Friday, February 28, 2020

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One    

Uncontrollable Eye Twitching Can Be A Sign Of High Blood Pressure Or Burnout    

Headaches are a common symptom of hypertension. However, there are unusual symptoms, such as eye twitching. This shows as an uncontrollable spasm of the upper or lower eyelid and can last for a short time to several hours. This can be a symptom of other conditions, like burnout, low level of magnesium and even hyperthyroidism. More Information click here.


Avoiding Rebound Headaches

Avoiding Rebound Headaches    

Excess usage of pain relievers for headaches have a serious side effect called rebound headache. The cause is not completely clear, but doctors believe the brain sets alternate pathways for pain. Once they are identified, they can be treated by lowering or suspending the intake of medications. Click here for more details.


Caffeine Withdrawal Can Be The Source Of Migraines

Caffeine Withdrawal Can Be The Source Of Migraines    

There are foods that trigger migraine. On the other hand, eliminating some foods from the diet can also trigger it. This is the case of coffee, in which caffeine withdrawal can result in migraine. This is the case of the people who regularly take three or four cups a day and decide to skip the morning coffee. Additional information click here.


Migraines Are Related To Silent Strokes And Changes In The Brain Structure

Migraines Are Related To Silent Strokes And Changes In The Brain Structure    

A study has shown that migraines can affect permanently the brain structure. It discovered that people with migraine have a higher risk of suffering white matter brain lesions, have a higher tendency for brain volume changes, and to have silent strokes. However, these brain changes did not prove to affect the patient’s well-being. Click here for more information.


Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy

Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy    

It Can Cause Liver Damage, Dehydration, Headaches, And Sleep Disorders    

Green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks, due to its antioxidants. However, excessive intake of antioxidants, as in the case of green tea supplements, can result in liver damage. While green tea brews have 90 to 300 mg of antioxidants, its supplements have from 500 to 1000 mg. According to researchers, more than 800 mg of antioxidants might damage the liver. Therefore the message is that green tea is healthy, while it is not ingested in large quantities. Other consequences of green tea overdose are acid reflux and acidity, due to its caffeine content, dehydration, because the tea acts as a natural diuretic, mineral deficiency, and also caffeine, leading to headaches and sleep disorders. Additional info click here.


Suffering From Tension Headaches? The Reason Might Be The Handbag

Suffering From Tension Headaches? The Reason Might Be The Handbag    

Handbags can be the cause of headaches among other health issues. This is because excessive pressure on the trapezius muscle, which connects with the back to the skull, can cause tension headaches. The solution is to reduce weight in the handbag and switch positions. Remember that a heavy handbag will also affect the spine and the posture. Check all the health issues with handbags. More Information click here.


Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia

Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia    

Acupressure is a natural way of healing. Pressing the correct point with your fingers can provide almost instant relief. There are points for back pain, for stress and anxiety, for insomnia, and for migraine and headache, among others. Check the complete list. Additional details click here.


Study Relates Headache Disorders With Increased Risk Of Hypothyroidism

Study Relates Headache Disorders With Increased Risk Of Hypothyroidism    

A study has related migraine and cluster headaches with a high risk of developing hypothyroidism. This happens when the thyroid gland is underactive, resulting in hair loss, fatigue, weight gain and changes in the mood. Click here for more details.


New Diagnosis Technique Can Identify Migraine And Headache Triggers

New Diagnosis Technique Can Identify Migraine And Headache Triggers        

It Monitors Electrical Wavelengths In The Skin And Is 97% As Accurate Blood Tests    

There is a new device to diagnostic the cause of headaches and other health conditions. Headaches and migraines can be originated from a series of conditions, such as foods, weather, and health issues. Sufferers are advised to maintain a log in order to discover the trigger of the headache. This device is based on bioresonance and identifies many of the causes of headaches and migraines. Detecting the cause helps in to reduce their frequency, and, in some cases, also prevents them. The technique was originally developed by the health department of NASA and consists in measuring and monitoring electrical wavelengths emitted from the skin. The information is collected and analyzed by a computer, determining the headache or migraine trigger. It performs several tests, such as food sensitivities and intolerances, nutrient and mineral deficiencies, emotional stressors, and viruses, among others. It also recommends the natural treatments to eliminate these triggers. The technique has proven 97% as effective as blood tests but less expensive. More details click here.


Migraine Attacks Can Also Occur In Children

Migraine Attacks Can Also Occur In Children    

Learn How To Deal Which Them If Your Child Suffers From Migraines Or Strong Headaches    

Even though migraines usually appear in early adulthood, it can also affect children. They can be confused with a strong headache, so parents must take the child to a specialist in order to identify other symptoms, such as weakness, blurred vision, and nausea and vomiting. If the child has migraine attacks with a frequency of more than one per week, it is advisable to have also preventive treatments, including techniques for managing stress and regulating emotions. Also, it is a good idea for the parents to predict and prevent headaches, which can be done by writing a headache log, including time of the day of the attack and the situations that led to it, in order to identify potential triggers. Other ways are helping the child developing healthy habits, and teaching how to relax. Click here for more details.


