Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Researchers Are Working On A Model That Will Help Predict Migraine Attacks

Researchers Are Working On A Model That Will Help Predict Migraine Attacks    

It Is Based On The Stress Levels Of The Last 24 Hours    

Migraine sufferers know that an attack can happen at any time. This incapacitating condition affects their everyday life and patients are usually unprepared. Researchers are working on a model that will allow predicting when an attack will occur. This is based on monitoring the stress levels on the last 24 hours. Forecasting migraine attacks will help patients plan the type of daily activities and prepare them with their medicines. More info click here.


Do You Have Headaches On Rainy Days And Thunderstorms? This Is The Reason

Do You Have Headaches On Rainy Days And Thunderstorms? This Is The Reason    

It Is Related To Low Atmospheric Pressure    

Headaches can be related to rainy days. However, the cause is not the rain or the level of humidity. A lower barometric pressure is associated with rainy weather and thunderstorms – this is how barometers can forecast the weather. A lower pressure leads to a difference in pressure between the sinuses and the atmosphere. The same happens when there is low pressure in a plane or when it suddenly varies its altitude. Click here for more information.


Headaches Can Be Originated On The Cervical Nerves, Leading To A Misdiagnosis

Headaches Can Be Originated On The Cervical Nerves, Leading To A Misdiagnosis    

The Pain Reflects  To The Head, And The Symptoms Are Similar To Headaches Or Migraine    

We have discussed the causes of headaches. There is an overlooked cause and originates on the spinal nerves in the neck, located in C1, C2, and C3. These carry the sensation from the face to the brain. However, they share a common pain nucleus, which makes the brain to assume that the pain is being located in the head. This results in misdiagnosis since the symptoms are the same as a headache, but it also includes a possible increase of pain along with head movements. A proper diagnostic will help avoid the extra cost and pain of an erroneous treatment. Additional details click here.


Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One    

Uncontrollable Eye Twitching Can Be A Sign Of High Blood Pressure Or Burnout    

Headaches are a common symptom of hypertension. However, there are unusual symptoms, such as eye twitching. This shows as an uncontrollable spasm of the upper or lower eyelid and can last for a short time to several hours. This can be a symptom of other conditions, like burnout, low level of magnesium and even hyperthyroidism. More Information click here.


Monday, December 30, 2019

New Drug-Free Migraine Treatment Varies The Temperature Of The Balance Organs

New Drug-Free Migraine Treatment Varies The Temperature Of The Balance Organs    

It Is Done With Special Headphones And A Handheld Device    

Recent research has shown a new therapy for treating migraine with mild temperature changes in the balance organs. This is known as caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) is done with special headphones and a handheld device, and sends cool and warm temperatures to the balance organs in the inner ear, which are connected to the brain areas responsible for migraine. An additional advantage is that it is drug-free treatment. Click here for more details.


Excess Smartphone Usage Can Lead To Headaches, Sensitivity To Light And Blurred Vision

Excess Smartphone Usage Can Lead To Headaches, Sensitivity To Light And Blurred Vision    

Avoid It By Adjusting The Viewing Angle And Reducing The Glare    

Our eyes have been designed for long distance as well as short distance viewing. However, modern life is oriented to short distance viewing in the form of computer screens and portable devices. In the case of smartphones, it gets worse because the head is set to an angle that stresses the neck. The result can he headaches due to the excessive eye and neck strain. Also, it can lead to blurred vision, sensitivity to light and back pain. It can be avoided by adjusting the viewing angle and reducing the glare, among others. Check the full list. Additional info click here.


Dehydration Can Result In Headaches And High Blood Pressure

Dehydration Can Result In Headaches And High Blood Pressure    

Most Body Functions Depend On A Proper Hydration    

Dehydration affects most body processes, such as nutrient transportation, temperature regulation, and skin health, among others. Its main symptoms are headaches and nausea. Therefore, it is important to carry a bottle of water, especially in hot climates. Failure to hydrate properly can lead to more serious conditions, such as depression, allergies, high blood pressure and can also affect mental clarity. More details click here.


Certain Foods Can Result In A Serious Discomfort, Resulting In A Food Hangover

Certain Foods Can Result In A Serious Discomfort, Resulting In A Food Hangover    

Symptoms Are Similar To Alcohol Hangover Can Be Caused By Intolerance To Certain Foods Or Additives    

Hangovers are related to excess drinking. However, it can also be a result of the wrong food. The reasons can be an intolerance to specific foods, certain ingredients or food additives. The results can be headaches, irritability, and digestive issues, similar to alcohol hangovers. Among the causes are excess fat, high salt, sugar, or starch. One of the main issues is that patients do not associate their discomfort with the food they ate the day before, and look for other health conditions. Click here for more info.


Sunday, December 29, 2019

New Device For Treatment Of Cluster Headaches

New Device For Treatment Of Cluster Headaches    

It Stimulates The Vagus Nerve    

There is a new device for migraine treatment, which stimulates the vagus nerve through the skin. It is oriented to episodic cluster headache and transmits a minor electrical stimulation to the vagus nerve. It showed a significant reduction in pain in patients. Additional information click here.


Acupuncture Can Work As A Potent Analgesic For Back Pain And Migraine

Acupuncture Can Work As A Potent Analgesic For Back Pain And Migraine    

It Can Also Treat Depression And Hot Flashes    

Acupuncture in an ancient Chinese therapy that can treat a series of health conditions. One of them is chronic pain. Studies have shown that it can even work as a powerful analgesic in case of severe pain for migraines, back pain, and sprained ankles. Depression can also be treated with acupuncture, which is good news, considering that antidepressants have poor effectivity in half of the patients. Women with menopause can also benefit from it as a low-cost, low-risk treatment for treating how flashes. Check all the benefits of acupuncture. More info click here.


