestive function. If the digestive tract has not had enough acid to digest proteins, absorb vitamins and minerals, and fight pathogenic bacteria, it will take longer for the stomach to break down the food. The undigested food matter begins to ferment in the stomach, resulting in gas, which pushes up the stomach acid into the esophagus. Probiotics also help treat bad breath, because one of its causes, besides poor digestion, acid reflux, and poor oral hygiene, is the proliferation of the wrong type of bacteria in the digestive tract. Also, according to studies, migraine sufferers have reduced the frequency and severity of the migraine attacks with the help of probiotics, which help to regulate the inflammatory response. Review the other benefits of probiotics Additional information click here.


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines    

A new diet trend, the ketogenic diet, can be useful for migraines. The ketogenic diet consists in forcing the body to use fats as its primary energy source, instead of carbs. This is done by increasing the fat ingestion. A study revealed that the ketones also reduce the neural inflammation that causes both migraines and epilepsy. Click here for more info.


Drug-Free Migraine Treatments Proved To Reduce Symptoms By 50% And Are Less Costly

Drug-Free Migraine Treatments Proved To Reduce Symptoms By 50% And Are Less Costly    

However, Patients Failed To Take Them Due To Time Availability, Insurance Coverage, And Skepticism About Its Effectiveness    

Migraine treatment is usually based on drugs which act on the migraine symptoms when an episode has already begun. Other drugs recently approved are oriented toward preventing migraines. However, besides their beneficial effects, drugs have also side effects. There are migraine therapies that don’t involve drugs, such as stress management, cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques and biofeedback, which, according to studies, have proven to reduce migraine symptoms by 50%. Drug-free treatments are less costly than medications and have long-term benefits. However, patients are skeptical about these treatments, even if they are less expensive and cut migraine symptoms by half. According to the study, the reasons were time availability, insurance coverage, and doubts about its effectiveness. Click here for more information.


Stopping Caffeine Intake Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Bad Breath

Stopping Caffeine Intake Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Bad Breath    

However, It Might Result In Headaches And Mood Changes    

Many people consider that a cup of coffee is fundamental for their morning energy boost. Some even take several cups during the day, but it might lead to gastrointestinal problems or excess anxiety. Therefore, the solution is to cut it back. However, this can result in several health issues, due to the body’s dependence on caffeine. One of them are headaches caused by coffee withdrawal. This is because caffeine causes a constriction in the blood vessels in the brain, slowing the blood flow. When they expand, the increase in blood flow causes headaches, which will continue until the brain adapts to the new blood flow. This also means that caffeine can also e used to treat headaches. Another side effect id a change in the mood, because if the absence of the stimulant properties of caffeine. This can also cause depression and irritability. It might also lower the energy levels, increasing fatigue, until the body adapts itself. The absence of caffeine will also provide better sleep. It might also have positive effects lowering the blood pressure, which can be caused by a widening of the arteries. Another reason can be that the lack of caffeine lowers the production of adrenaline, which causes an elevation in blood pressure. It also has beneficial effects if oral health, such as less discoloration on the tooth enamel, and lowers the risk of bad breath. This is because caffeine also causes dry mouth, which promoted the growth of foul-smelling bacteria, increasing the risk of gum disease. The downside is that coffee has also beneficial effects, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and a longer lifespan, among others More info click here.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One    

Uncontrollable Eye Twitching Can Be A Sign Of High Blood Pressure Or Burnout    

Headaches are a common symptom of hypertension. However, there are unusual symptoms, such as eye twitching. This shows as an uncontrollable spasm of the upper or lower eyelid and can last for a short time to several hours. This can be a symptom of other conditions, like burnout, low level of magnesium and even hyperthyroidism. More Information click here.


Morning Headaches Related To Sleeping Positions

Morning Headaches Related To Sleeping Positions    

Sometimes we wake up with a headache. The cause can be a bad sleeping posture. While sleeping, the muscles are relaxed, but when waking up, their effort to support the spine and head can result in a headache. Check which sleeping postures make the body more susceptible to morning headaches. Click here for more details.


Prevalence Of Migraine In Women Over Men Could Have A Hormonal Cause

Prevalence Of Migraine In Women Over Men Could Have A Hormonal Cause    

Prolactin Makes More Sensitive The Trigeminal Nerve, Which Is Related To Headaches    

According to studies, migraine attacks more women than men. Researchers believe that it is related to sex hormones affect the cells around the trigeminal nerve, which is related to headaches, and the blood vessels in the head. Also, estrogens make these cells more sensitive to migraine triggers. Another cause that explains the prevalence of migraines among women is that testosterone seems to protect against migraines, decreasing cell sensitivity in the trigeminal nerve, while prolactin worsens migraine, increasing cell sensitivity. It could also explain the migraine frequency in menstruating women and during changes in hormone levels. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Spinal Hygiene Promotes Guidelines For A Proper Posture And Sleeping Position

Spinal Hygiene Promotes Guidelines For A Proper Posture And Sleeping Position    

A Poor Posture May Cause Back Pain, Heartburn, And Even Recurrent Headaches    

The risk of spinal damage increases with less movement, not with more movement, which was a popular belief. According to researchers, people prefer to spend their free time on the couch or playing a video game, instead of going out. This can be prevented by practicing spinal hygiene, which is a group of guidelines that promote spinal health. Among these are avoiding a poor posture, which he decreases the lung capacity, increases the risk of heartburn because it rises the pressure inside the abdomen, increases the risk of constipation, and also may be the cause or recurrent headaches. Other aspects of spinal hygiene are avoiding lack of exercise, weight gain, and long sitting periods. It is important also to have a proper posture, sleeping on one site, maintaining in the head aligned with the rest of the spine. More details click here.


Coffee Withdrawal Can Result In Strong Headaches

Coffee Withdrawal Can Result In Strong Headaches    

On The Other Hand, It Can Also Act As A Painkiller, Enhancing The Effects Of Paracetamol Or Aspirin    

A cup of coffee in the morning I essential for most people to be more alert, more able to concentrate and to focus, and also boosts the mood, to a sensation of euphoria. The reason is that it enters the brain and blocks the receptors that affect brain activity. However, it is also addictive. Missing the morning coffee can lead to irritability, fatigue, and poor concentration. There are also negative effects caused by caffeine withdrawal, and one of them is headaches. They can be mild, or they can las one or two days. In migraine sufferers, it can trigger a migraine attack. This can also happen to frequent tea drinkers who stop ingesting it. Symptoms of caffeine withdrawal are not lined to heavy drinkers. It can happen to people just by drinking it for three days and stopping the fourth day. To control these headaches, it is only necessary for a small cup of coffee. The reason can also be in the mind. Researchers have given decaf coffee to people with headaches caused by withdrawal, telling them that it was regular coffee, and headaches ceased. On the other hand, coffee also acts like as a painkiller, and it can even enhance the effectivity of NSAIDs painkillers, like paracetamol or aspirin. More details click here.


Lack Of Vitamin D Related To Chronic Headache

Lack Of Vitamin D Related To Chronic Headache    

A recent study has shown that vitamin D deficiency is related to chronic headache. Vitamin D is produced in the skin as a response to sunlight, therefore, chronic headache was more frequent in months with low sunshine, such as winter or autumn. Additional info click here.