Migraine In Patients With Major Depression Also Affects Muscle Pain

Migraine In Patients With Major Depression Also Affects Muscle Pain    

Migraine intensity is related to patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), resulting in muscle soreness or pain. This means that the sensitivity to migraine also leads to sensitivity to other types of pain. Additional info click here.


Chili Pepper Ingestion Resulted In An Intense Headache

Chili Pepper Ingestion Resulted In An Intense Headache    

The Cause Was A Narrowing Of The Brain’s Arteries    

Chili pepper ingestion can result in a severe headache called thunderclap headache. Studies on one patient revealed that it has caused a narrowing in the brain’s arteries called “reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome”. The headache becomes so intense, that it might be mistaken for a stroke. Other cases of chili peppers and spicy food ingestion have resulted in heart attack, and studies have found a relationship between capsaicin, the active ingredient in peppers, and higher heart rate and blood pressure, due to the fact that this ingredient affects the function of blood vessels. Even though there are not enough cases to define a link between chili peppers and a thunderclap headache, it is advisable to be careful when eating them if the person has blood pressure, or has a propensity to headaches. More details click here.


Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects

Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects    

Among These Are Drowsiness, Headaches, And Gastrointestinal Issues    

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain, which regulates when the body should fall asleep or wake up, also known as the circadian rhythm. It can be taken as a supplement, which helps with sleep disorders and also with jet lag. However, it has side effects, such as drowsiness, similar to the sensation of a hangover. This happens when the body does not process the supplement quickly. In other cases, it is insomnia, which is a completely opposite effect than the one sought. This happens because the body starts producing melatonin at sundown, and, if taken at late night, it might not work. Headaches and gastrointestinal issues are also present due to the fact that the body might react differently to the supplement. Click here for more info.


New Treatment For Children’s Migraine Pain Via A Nasal Nerve Block

New Treatment For Children’s Migraine Pain Via A Nasal Nerve Block    

There is a new treatment for a migraine in children. A recent research has shown that a nasal nerve block, called sphenopalatine ganglion block, reduces migraine pain and consists of the insertion of a catheter in the nostrils and administering an anesthetic in the sphenopalatine ganglion. More info click here.


Suffer From Migraine? How To Be An Expert On Dealing With It

Suffer From Migraine? How To Be An Expert On Dealing With It    

Migraine sufferers have ways to deal with their conditions. This article shows a patient that has learned to be an expert on certain things related to migraine, such as daily napping, applying herself shots to avoid the ER, and finding ways to enjoy life. Check all the tips. Additional information click here.


Study: Floppy Eyelids Can Be A Symptom Of Sleep Apnea

Study: Floppy Eyelids Can Be A Symptom Of Sleep Apnea        

This Would Help With The Diagnosis Of This Condition, Besides Fatigue And Headaches When Waking Up    

According to a study, one symptom of sleep apnea might be floppy eyelids, with a lax and rubbery look. This was present in more than half of the patients in the study. The most severe cases of sleep apnea correlated with the most pronounced cases of floppy eyelids. Patients had one of the following conditions: lax eyelid condition (rubbery lids); lax eyelid syndrome (lax eyelids plus conjunctivitis); and floppy eyelid syndrome (lax eyelid syndrome in obese young men). Even though there is not a clear explanation, specialists believe that sleep apnea is associated with low-grade inflammation that affects elastin, a protein that allows skin and other tissues to resume their original shape after stretching or contracting. Many sleep apnea sufferers are undiagnosed because this condition occurs when the patient is asleep, but sometimes it can be identified when there is fatigue and headaches when waking up. Also, the patient might snore due to partial airway obstruction, but the condition is considered as sleep apnea when there is a total obstruction and the patient ceases breathing for several seconds. These are interesting news because the usual way to diagnose this condition is via a sleep study, which in some cases might be expensive. Additional info click here.


Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety

Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety    

It Can Be Treated Naturally With A Diet Rich In Tryptophan    

Serotonin is a brain chemical that regulates sleep, mood, appetite, and memory. Some people might have low serotonin levels as a result of vitamin B6 deficiency, or certain amino acids. Symptoms include migraines, sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety, among others. It can be treated with diets rich in tryptophan, seafood, sunlight, and exercise, to name a few. For quicker results, there are treatments based on drugs called SSRIs. Click here for more details.


Untreated Eye Conditions Will Lead To Headaches

Untreated Eye Conditions Will Lead To Headaches    

Straining the eye due to poor eyesight or eye swelling is one of the causes of headaches. If there are conditions such as astigmatism, long or short-sightedness, the strain on the focusing mechanism will result in headache. More details click here.


Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia

Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia        

Symptoms Include Lack Of Energy, Erectile Dysfunction, Mouth Injuries, Tinnitus, Headaches, And Even Hair Loss    

Testosterone deficiency is a condition that affects 38% of men over 45. It occurs when the testicles are not producing enough testosterone. It is caused by insufficient testosterone production by the testicles, which affects several body functions, such as libido, concentration, mood, and strength. Among the symptoms are tiredness and lack of energy, weight gain, low mood, lack of concentration, reduced strength and endurance, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive. However, according to a new research, 70% of the cases could be mistaking testosterone deficiency for natural signs of aging. Another condition that can have similar symptoms as testosterone deficiency is anemia. Other signs of anemia are tiredness and lack of energy, noticeable heartbeats (heart palpitations), shortness of breath, and pale skin. there are also headache, tinnitus, food tasting strange, itchiness, and hair loss. There are also moral issues, such as difficulty swallowing, a sore tongue, and painful open sores in the corners of the mouth. More info click here.


Effects Of Ketogenic Diet In Migraine Treatment

Effects Of Ketogenic Diet In Migraine Treatment    

The ketogenic diet restricts carbohydrates, so the liver begins using fat as an energy source instead of glucose. This liberates substances called ketones, which, among other things, help control the neural inflammation present in migraines and epilepsy. Additional details click here.


Lack Of Vitamin D Related To Chronic Headaches

Lack Of Vitamin D Related To Chronic Headaches    

Headaches may increase in the winter months. This can be due to vitamin D deficiency, according to a recent study. The reason is that vitamin D is metabolized from the sun’s UVB radiation, leading to less production in the winter season due to less sunlight. Additional info click here.


Retinal Migraine Includes Flashes Of Light, But Not Headaches

Retinal Migraine Includes Flashes Of Light, But Not Headaches    

It Can Also Cause Temporary Blindness In One Eye    

Migraine is not always related to headache symptoms. This is the case of ocular or retinal migraine, which includes signs such as blurred vision, flashes of light and temporary blindness. Since it excludes headaches, it is often called “silent migraine”. Another difference is that it usually affects only one eye, while a headache-type migraine with aura affects the vision of both eyes. The cause is the sudden narrowing of blood vessels in one eye, reducing the blood flow. Additional details click here.


Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium

Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium    

Magnesium Deficiency Might Result In Migraines, Insomnia, And Anxiety    

If you are dreaming about chocolates, it may be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Dark chocolate, with a high percentage of cocoa, is a source of magnesium. This mineral is fundamental for many body processes, such as a proper nerve and muscle functioning. Lack of magnesium might lead to migraines, insomnia, anxiety, difficulty to concentrate and extreme fatigue. Additional info click here.


Electronic Stimulation Treatment Helps Patients To Control Migraine Pain

Electronic Stimulation Treatment Helps Patients To Control Migraine Pain    

There is a device that administers electric stimulation for controlling migraines. But unlike electrodes for EEG, the electrodes are not located in the head or the forehead, but the arm. The electric stimulation is run by a device similar to a music player or even a smartphone app. It defines a personalized relief program via neuromodulation. It has advantages over drugs because the relief is faster. Click here for more information.


If The Migraine Medications Are Not Working, It Can Be A Symptom Of A Brain Tumor

If The Migraine Medications Are Not Working, It Can Be A Symptom Of A Brain Tumor    

Other Symptoms Are Nausea And High-Intensity Headaches    

A migraine is a neurological condition with steep headaches. In some cases, it can be a symptom of a more serious illness, such as a brain tumor. This can be identified by several warning signs. One is that the medication is being ineffective – the headaches persist even when taking the prescribed drugs. Other is vomiting or nausea related to a headache, and the last one is a high-intensity level. Additional information click here.


This Smartphone App Can Help Avoid And Predict Migraine Attacks

This Smartphone App Can Help Avoid And Predict Migraine Attacks    

Many smartphone apps are oriented to health and well-being. One of them can identify the personal triggers for a migraine and rank them in order of importance. This way, the app can predict when a migraine attack is on the way. Additional info click here.


What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?

What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?    

Cluster headaches are a rare condition, but it is even more painful than a migraine. They are so rare that are often misdiagnosed as migraine, allergies, or even sinus headache. However, if correctly diagnosed, it is very treatable with several drugs that prevent the episodes. More details click here.


New Device Aids Mitigating The Migraine Pain

New Device Aids Mitigating The Migraine Pain        

It Freezes A Group Of Nerves In The Back Of The Nose, Which Transmit Pain Information    

There is a new device for migraine treatment. It affects one group of nerve cells called the sphenopalatine ganglion, which is related to the main nerve involved in headache attacks. It transmits information about sensation, including pain, among others. It is located on the back of the nose, and the procedure consists of freezing it to alleviate migraines. This procedure is not new, but the specialist did not have imaging information to locate the are to be frozen, not the amount of freezing agent. This new device consists of a moveable piece of plastic that, with the aid of an X-ray device, allows specialists to get exactly to the point where the freezing agent can be applied. This migraine mitigation effect can last just a day, or a year, or longer. Click here for more details.


Sudden Headache Related To Stroke

Sudden Headache Related To Stroke    

One of the main causes of stroke is carotid disease, which results in the narrowing of the arteries due to plaque build-up, which, in turn, reduces the blood flow to the brain. The good news is that carotid disease is treatable. Some of the risk factors are age, obesity, hypertension, and lack of exercise. The symptoms are the inability to move the limbs, a severe headache, sudden eyesight problems, and trouble speaking, among others. Check all the risk factors and symptoms. Additional details click here.