Green Light Exposure Is An Alternative To Migraine Drugs

Green Light Exposure Is An Alternative To Migraine Drugs    

It Increases The Level Of Endogenous Opioids    

Migraine is a debilitating condition that affects daily life. There are drugs to treat it, but some can have side effects. However, there is active research on alternative therapies. One of them is exposing the patient to green light. Even though it’s very simple and drew skepticism from other researchers, the result was positive with an exposure of three times per week. The outcome could be psychological, but also increases the level of endogenous opioids. More Information click here.


New Migraine Treatment Exposes Balance Organs To Different Temperatures

New Migraine Treatment Exposes Balance Organs To Different Temperatures    

The Treatment Is Called Caloric Vestibular Stimulation And Reduces The Migraine Frequency And Intensity    

A recent study has shown the results of caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) for migraine treatment. This consists of exposing the balance organs in the ear to different temperatures. The balance organs are assumed to affect an area in the brain, known as the brainstem, which is related to migraine headaches. This treatment reduced the frequency of the headaches, as well as the intensity of the pain. Click here for more details.


Saturday, December 28, 2019

Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium

Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium    

Magnesium Deficiency Might Result In Migraines, Insomnia, And Anxiety    

If you are dreaming about chocolates, it may be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Dark chocolate, with a high percentage of cocoa, is a source of magnesium. This mineral is fundamental for many body processes, such as a proper nerve and muscle functioning. Lack of magnesium might lead to migraines, insomnia, anxiety, difficulty to concentrate and extreme fatigue. Additional info click here.


Health Benefits Of Cucumber For Migraine Pain

Health Benefits Of Cucumber For Migraine Pain    

Relieving Tension With Pilates And Regular Eating Will Also Help    

There are foods that will help prevent migraines. One of them is cucumber. One of the causes of migraine is dehydration, but sometimes it is not possible to take the advised eight glasses of water per day. Cucumbers have 96% of water, which will help with water intake. Pilates can also ease migraines: thinking about regular breathing, alignment and posture clears the mind. Regular eating will help prevent glucose variations in the blood. One of the causes of headache. Check the full advice. More details click here.


Checking The Cause Of A Headache Before Taking A Painkiller

Checking The Cause Of A Headache Before Taking A Painkiller    

Dehydration, Oxygen Deprivation And Stress Might Be The Reasons    

When we have headaches, it is better to check what might be causing it than to take a pill. This can be painful, but the pill might act faster if the causes of the headache have been identified and taken care of. Among them are stress, dehydration, tension, poor sleeping, irregular meals, and oxygen deprivation, among others. Check at what time was your last meal, or how many glasses of water you have drunk in the day. Also, check if you are taking short breaths. This can cause oxygen deprivation in the brain and can be solved with long, deep breaths. Check all the natural cures for headaches. Click here for more info.


LED Bulbs May Be A Source Of Headache Due To Their Flickering

LED Bulbs May Be A Source Of Headache Due To Their Flickering    

They Flicker Four Times More Than Fluorescent Lights    

According to a specialist, LED bulbs could be a source of a headache because of their continuous flickering. This means that they turn on and off hundreds of times per second, which causes a disrupting movement control of the eyes, making the brain to work harder. These bulbs double the risk of having a headache. They work with the alternating current of the power grid, which causes the flicker. A research showed that fluorescent lights in offices flickered 100 per second, whereas LED bulbs flicker 400 times per second, increasing the chance of a headache. Click here for more info.


Friday, December 27, 2019

Retinal Migraine Includes Flashes Of Light, But Not Headaches

Retinal Migraine Includes Flashes Of Light, But Not Headaches    

It Can Also Cause Temporary Blindness In One Eye    

Migraine is not always related to headache symptoms. This is the case of ocular or retinal migraine, which includes signs such as blurred vision, flashes of light and temporary blindness. Since it excludes headaches, it is often called “silent migraine”. Another difference is that it usually affects only one eye, while a headache-type migraine with aura affects the vision of both eyes. The cause is the sudden narrowing of blood vessels in one eye, reducing the blood flow. Additional details click here.


Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain

Incorrect Sleeping Positions Will Lead To Headaches And Back Pain    

The Cause Is Sleep Apnea And An Improper Alignment Of The Spine    

An incorrect sleeping position can lead to neck and back pain or a headache when waking up. Sleeping on the back might relax the tissues at the back of the tongue, resulting in snoring and sleep apnea. This interrupts the breathing and causes poor brain oxygenation, which is the cause of a headache. This sleeping position will also cause neck pain, especially if the pillow is too high or too low. Also, studies have shown that nightmares are more common when a person sleeps on the left side, but, on the other hand, this position is the best for avoiding acid reflux. Click here for more information.


Positive Results For Migraine Treatment On An Experimental Drug Based On Cannabis

Positive Results For Migraine Treatment On An Experimental Drug Based On Cannabis    

Migraine Headache Reduced In 40%    

According to a study, an experimental drug derived from marijuana is as effective as widely used medications for migraine treatment. By combining two cannabinoids, the result was a reduction of 40% in migraine attacks. In the case of women, it resulted also in a decline of stomach ache, musculoskeletal pain, and colitis. This is consistent with other studies that have shown a decrease of migraine pain by inhaling or ingesting cannabis. More here More info click here.


If The Migraine Medications Are Not Working, It Can Be A Symptom Of A Brain Tumor

If The Migraine Medications Are Not Working, It Can Be A Symptom Of A Brain Tumor    

Other Symptoms Are Nausea And High-Intensity Headaches    

A migraine is a neurological condition with steep headaches. In some cases, it can be a symptom of a more serious illness, such as a brain tumor. This can be identified by several warning signs. One is that the medication is being ineffective – the headaches persist even when taking the prescribed drugs. Other is vomiting or nausea related to a headache, and the last one is a high-intensity level. Additional information click here.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Lowering Body Temperature And Strong Coffee Will Help Easing Migraine Pain

Lowering Body Temperature And Strong Coffee Will Help Easing Migraine Pain    

A migraine attack usually happens suddenly. There is some natural advice to deal with it. For example, caffeine will help ease the attack, and the stronger, the coffee, the better, with no milk. Another thing is to cool the body. The temperature can be lowered with a cold shower and even in a room with strong air conditioning. Check all the tips. Additional info click here.


Migraine Attacks Affects Levels Of Dopamine, The Feel-Good Neurotransmitter

Migraine Attacks Affects Levels Of Dopamine, The Feel-Good Neurotransmitter    

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps one feel good, regulating motivation, emotion, and sensory perception. Recent studies have shown that dopamine levels fluctuate in patients with migraine attacks. This will help researchers understand more about dopamine-based treatments for controlling migraine pain. Click here for more details.


Avoiding Headaches While Swimming

Avoiding Headaches While Swimming    

Tight Swimming Caps Or Goggles May Compress Certain Nerves    

Swimming is one of the most complete exercises because it involves a large number of muscles, boosts the cardiovascular system and helps with back pain.  However, there are a number of health conditions that can derive from it. One is Swimmer’s Headache, which is caused when the swimming caps or goggles are too tight. These compress one of the four major nerves in the head, resulting in explosive headaches. This is not the only type of headache when swimming – pool chemicals or bacteria may lead to a sinus headache. Other health conditions that affect swimmers are related to the ears, shoulder and skin itches. Click here for more info.


A Hangover Affects Your Job Performance, Not Only Your Body

A Hangover Affects Your Job Performance, Not Only Your Body    

Irritability And Depression Lead To Low Productivity And Conflicts    

A hangover has a series of negative effects: nausea, fatigue, headache, as well as psychological effects, such as depression and irritability. Unfortunately, there is no clear research about the reasons of why these effects happen – it can be intoxication, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance, among others. This has also a negative effect on work, such as lack of job completion, low productivity, and conflicts. Hangover is also responsible for poor decisions, a decrease in attention level and low job performance. More details click here.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Headaches Can Be Caused By A Poor Posture

Headaches Can Be Caused By A Poor Posture    

We have talked about foods as headaches triggers. There are other triggers, such as posture. While working on a computer or looking down at a screen of a digital device, the neck has excess tension, which will lead to a headache. This is because the neck is designed to work in a neutral position. Another cause of headaches is dehydration. More Information click here.


Pain Treatment Includes Drugs And Acupuncture

Pain Treatment Includes Drugs And Acupuncture    

People who choose alternative treatments for pain management are usually trying to avoid drugs due to its side effects. However, a study has shown that treatments such as acupuncture, combined with anti-inflammatory drugs, have resulted in a significant pain reduction. Additional details click here.


Migraine Sufferers Can Lower The Discomfort With Daith Piercings

Migraine Sufferers Can Lower The Discomfort With Daith Piercings    

There are alternative treatments for migraines. One of them is the Daith piercing, which is a piercing in the innermost cartilage of the ear. Patients who have chosen this treatment say that the migraine pain lowers considerably. However, even though there are no medical studies to support this claim, it seems that the effect is similar to acupuncture. Click here for more information.


Do You Have Frequent Sinus Headaches? Perhaps You Have Migraine

Do You Have Frequent Sinus Headaches? Perhaps You Have Migraine    

Sinus headache is caused by sinusitis, which can be the result of an allergy or flu. However, a recent study has shown that 86% of the patients diagnosed with sinus headaches actually have migraines. This is because the differences are too subtle and the specialists prescribe an antibiotic for the supposed sinus infection. Learn the differences between both conditions. More info click here.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Botox Can Control Excessive Sweating, And Treat Depression And Migraine

Botox Can Control Excessive Sweating, And Treat Depression And Migraine    

Botox injections are used in cosmetic treatments. They are toxins injected in a specific set of muscles, blocking the signals that make it contract. However, it has other uses, such as treatment for depression by injecting the toxin into the furrow of the brows, helps controls neck spasms and excessive sweating in the armpits, and also reduce migraines. Additional information click here.


Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines    

A new diet trend, the ketogenic diet, can be useful for migraines. The ketogenic diet consists in forcing the body to use fats as its primary energy source, instead of carbs. This is done by increasing the fat ingestion. A study revealed that the ketones also reduce the neural inflammation that causes both migraines and epilepsy. Click here for more info.


Reading In Poor Light May Cause Headache, But Won’t Harm The Eyesight

Reading In Poor Light May Cause Headache, But Won’t Harm The Eyesight    

There are myths about health, like relating varicose veins to crossing the legs, or that stress will turn the hair grey. One of them is that reading in poor light will damage the eyesight. It can give headache and cause eyestrain, but won’t give permanent damage. Check for other myths. Click here for more details.


Lack Of Vitamin D Related To Chronic Headache

Lack Of Vitamin D Related To Chronic Headache    

A recent study has shown that vitamin D deficiency is related to chronic headache. Vitamin D is produced in the skin as a response to sunlight, therefore, chronic headache was more frequent in months with low sunshine, such as winter or autumn. Additional info click here.