Alternative Ways To Get Rid Of Headaches

Alternative Ways To Get Rid Of Headaches    

There are other treatments than pills for persons with recurrent headaches or migraine. Among them are Botox, which paralyzes muscles and takes care of headaches due to muscle tension. Others are headbands with vibrating electrodes and medication patches, essential oils, and magnesium. More Information click here.


Dehydration Can Result In Headaches And High Blood Pressure

Dehydration Can Result In Headaches And High Blood Pressure    

Most Body Functions Depend On A Proper Hydration    

Dehydration affects most body processes, such as nutrient transportation, temperature regulation, and skin health, among others. Its main symptoms are headaches and nausea. Therefore, it is important to carry a bottle of water, especially in hot climates. Failure to hydrate properly can lead to more serious conditions, such as depression, allergies, high blood pressure and can also affect mental clarity. More details click here.


Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines    

A new diet trend, the ketogenic diet, can be useful for migraines. The ketogenic diet consists in forcing the body to use fats as its primary energy source, instead of carbs. This is done by increasing the fat ingestion. A study revealed that the ketones also reduce the neural inflammation that causes both migraines and epilepsy. Click here for more info.


Botox Can Control Excessive Sweating, And Treat Depression And Migraine

Botox Can Control Excessive Sweating, And Treat Depression And Migraine    

Botox injections are used in cosmetic treatments. They are toxins injected in a specific set of muscles, blocking the signals that make it contract. However, it has other uses, such as treatment for depression by injecting the toxin into the furrow of the brows, helps controls neck spasms and excessive sweating in the armpits, and also reduce migraines. Additional information click here.


Overthinking Can Result In Headaches, Muscle Tension, And Even Back Problems

Overthinking Can Result In Headaches, Muscle Tension, And Even Back Problems    

It Consists Of Replaying Scenarios In The Mind Over And Over    

Overthinking is different from thinking. It consists of replaying situations or scenarios in the mind over and over again. Overthinking is the result of excessive left-hemisphere activity, which can physical and emotional issues. Among them are headaches, ulcers, muscle tension, and even back problems. The brain creates thoughts based on your past programming and are sometimes bad, trapped on an endless loop of self-criticism and negative thoughts. Meditation can also help let go of these negative thoughts when stuck in that downward spiraling cycle of rumination. More Information click here.


A Strong Headache Can Be The Symptom Of A Brain Aneurysm, A Life-Threatening Condition

A Strong Headache Can Be The Symptom Of A Brain Aneurysm, A Life-Threatening Condition    

Learn To Differentiate It From Other Types Of Headaches    

A headache can be a minor problem or can be painful and incapacitating, such as a migraine. But there are headaches that appear suddenly and be very painful, can be dangerous, because they can be caused by a brain aneurysm and must be treated immediately. Brain aneurysms are expansions of the blood vessels that inflate like a balloon and press the surrounding nerves. These can burst, causing a hemorrhage that can damage blood cells. Therefore, it is a good idea to learn how to identify one and distinguish it from other types of headaches – it could mean the difference between life and death, or permanent disability. Unruptured aneurysms are localized in the area the aneurysm is, and it’s hard to differentiate from migraines. These headaches a usually go together with dilated pupils, difficulty speaking or weakness. When an aneurysm ruptures, the headache is agonizing and can include double vision, seizures, and unconsciousness. This type of headache requires immediate medical attention. Additional details click here.


This New Drug Gives Hope To Patients Diagnosed With Untreatable Migraines

This New Drug Gives Hope To Patients Diagnosed With Untreatable Migraines    

It Inhibits The Pain Receptors Responsible For The Migraine Signals    

There is a new drug that helps with untreatable migraines. Some migraine sufferers respond poorly to other medications, defining their migraine as “untreatable”. These patients had been treated previously with four types of treatments, which has not worked for them. A new drug, called Erenumab, has proven to reduce migraine attacks in this group of patients. The study showed that 30% of the patients had half the number of migraine attacks, improving their quality of life. The drug inhibits a certain receptor responsible for sending the migraine pain signals. More Information click here.


Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Migraine

Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Migraine    

There are natural solutions for migraines. Among them are ginger, grape juice, which has vitamin C and riboflavin, nuts, which compensates the magnesium loss that triggers migraines. Also hot and cold therapy helps the muscles relax, and peppermint tea will help avoid nausea and headache due to gastrointestinal spasms. More info click here.


Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision

Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision    

Blurred vision can be the result of myopia, hyperopia, or other conditions related to eyesight, usually corrected with lenses. However, sudden blurred vision is related to other conditions, such as migraine headaches, poor eye lubrication, overusing contact lenses, or even uncontrolled diabetes. Check the symptoms. Click here for more information.


Check These Migraine Treatments If You Feel The Pills Aren’t Working

Check These Migraine Treatments If You Feel The Pills Aren’t Working    

Sometimes pills and meds are not treating headache because it loses its effectiveness. One of them is meditation, which can eliminate stress-related headaches. Other consists of breathing techniques, massage therapy, and hot and cold packs. Learn more on drug-less treatments of migraine. Click here for more details.