Monday, December 23, 2019

What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?

What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?    

Cluster headaches are a rare condition, but it is even more painful than a migraine. They are so rare that are often misdiagnosed as migraine, allergies, or even sinus headache. However, if correctly diagnosed, it is very treatable with several drugs that prevent the episodes. More details click here.


These Foods Can Be Responsible For Migraine Attacks

These Foods Can Be Responsible For Migraine Attacks    

Migraines are triggered by certain conditions. One of them are foods and the ingredients that they have. For example, aspartame is a common component of diet beverages and foods. Beer and red wine are also two known triggers for migraine. On the other hand, coffee does not cause migraines, but the absence of it will trigger it. More details click here.


Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches

Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches    

Tension headaches are mainly caused by tightness in the neck and shoulders. Yoga has a solution for this because it includes poses that relax these areas. One of them is shoulder squeeze in which the shoulders are moved in the direction of the ears. Other is a neck roll, in which the head is slowly rolled to the side as if it were very heavy. These movements are complemented with slow breathing. Check all the exercises. Additional info click here.


Migraine Headaches And Lack Of Sleep May Be The Trigger For A Heart Attack

Migraine Headaches And Lack Of Sleep May Be The Trigger For A Heart Attack    

A heart attack can be triggered by a series of things. Among them are lack of sleep for people who slept less than 6 hours, migraine headaches with auras, cold weather, which causes the arteries to narrow, and air pollution, because dirty air is related to clogged arteries and heart disease. Click here for more details.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Unable To Cut Off Coffee? Try These Tips To Kill The Habit

Unable To Cut Off Coffee? Try These Tips To Kill The Habit    

Even though coffee boosts your energy, lowers the risk of depression, Parkinson’s disease and Type 2 diabetes, among others, if ingested in excess, can damage your health. If you are already drinking excess coffee and think it has turned into an addiction, there are ways to limit this, such as substituting coffee for other healthy drinks, drink water to stay hydrated and try peppermint to get rid of coffee headache. Check the complete list. More Information click here.


Frequent Headaches Can Be Treated With This Useful Advice

Frequent Headaches Can Be Treated With This Useful Advice    

If you are having frequent headaches, there is some quick advice for taking care of it. For example, one cause may be dehydration, so it is a good idea to drink twice the water you usually do. Also use essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and chamomile, and also control the coffee ingestion. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Headache And Nausea Cures Can Be Found In The Kitchen

Headache And Nausea Cures Can Be Found In The Kitchen    

Certain foods found in the kitchen can help as home cures for common illnesses. For example, nausea caused by pregnancy can be treated with ginger. Headaches can be cured with a big glass of water, due to dehydration, but an apple or walnuts can also help. Sleep problems can be treated with kiwi, which is rich on folates, a B vitamin, which helps the brain to produce sleep-inducing chemicals. Click here for more information.


Clinical Trial On A Drug That Could Be The Definitive Cure For Migraine

Clinical Trial On A Drug That Could Be The Definitive Cure For Migraine    

A clinical trial is actually run for an antibody that attacks the molecule responsible for migraines. This could be the definitive cure for treating and curing migraine. So far, results have shown that more than a third of patients taking the drug have shown a 75 percent reduction in migraine attacks. More info click here.


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Identifying Flu From The Common Cold

Identifying Flu From The Common Cold    

Influenza, also known as flu, and a common cold can be difficult to identify for some people. This is important, because flu is a dangerous disease, and if not treated properly, it can be fatal. While the symptoms of the common cold are sneezing, a runny nose and a sore throat, influenza have fever, chills, general achiness, chest discomfort, and headache. Learn all the signs of flu. Click here for more info.


Does Coffee Cures Or Makes Worse A Migraine?

Does Coffee Cures Or Makes Worse A Migraine?    

It is not completely clear what causes migraine. Also, caffeine is known to be a painkiller, therefore, a cup of coffee or tea can provide instant relief, interacting with a brain substance called adenosine. On the other hand, for frequent coffee drinkers, caffeine suppression can also trigger a migraine. More Information click here.


How To Identify A Hypochondriac

How To Identify A Hypochondriac    

A hypochondriac has anxiety related to illness, living in constant fear about his health condition. This worrying can turn into an obsession unless it is controlled. One of the signs is assuming that an eventual headache can be a migraine or a brain tumor. Another sign is believing that there is an underlying illness, even when the patient is healthy. More Information click here.


Friday, December 20, 2019

Controlling The Risk Of Addiction To Migraine Painkillers

Controlling The Risk Of Addiction To Migraine Painkillers    

There is now a wide availability of prescription medication for migraine and pain treatment, which also causes a euphoric numbness. These have the side effect of causing addiction and are taken even if there is no pain, resulting in an increasing number of deaths by overdose. The alternative is taking pills with natural ingredients for migraine. Additional details click here.


Reduce Or Avoid A Hangover By Drinking This Juice Before A Celebration

Reduce Or Avoid A Hangover By Drinking This Juice Before A Celebration    

Researchers have found that drinking pear juice before a celebration that includes alcohol, could reduce the hangover the day after. Pear contains an enzyme that prevents from absorbing too much alcohol and help metabolize it. Research has been made with Asian pear juice. Click here for more information.


Learn To Differentiate A Headache From A Migraine

Learn To Differentiate A Headache From A Migraine    

How to differentiate a headache from a migraine? Headaches can be caused by poor sleeping, excess work, or loud noise, while a migraine has triggered such as eating foods with certain additives, excess caffeine, or bright or flashing lights. Other differences are the location of the pain in the head, the side effects, and the migraine aura. More info click here.


Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedy For Headaches

Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedy For Headaches    

Sometimes headache can have alternative treatments other than drugs or natural medicines. This method described making a pillow with a scent that, when heated, will have positive effects on treating the headache. Additional information click here.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Protein In The Brain May Be Responsible For The Pain In Migraine Attacks

A Protein In The Brain May Be Responsible For The Pain In Migraine Attacks    

Scientists have found that a protein, called BNDF, may be linked to migraine attacks. Migraine patients are more sensitive to triggers that lead to the attack, and the protein was present during the attack. After the injection of a substance that neutralizes the protein, the subjects were desensitized to migraine pain. Click here for more info.


Alternative Treatments For Migraine Headaches

Alternative Treatments For Migraine Headaches    

Migraines can be suffered once or twice a month, or it can happen daily. While drugs are the most common treatment, alternative therapies also work. For example, massage has been successful in 85% of the cases. Also, acupuncture has reduced the frequency of attacks, and a workout has decreased the intensity of headaches. More details click here.


Types Of Headaches And Migraines

Types Of Headaches And Migraines    

There are many types of headaches. The most common is tension headache, which is generated by stress. Cluster headaches show as a sharp pain behind one eye and its origin is not clear. Migraine is a severe headache, which might be accompanied by an aura. Additional information click here.


Natural Cures For Computer-Related Headache

Natural Cures For Computer-Related Headache    

Staring too much time at a computer might trigger a migraine. Sometimes, pills are not effective. Fortunately, there are natural solutions to it. Among them are cinnamon paste, which is applied to temples and forehead, basil or peppermint tea, ginger, and apple cider vinegar. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Migraines Could Be Related To Nitrite-Processing Bacteria

Migraines Could Be Related To Nitrite-Processing Bacteria    

Poor oral health may be also related to migraine, according to a study. Certain bacteria processes food nitrate to nitrite or nitric oxide. The nitrites are present in sausages and other types of processed meats. This nitrite could be responsible for migraine attacks. More details click here.


Effects Of Ketogenic Diet In Migraine Treatment

Effects Of Ketogenic Diet In Migraine Treatment    

The ketogenic diet restricts carbohydrates, so the liver begins using fat as an energy source instead of glucose. This liberates substances called ketones, which, among other things, help control the neural inflammation present in migraines and epilepsy. Additional details click here.


These Yoga Asanas Will Help With Headache

These Yoga Asanas Will Help With Headache    

These yoga asanas will help with migraine, because they relieve neck and shoulder tension, relieve stress and increase oxygen in the brain. Check the full list. Click here for more information.


New Approach Treats Migraine In The Neck, Not The Head

New Approach Treats Migraine In The Neck, Not The Head    

A new approach orients migraine treatment to the neck, and not the head. The objective is to treat the nerves that could be responsible for migraines. The reason is that these nerves could heighten the sensitivity in the pain areas of the brainstem. More info click here.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Suffering From Headache? Avoid These Foods

Suffering From Headache? Avoid These Foods    

If suffering from frequent headaches there are foods that can worsen them. For example, ripe bananas release a substance called tyramine, which can trigger headaches. Bread increases blood sugar, cause for headaches and ice cream constricts blood vessels, leading also to headaches. Additional info click here.


Avoiding Rebound Headaches

Avoiding Rebound Headaches    

Excess usage of pain relievers for headaches have a serious side effect called rebound headache. The cause is not completely clear, but doctors believe the brain sets alternate pathways for pain. Once they are identified, they can be treated by lowering or suspending the intake of medications. Click here for more details.


Alternative Ways To Get Rid Of Headaches

Alternative Ways To Get Rid Of Headaches    

There are other treatments than pills for persons with recurrent headaches or migraine. Among them are Botox, which paralyzes muscles and takes care of headaches due to muscle tension. Others are headbands with vibrating electrodes and medication patches, essential oils, and magnesium. More Information click here.


Check These Triggers For Migraines

Check These Triggers For Migraines    

Migraines can be triggered by several causes. In some cases, it can be foods with nitrates caffeine or red wine. Other can be poor posture, skipping meals, changing sleep patterns or stress. Others can beyond or visual stimulants, such as repetitive sounds, uninterrupted staring at a computer screen, or strong flashing lights. Additional info click here.


Monday, December 16, 2019

What Is The Cause Of Migraines After A Period?

What Is The Cause Of Migraines After A Period?    

Women usually suffer from headaches after their period. This is because they have low levels of ferritin, a protein that contains iron. The reason for this can be the loss of menstrual blood, therefore the cause of migraine can be anemia. Click here for more details.


Suffering From Tech-Neck? Try These Yoga Asanas

Suffering From Tech-Neck? Try These Yoga Asanas    

Neck pain and stiffness can result in hen sleeping in the wrong position or staring at a screen for hours, even by slouching the head while texting on the smartphone. These yoga asanas will help stretch the neck muscles and relax them. More Information click here.


New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine

New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine    

A drug called Marsyndol has shown to be effective in pain management and migraine. However, in order to find out what triggers migraines, doctors encourage patients to keep a migraine diary, registering every possible trigger. This way the patient can avoid the attack or at least prepare for it. Additional details click here.