Labile Hypertension Is A Sudden Increase In Blood Pressure

Labile Hypertension Is A Sudden Increase In Blood Pressure    

It Can Also Cause Strong Headaches, Tinnitus And Increase The Risk Of Severe Organ Damage    

Labile hypertension occurs when blood pressure fluctuates abnormally. It increases over 130/80 mmHg, which is the definition of hypertension and happens for short periods of time. It is usually caused by stress, such as expecting bad news or going for surgery. The usual symptoms of labile hypertension are strong headaches, tinnitus, heart palpitations, and flushing. The sudden increase in blood pressure also puts excess pressure on other organs, such as the heart, kidneys, and eyes, increasing the risk of severe damage. More info click here.


New Treatment Based On Colored Light Reduces The Symptoms Of Migraine And Tinnitus

New Treatment Based On Colored Light Reduces The Symptoms Of Migraine And Tinnitus    

A new treatment based on colored lenses helps treat migraines and is also being used on patients with tinnitus. It consists of tiny lamps of different colors, and the patient can control the intensity of them. The initial study was made for patients with migraine, which reduced the intensity of the pain. A number of them had also tinnitus, and also observed a reduction in the symptoms. The different colors distract the sensory area of the brain, reducing the tinnitus symptoms. Additional information click here.


Suffering From Tech-Neck? Try These Yoga Asanas

Suffering From Tech-Neck? Try These Yoga Asanas    

Neck pain and stiffness can result in hen sleeping in the wrong position or staring at a screen for hours, even by slouching the head while texting on the smartphone. These yoga asanas will help stretch the neck muscles and relax them. More Information click here.


Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn        

It Also Helps Relieve Tension Headaches, Promotes Hair Growth, And Reduces Anxiety    

Peppermint has health benefits, such as pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties. In the form of essential oil and capsules, it can help in treating digestive conditions and headaches. It is rich in menthol, which is considered to be the bioactive ingredient that provides its health benefits. It helps to treat irritable bowel disease (IBS), which has symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and changes in stool patterns. The menthol in the peppermint oil helps easing the symptoms up to 79%, relaxing the stomach and digestive tract muscles. It also can reduce indigestion by decreasing the contractions in the esophagus, and also reduce heartburn symptoms. It can also help relieve tension headaches and other chronic pain conditions, due to the methanol included in peppermint. It is also beneficial for hair growth, according to research in mice, and anxiety, in the form of aromatherapy, reducing the stress responses. Additional information click here.


These Yoga Asanas Will Help With Headache

These Yoga Asanas Will Help With Headache    

These yoga asanas will help with migraine, because they relieve neck and shoulder tension, relieve stress and increase oxygen in the brain. Check the full list. Click here for more information.


Headaches Can Be Linked To Various Sleep Disorders

Headaches Can Be Linked To Various Sleep Disorders    

Headaches can be associated with sleep disorders. Waking up with a headache can be a symptom of sleep apnea. It can be also a symptom of bruxism, or teeth grinding, caused by stress and tension of the tempo mandibular muscles. This can be treated by dentists with special mouth guards. Headaches can also appear when sleeping until late in the morning. Click here for more information.


Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia

Testosterone Deficiency Can Be Mistaken For Old Age Or Even Anemia        

Symptoms Include Lack Of Energy, Erectile Dysfunction, Mouth Injuries, Tinnitus, Headaches, And Even Hair Loss    

Testosterone deficiency is a condition that affects 38% of men over 45. It occurs when the testicles are not producing enough testosterone. It is caused by insufficient testosterone production by the testicles, which affects several body functions, such as libido, concentration, mood, and strength. Among the symptoms are tiredness and lack of energy, weight gain, low mood, lack of concentration, reduced strength and endurance, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive. However, according to a new research, 70% of the cases could be mistaking testosterone deficiency for natural signs of aging. Another condition that can have similar symptoms as testosterone deficiency is anemia. Other signs of anemia are tiredness and lack of energy, noticeable heartbeats (heart palpitations), shortness of breath, and pale skin. there are also headache, tinnitus, food tasting strange, itchiness, and hair loss. There are also moral issues, such as difficulty swallowing, a sore tongue, and painful open sores in the corners of the mouth. More info click here.


Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Migraine

Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Migraine    

There are natural solutions for migraines. Among them are ginger, grape juice, which has vitamin C and riboflavin, nuts, which compensates the magnesium loss that triggers migraines. Also hot and cold therapy helps the muscles relax, and peppermint tea will help avoid nausea and headache due to gastrointestinal spasms. More info click here.


Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects

Dealing With A Hangover? Painkillers Can Have Serious Side Effects    

If you have a hangover after a night with excess alcohol, it is very probable that you will take a painkiller, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. This can have serious side effects on your liver and on the stomach lining. Also, think twice about taking aspirin or paracetamol. Additional information click here.