A Low-Carb And Low-Fat Diet Can Help Control Migraines

A Low-Carb And Low-Fat Diet Can Help Control Migraines    

A study suggests that with a diet low in carbohydrates can reduce the inflammation responsible for migraines, allowing the brain to work more efficiently. This is also the case with ketogenic diets. Click here for more information.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

If Coffee Gives You Headaches, Check These Alternatives

If Coffee Gives You Headaches, Check These Alternatives    

Coffee is a great energy booster and also has many antioxidants. However, excess coffee can result in nervousness headaches, gastric conditions and also irregular heartbeats. There are natural alternatives that will also give the morning boost, such as green tea, kombucha, and matcha, among others. How are they prepared? Check the full list. More info click here.


Botox Leads The Way For Innovative Treatments For Migraine

Botox Leads The Way For Innovative Treatments For Migraine    

Botox is not only for getting rid of wrinkles. It is also an approved treatment for migraines. Now there a new substance called CGRP which modulates the pain fibers in the brain. This product has advantages because it is taken orally, while Botox is injected. Additional information click here.


Check These Unusual Causes Of Headaches

Check These Unusual Causes Of Headaches    

There are many types of headaches. One of them is caused by hypertension, when blood pressure is really high, similar to 200/110, being worse in the morning. There are also exertion headaches, caused by strenuous activities, and facial pain, caused by stress and psychological factors. Click here for more info.


Tight Ponytails Can Be The Reason For Your Headache

Tight Ponytails Can Be The Reason For Your Headache    

Ponytails pt physical strain on the hair follicles, causing breakage and hair loss. But they also lead to a headache because it pulls the nerves on the scalp. His also happens in the case of tight buns. More details click here.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

What Is Happening With Migraine Treatment?

What Is Happening With Migraine Treatment?    

A migraine is a severe, pounding headache. It is the sixth highest cause of disability and affects almost 15% of the people. However, it is not given the importance it deserves, and in many cases, it is under-treated or under-diagnosed. Why is this happening? Click here for more information.


Check These Unusual Headaches Triggers

Check These Unusual Headaches Triggers    

A headache can be triggered by a variety of reasons. For example, dried, smoked or aged foods like cheeses or salami contain sulfites, which dilates the blood vessels. Other are fragrances and smells, like gasoline, perfume or tobacco, the computer screen brightness, which stimulates the optical nerve, and dehydration, which narrows the blood vessels. Check all the causes of headaches. More info click here.


Headache Treatment Though Sound-Based Therapy

Headache Treatment Though Sound-Based Therapy    

There is a new therapy based on the sound that is showing positive effects on controlling high blood pressure and migraine. It reads brain activity using sensors in the scalp. This activity is transformed into audible tones and immediately reflected in the brain. The treatment has also proved effective for insomnia. Additional information click here.


What Are Frozen Headaches?

What Are Frozen Headaches?    

We explained that ice cream can be a cause for headaches. Actually, any cold food or drink can trigger it. This is because it constricts the blood vessels on the roof of the mouth. Afterward, as they warm up and expand, they send pain signals through a nerve responsible for the pain in the face. As a result, the brain thinks the pain is from the forehead, resulting in a headache. Click here for more info.


Friday, December 13, 2019

A Gene Variation That Allows Adapting To Cold Is Linked To Migraine Headaches

A Gene Variation That Allows Adapting To Cold Is Linked To Migraine Headaches    

This Is A Result Of Early Human Migrations And Can Explain The Prevalence Of Migraine In Certain Human Groups    

Researchers have discovered a gene related to the ability to detect and respond to cool temperatures. A variation of this gene is common in people living in cold temperatures, and is related to migraine headaches, according to specialists. This variation might have been the result of the earlier migrations from Africa to other parts of the world, 50,000 years ago. According to researchers, this variation is very uncommon in people with Nigerian ancestry, by very common on people with Finnish ancestry, which had to adapt to colder climates. The study has also found a correlation between this gene variation and migraine headaches, which would explain why migraine is more prevalent among certain human groups. Additional info click here.


Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak

Snoring Related To Skull Thinning And Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak    

Symptoms Are A Strong Headache, Neck Pain, Tinnitus, And Even Coma    

Researchers have found a correlation between snoring and a thinner skull. The thinning is up to 1.23 mm, however, a skull erosion of 1mm can cause a spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak (sCSF-L). This allows the liquid that serves as a cushion to the brain and spinal cord to flow away by the eroded area. The result can be life-threatening, including coma, stroke, and symptoms of dementia. This serious condition is also associated with obesity. The causes are not clear. The main symptom is a headache that gets more severe when upright and lying down. Other symptoms are neck pain, light or sound sensitivity, tinnitus, hearing changes, among others. Click here for more details.


Consequences Of Magnesium Insufficiency

Consequences Of Magnesium Insufficiency    

Magnesium is a fundamental mineral for the proper functioning of the body. It is necessary for the operation of more than 300 enzymes. Also, it is essential for the activity of muscles and nerves, hormones, immune system, and food processing. Low magnesium intake has serious consequences. Among them are high blood pressure, diabetes, migraine headache. Also, there are fatigue, confusion, anxiety, muscle cramps, nausea, among others. Check the complete list. More details click here.


Consequences Of Low Acidity In The Body

Consequences Of Low Acidity In The Body    

Foods can be acid or alkaline. Excess eating of one kind or the other will affect the balance of pH in the body. If the body is acidic, the calcium in the bones will be used to maintain the pH balance, so it might lead to osteoporosis. It also increases the sensitivity of the teeth, leads to headaches, depression, poor digestion, and acne. Among others, it affects the digestive system causing indigestion, heartburn and causes bad breath. Check all the effects. Additional details click here.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Sulfur In Red Wine Preserves The Flavor And Prevents Oxidation, But Also May Trigger A Headache Migraine

Sulfur In Red Wine Preserves The Flavor And Prevents Oxidation, But Also May Trigger A Headache Migraine    

There Are Solutions Such As Sulfur-Tree Wine, And A Device That Extracts Sulfur And Preserves The Flavor    

Red wine has health benefits because of its tannins, which act as powerful antioxidants. They also have a component called sulfites, which prevent the wine from turning brown due to oxidation, keeps the wine stable then traveling and preserves the flavors. Unfortunately, sulfites also trigger migraine headaches. There are wines that do not add Sulphur in its production process but can have a small percentage of it due to fermentation, and these wines are hard to find and somewhat expensive. However, there is a device that, according to manufacturers, will remove the Sulphur and preserve the flavor, lowering the risk of migraine attacks. More Information click here.


Frequent Headaches And Neck And Back Pain May Be Caused By Fibromyalgia

Frequent Headaches And Neck And Back Pain May Be Caused By Fibromyalgia    

Other Symptoms Include A Burning Sensation And Stiffness    

Fibromyalgia is a condition caused by changes in the way the body processes pain signals. It can be caused by a stressful event or a painful injury. Among its symptoms are frequent headaches, and pain around the body or focused on the neck or back. The pain can be felt like a stabbing or a burning sensation. It also includes extreme sensitivity, and also stiffness. Other symptoms are extreme fatigue and difficulty to sleep. Even though there is not a cure, there are treatments to ease the pain. Click here for more details.


Dizziness Is A Condition Of The Inner Ear That Affects The Balance Organs

Dizziness Is A Condition Of The Inner Ear That Affects The Balance Organs    

It Can Be Linked To Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, And Caused By Migraines And Low Blood Pressure    

Dizziness is a sensation of loss of balance, which can go from lightheadedness to continuous vertigo. It affects the inner ear, where the balance organs are located. It can also cause nausea and short-term hearing loss, which can be linked to an ear infection. Another cause is Meniere’s disease. In this condition, the room feels like it is spinning, and other symptoms may be tinnitus hearing loss and a sensation of pressure in the ear. Even though the causes of Meniere’s are unclear, specialists believe that there are genetic factors, and it might be triggered by excessive internal pressure in the inner ear. Dizziness can be caused by a migraine, which may occur before or after the migraine attack or by anxiety, along with heart palpitations. Another cause is low blood pressure, which triggers an episode of dizziness when standing up or changing positions. It can be also the symptom of a serious health condition when combined with other symptoms such as a numb face and double vision. These are linked to a clogged artery, which lowers the blood blow to the brain and increases the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Check all the causes of dizziness. Additional info click here.


Chili Pepper Ingestion Resulted In An Intense Headache

Chili Pepper Ingestion Resulted In An Intense Headache    

The Cause Was A Narrowing Of The Brain’s Arteries    

Chili pepper ingestion can result in a severe headache called thunderclap headache. Studies on one patient revealed that it has caused a narrowing in the brain’s arteries called “reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome”. The headache becomes so intense, that it might be mistaken for a stroke. Other cases of chili peppers and spicy food ingestion have resulted in heart attack, and studies have found a relationship between capsaicin, the active ingredient in peppers, and higher heart rate and blood pressure, due to the fact that this ingredient affects the function of blood vessels. Even though there are not enough cases to define a link between chili peppers and a thunderclap headache, it is advisable to be careful when eating them if the person has blood pressure, or has a propensity to headaches. More details click here.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Coffee Can Cure A Headache, But Can Also Trigger It

Coffee Can Cure A Headache, But Can Also Trigger It    

Caffeine Constricts Blood Vessels, Curing Headaches, But It Can Cause Then On Other Persons    

Some people believe that caffeine can ease a headache, while others think the contrary, that it can cause a headache. According to specialists, both statements are true. One of the effects of caffeine is acting as a vasoconstrictor, narrowing the arteries, which alleviates the headaches. Painkillers, such as acetaminophen and aspirin have an increased effect if combined with caffeine. On the other hand, sudden caffeine withdrawal can also cause headaches. An ingredient of tea, coffee, called tannins can also trigger a headache for some people. Click here for more info.


Menstrual Migraines Are Usually Not Reported And Undiagnosed

Menstrual Migraines Are Usually Not Reported And Undiagnosed    

This Is Because That They Occur Two Days Before The Period    

Menstrual migraines occur in 70% of women, but they are usually ignored. The reason is that they occur two days before the onset of a period, and three days after, for 60% of the periods. Since the attacks happen before the bleeding and do not last all the menstrual period, women do not associate it as a consequence of the period women fail to report it and it is underdiagnosed. Specialists believe that the trigger of these migraines is the premenstrual drop in estrogen. The can be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, triptans, which are drugs to reduce the swelling of the blood vessel, and caffeine, among others. Check all the treatments for menstrual migraine. Additional information click here.


Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes        

They Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Sleep Apnea, Or Nocturnal Hypertension, Among Others.    

The causes of headaches are different in older adults, compared to younger adults. Headaches are more serious in older people and can be related to other health conditions, or even induced by medications. Tension headaches are more common in older adults, but their frequency and severity decline with age, so they are not reported as a major problem. Migraines are the second most common type of headache, and also decreases with age. There is another type of headache that is present in people older than 50 years, called hypnic headache. These appear while sleeping and have a short duration. The causes might be nocturnal hypertension and sleep apnea, among others. Special attention must be placed on thunderclap headaches, which are extremely painful. They can represent a life-threatening condition. Check all the headache types common in older adults. More info click here.