The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men

The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men    

It Is Related To Hormonal Changes, Which Affects Brain Cells    

Migraine is three more common in women than in men. A recent study has found out that the estrogen fluctuations affect brain cells. Estrogen increases the susceptibility to an electrical phenomenon in the brain. This is known as cortical spreading depression, which could be associated with the auras that show up with migraines. This study will allow the development of more targeted migraine drugs for men and women. Additional information click here.


Learning About The Different Types Of Headaches, Causes, And Treatments

Learning About The Different Types Of Headaches, Causes, And Treatments        

Among Them Are Tension Headaches, Migraines, And Cluster Headaches, Also Known As Suicide Headaches    

There are different types of headaches, and each has its origin an treatment. The most common is called tension headaches, which has mild to moderate pain, with pressure on both sides of the head, and behind the eyes. Main causes are stress, poor posture, dehydration, and skipping meals. A migraine is a neurological condition, consisting of extreme pain on one side of the head and can go along with nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity. It is more common in women than in men. Cluster headaches are so strong that they are sometimes called suicide headaches, consisting of excruciating pain on one side of the head, most commonly behind or near the eye. It is associated with activity in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. Sinus headaches occur in the cheekbones, forehead or the bridge of the nose, and are caused by inflammation of the sinuses and buildup of mucus. Check the complete list of headache types. More Information click here.


Suffer From Migraine? How To Be An Expert On Dealing With It

Suffer From Migraine? How To Be An Expert On Dealing With It    

Migraine sufferers have ways to deal with their conditions. This article shows a patient that has learned to be an expert on certain things related to migraine, such as daily napping, applying herself shots to avoid the ER, and finding ways to enjoy life. Check all the tips. Additional information click here.


Caffeine Withdrawal Can Be The Source Of Migraines

Caffeine Withdrawal Can Be The Source Of Migraines    

There are foods that trigger migraine. On the other hand, eliminating some foods from the diet can also trigger it. This is the case of coffee, in which caffeine withdrawal can result in migraine. This is the case of the people who regularly take three or four cups a day and decide to skip the morning coffee. Additional information click here.


Do You Have Headaches On Rainy Days And Thunderstorms? This Is The Reason

Do You Have Headaches On Rainy Days And Thunderstorms? This Is The Reason    

It Is Related To Low Atmospheric Pressure    

Headaches can be related to rainy days. However, the cause is not the rain or the level of humidity. A lower barometric pressure is associated with rainy weather and thunderstorms – this is how barometers can forecast the weather. A lower pressure leads to a difference in pressure between the sinuses and the atmosphere. The same happens when there is low pressure in a plane or when it suddenly varies its altitude. Click here for more information.


Ocular Migraine Can Occur Without A Painful Headache

Ocular Migraine Can Occur Without A Painful Headache    

It Is Similar To A Migraine With Aura, But Only Includes The Aura    

Not all migraines include headaches. There is a different type of migraine, called ocular migraine that affects vision but does not involve excruciating head pain. In some cases, migraine includes a headache plus an aura, which appear as visual disturbances like seeing flashes of light, blind spots, zigzagging patterns, or shimmering spots or stars. Ocular migraine only consists of the aura. In other cases, it can show as a retinal migraine, which includes short periods of reduced vision or blindness, often before or with head pain. Specialists are not sure what causes migraines, but it seems to be related to an electrical impulse over the surface of the brain, and when it contacts the visual cortex, which processes visual signals, it can lead to an ocular migraine. Additional info click here.


Study Relates Headache Disorders With Increased Risk Of Hypothyroidism

Study Relates Headache Disorders With Increased Risk Of Hypothyroidism    

A study has related migraine and cluster headaches with a high risk of developing hypothyroidism. This happens when the thyroid gland is underactive, resulting in hair loss, fatigue, weight gain and changes in the mood. Click here for more details.


Lowering Body Temperature And Strong Coffee Will Help Easing Migraine Pain

Lowering Body Temperature And Strong Coffee Will Help Easing Migraine Pain    

A migraine attack usually happens suddenly. There is some natural advice to deal with it. For example, caffeine will help ease the attack, and the stronger, the coffee, the better, with no milk. Another thing is to cool the body. The temperature can be lowered with a cold shower and even in a room with strong air conditioning. Check all the tips. Additional info click here.


Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision

Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision    

Blurred vision can be the result of myopia, hyperopia, or other conditions related to eyesight, usually corrected with lenses. However, sudden blurred vision is related to other conditions, such as migraine headaches, poor eye lubrication, overusing contact lenses, or even uncontrolled diabetes. Check the symptoms. Click here for more information.


Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches

Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches    

Tension headaches are mainly caused by tightness in the neck and shoulders. Yoga has a solution for this because it includes poses that relax these areas. One of them is shoulder squeeze in which the shoulders are moved in the direction of the ears. Other is a neck roll, in which the head is slowly rolled to the side as if it were very heavy. These movements are complemented with slow breathing. Check all the exercises. Additional info click here.