Otitis Media Can Have Serious Health Implications, Including Headaches And Nausea

Otitis Media Can Have Serious Health Implications, Including Headaches And Nausea    

It Is The Infection Of The Middle Ear And Can Cause Brain Abscess And Meningitis, Resulting In Headaches And Hearing Loss    

Middle ear infection, also called otitis media, is treated with antibiotics. However, there are other serious health implications, such as hearing loss, meningitis, facial paralysis, and brain abscess. Otitis media is caused by an accumulation of pus and mucus behind the eardrum, as a result of a cold, allergy or an upper respiratory infection. It is common in children up to four years. If poorly treated, it can lead to a brain abscess, which the infection can lead to the accumulation of pus in the brain, which also caused headaches, nausea, and neurologic problems. Another serious outcome is bacterial meningitis, which also causes a severe headache, and the infection of the mastoid bone located behind the ear, which is called acute mastoiditis. A rare, but possible outcome is a hearing loss since the infection is affecting the inner ear. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place

Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place    

Among Them Are Migraine, Cardiovascular Problems, And Narcolepsy And Extreme Sleep Disorders    

Dogs can be very sensitive, not only for their sense of smell to detect drugs or to detect people after an earthquake or a disaster but also as service animals for disabled people, such as guide dogs. Their sense of smell is so strong and precise, that they also can detect if a person has a medical condition. Trained medical dogs can detect cardiovascular problems, drops in blood pressure and even strokes. They can also detect if a migraine is coming. There have been cases in which migraine sufferers have seen a change in behavior prior to an attack. Extreme sleepiness or narcolepsy can also be detected by dogs. These are sudden attacks of sleep which can also include loss of muscle control. There are service support dogs for patients with these conditions that can provide then a warning before an episode. Learn about all the medical conditions that can be detected by trained medical dogs. Additional details click here.


Migraine And Epilepsy Are Two Neurological Conditions That Can Trigger Sudden Attacks

Migraine And Epilepsy Are Two Neurological Conditions That Can Trigger Sudden Attacks    

Learn The Symptoms, As Well As Other Main Neurological Conditions    

Many people believe that a migraine is just a strong headache. Migraine is a neurological condition, which includes a primary headache which can last for up to 72 hours. It has other symptoms that differentiate it from a strong headache, such as increased sensitivity to sound and smell, pulsating pain in the head, and eye pain. Other common symptoms are depression, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and neck stiffness. Migraine is one of the main neurological conditions that can cause a sudden attack. Another is epilepsy, which can cause uncontrolled jerking of the limbs, with or without loss of consciousness, and even muscle stiffness. Learn the symptoms of other main neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. Click here for more information.


The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men

The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men    

It Is Related To Hormonal Changes, Which Affects Brain Cells    

Migraine is three more common in women than in men. A recent study has found out that the estrogen fluctuations affect brain cells. Estrogen increases the susceptibility to an electrical phenomenon in the brain. This is known as cortical spreading depression, which could be associated with the auras that show up with migraines. This study will allow the development of more targeted migraine drugs for men and women. Additional information click here.


Coffee And Tea Can Help Reducing Headache Symptoms

Coffee And Tea Can Help Reducing Headache Symptoms    

They Also Improve The Effects Of Common Painkillers, Such As Paracetamol And Ibuprofen    

Drinking caffeine beverages can have positive effects on headache symptoms. Coffee and tea constrict the blood vessels and improves alertness and mood. Caffeine also improves the effects of common painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen. However, sudden suppression of caffeine intake can lead to headaches. Also, lowering carbohydrate intake, like in low-carb diets, can also result in headaches. It reduces the glycogen, the main source of energy of the brain, which in turn causes dehydration, triggering headaches. These can be avoided by drinking water and eating healthy carbs, like whole grains. Ginger is also effective on migraine sufferers due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Check all the foods that can help reduce headaches and migraine symptoms. Click here for more info.


Monday, December 9, 2019

Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body

Teeth Grinding Caused By Chronic Stress Can Affect Other Areas Of The Body    

The Tension In Jaw And Neck Muscles Will Result In Headaches And Upper Back Pain    

Teeth grinding do not only affect teeth. This habit is usually caused by stress. However, the cause of concern id that it usually occurs at night, when the person is asleep. Like sleep apnea, the consequences of these conditions will show when waking up and gradually over time. Constant grinding of teeth will lead to accelerated teeth wear, as well as chips and cracks. Also, the jaw muscles will ache and also affect the muscles of the neck and back, causing upper back pain. The tension in the neck muscles will result in headaches. The chronic stress that causes teeth grinding also affects oral health. It promotes gum disease due to lower immunity, and also leads to dehydration, resulting in bad breath. More details click here.


A Strong Headache Can Be The Symptom Of A Brain Aneurysm, A Life-Threatening Condition

A Strong Headache Can Be The Symptom Of A Brain Aneurysm, A Life-Threatening Condition    

Learn To Differentiate It From Other Types Of Headaches    

A headache can be a minor problem or can be painful and incapacitating, such as a migraine. But there are headaches that appear suddenly and be very painful, can be dangerous, because they can be caused by a brain aneurysm and must be treated immediately. Brain aneurysms are expansions of the blood vessels that inflate like a balloon and press the surrounding nerves. These can burst, causing a hemorrhage that can damage blood cells. Therefore, it is a good idea to learn how to identify one and distinguish it from other types of headaches – it could mean the difference between life and death, or permanent disability. Unruptured aneurysms are localized in the area the aneurysm is, and it’s hard to differentiate from migraines. These headaches a usually go together with dilated pupils, difficulty speaking or weakness. When an aneurysm ruptures, the headache is agonizing and can include double vision, seizures, and unconsciousness. This type of headache requires immediate medical attention. Additional details click here.