Controlling The Risk Of Addiction To Migraine Painkillers

Controlling The Risk Of Addiction To Migraine Painkillers    

There is now a wide availability of prescription medication for migraine and pain treatment, which also causes a euphoric numbness. These have the side effect of causing addiction and are taken even if there is no pain, resulting in an increasing number of deaths by overdose. The alternative is taking pills with natural ingredients for migraine. Additional details click here.


Avoiding Headaches During Workouts

Avoiding Headaches During Workouts    

These Can Be Tension Headaches Or Excess Intracranial Pressure    

Sometimes you may experience a headache during a workout. It might be the body’s reaction to the physical effort. If the pain is around the temples, the cause might be excess blood flow into the brain, expanding the arteries and resulting in intracranial pressure. The solution is to hydrate before the workout and warm up, which reduces rises in intracranial pressure. If you feel that a headache is coming, you can constrict the blood vessels in the scalp and head by cooling the head with cold water. If the headache can go from the back to the front of the head, it might be a tension headache, which can be avoided by working out muscles below the neck. Additional details click here.


Learning About The Different Types Of Headaches, Causes, And Treatments

Learning About The Different Types Of Headaches, Causes, And Treatments        

Among Them Are Tension Headaches, Migraines, And Cluster Headaches, Also Known As Suicide Headaches    

There are different types of headaches, and each has its origin an treatment. The most common is called tension headaches, which has mild to moderate pain, with pressure on both sides of the head, and behind the eyes. Main causes are stress, poor posture, dehydration, and skipping meals. A migraine is a neurological condition, consisting of extreme pain on one side of the head and can go along with nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity. It is more common in women than in men. Cluster headaches are so strong that they are sometimes called suicide headaches, consisting of excruciating pain on one side of the head, most commonly behind or near the eye. It is associated with activity in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. Sinus headaches occur in the cheekbones, forehead or the bridge of the nose, and are caused by inflammation of the sinuses and buildup of mucus. Check the complete list of headache types. More Information click here.


Dehydration Can Result In Headaches And High Blood Pressure

Dehydration Can Result In Headaches And High Blood Pressure    

Most Body Functions Depend On A Proper Hydration    

Dehydration affects most body processes, such as nutrient transportation, temperature regulation, and skin health, among others. Its main symptoms are headaches and nausea. Therefore, it is important to carry a bottle of water, especially in hot climates. Failure to hydrate properly can lead to more serious conditions, such as depression, allergies, high blood pressure and can also affect mental clarity. More details click here.


Chili Pepper Ingestion Resulted In An Intense Headache

Chili Pepper Ingestion Resulted In An Intense Headache    

The Cause Was A Narrowing Of The Brain’s Arteries    

Chili pepper ingestion can result in a severe headache called thunderclap headache. Studies on one patient revealed that it has caused a narrowing in the brain’s arteries called “reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome”. The headache becomes so intense, that it might be mistaken for a stroke. Other cases of chili peppers and spicy food ingestion have resulted in heart attack, and studies have found a relationship between capsaicin, the active ingredient in peppers, and higher heart rate and blood pressure, due to the fact that this ingredient affects the function of blood vessels. Even though there are not enough cases to define a link between chili peppers and a thunderclap headache, it is advisable to be careful when eating them if the person has blood pressure, or has a propensity to headaches. More details click here.


Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety

Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety    

It Can Be Treated Naturally With A Diet Rich In Tryptophan    

Serotonin is a brain chemical that regulates sleep, mood, appetite, and memory. Some people might have low serotonin levels as a result of vitamin B6 deficiency, or certain amino acids. Symptoms include migraines, sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety, among others. It can be treated with diets rich in tryptophan, seafood, sunlight, and exercise, to name a few. For quicker results, there are treatments based on drugs called SSRIs. Click here for more details.


Feeling A Headache After Lunch? You Could Have Reactive Hypoglycemia

Feeling A Headache After Lunch? You Could Have Reactive Hypoglycemia    

Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the sugar level drops. This happens when skipping meals, and one symptom is a headache. However, this can also happen after a meal, in which the blood sugar drops instead of rising and happens because of excess insulin secretion after a meal. Additional information click here.


Probiotics May Help In Reducing The Symptoms Of Heartburn And Indigestion

Probiotics May Help In Reducing The Symptoms Of Heartburn And Indigestion    

It Also Helps Decreasing The Frequency Of Migraine Attacks And Controls Bad Breath    

Probiotics are one of the most important supplements to consider. They promote gut bacteria in the intestine. Digestive problems and acid reflux have been related to a poor balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Heartburn can be treated with probiotics, which has been found in foods and also supplements. Probiotics also help to fight pathogenic bacteria and even yeast overgrowth and also supports the digestive function. If the digestive tract has not had enough acid to digest proteins, absorb vitamins and minerals, and fight pathogenic bacteria, it will take longer for the stomach to break down the food. The undigested food matter begins to ferment in the stomach, resulting in gas, which pushes up the stomach acid into the esophagus. Probiotics also help treat bad breath, because one of its causes, besides poor digestion, acid reflux, and poor oral hygiene, is the proliferation of the wrong type of bacteria in the digestive tract. Also, according to studies, migraine sufferers have reduced the frequency and severity of the migraine attacks with the help of probiotics, which help to regulate the inflammatory response. Review the other benefits of probiotics Additional information click here.


Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches

Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches    

Tension headaches are mainly caused by tightness in the neck and shoulders. Yoga has a solution for this because it includes poses that relax these areas. One of them is shoulder squeeze in which the shoulders are moved in the direction of the ears. Other is a neck roll, in which the head is slowly rolled to the side as if it were very heavy. These movements are complemented with slow breathing. Check all the exercises. Additional info click here.


Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head

Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head    

One of the causes of migraine might be located in the neck, in which the vertebral disks presses the nerves. To research it, a clinic is conducting a study focusing on the neck and not the head, and without drugs. More Information click here.


Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Headaches

Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Headaches    

They Can Also Be Used For Treating Dandruff And Gastric Conditions    

Essential oils are extracted from seeds and plants and have many health benefits. One of them is chamomile oil, which is good for skin care, helping with acne and inflammation. Also, peppermint oil can help with oral hygiene, headaches and also treat indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Researchers have also discovered that peppermint oil can be used as an alternative treatment for hair loss. Lavender oil can help improve the sleeping patterns, treating insomnia. Tea tree oil is very good for skin conditions and hair care, helping treat dandruff. Additional details click here.


If Coffee Gives You Headaches, Check These Alternatives

If Coffee Gives You Headaches, Check These Alternatives    

Coffee is a great energy booster and also has many antioxidants. However, excess coffee can result in nervousness headaches, gastric conditions and also irregular heartbeats. There are natural alternatives that will also give the morning boost, such as green tea, kombucha, and matcha, among others. How are they prepared? Check the full list. More info click here.


Differentiating Migraine From A Strong Headache

Differentiating Migraine From A Strong Headache    

A headache can be uncomfortable, but it is not debilitating, so it allows with the daily tasks with some degree of distress and can be relieved with an aspirin. There are several types of headaches and different causes for them. On the other hand, migraine is a neurological disorder, and its symptom is a pulsating pain on one side of the head, usually accompanied by an aura. It can be incapacitating, affecting the normal life of the sufferer. Learn more about identifying a migraine. More Information click here.


Differentiating Migraine From A Strong Headache

Differentiating Migraine From A Strong Headache    

A headache can be uncomfortable, but it is not debilitating, so it allows with the daily tasks with some degree of distress and can be relieved with an aspirin. There are several types of headaches and different causes for them. On the other hand, migraine is a neurological disorder, and its symptom is a pulsating pain on one side of the head, usually accompanied by an aura. It can be incapacitating, affecting the normal life of the sufferer. Learn more about identifying a migraine. More Information click here.


Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain

Nocturnal Epilepsy Can Be Caused By Unusual Brain Development And Low Oxygen In The Brain    

Some Of The Symptoms Include Headaches, And Muscle Strain    

Nocturnal epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in brain cells. In this case, it is a seizure that occurs at sleep and can be identified by certain symptoms. Some of these are waking up with headaches, muscle strain, bedwetting, and excess fatigue, among others. The cause can be unusual brain development, head injury, brain low, and low levels of oxygen, similar to sleep apnea. Additional information click here.


The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men

The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men    

It Is Related To Hormonal Changes, Which Affects Brain Cells    

Migraine is three more common in women than in men. A recent study has found out that the estrogen fluctuations affect brain cells. Estrogen increases the susceptibility to an electrical phenomenon in the brain. This is known as cortical spreading depression, which could be associated with the auras that show up with migraines. This study will allow the development of more targeted migraine drugs for men and women. Additional information click here.


Unusual Causes Of Migraine Attacks

Unusual Causes Of Migraine Attacks        

They Include Birth Control Pills, Hypertension Caused By Salty Food, And Changes In Sleep Patterns Due To Jet Lag    

Migraines cause an excruciating pain, typically on just one side of the head. Other symptoms are nausea, vomiting and light, and sound sensitivity. Also, there can be a visual stimulus, called an “aura,” which can consist of flashes of light or blind spots. Even though the exact cause is not clear, specialists believe that a wave of electricity spreading across the cortex releases inflammatory mediators, which irritate the nerves in the brain. One of these is the trigeminal nerve, resulting in the painful sensation. It can be caused by stress, bright lights, and wine. However, there are also little-known causes, such as hormonal birth control pills, which affects the levels of estrogen. Other causes are salty foods, which elevate the blood pressure, and aged cheeses, which contain a substance related to migraine attacks. Also, jet lag can also trigger a migraine, due to the changes in sleeping patterns, and it can be aggravated by the low cabin pressure in a plane. Check all the unusual migraine causes. Additional details click here.


Suffering From Tech-Neck? Try These Yoga Asanas

Suffering From Tech-Neck? Try These Yoga Asanas    

Neck pain and stiffness can result in hen sleeping in the wrong position or staring at a screen for hours, even by slouching the head while texting on the smartphone. These yoga asanas will help stretch the neck muscles and relax them. More Information click here.


Controlling The Risk Of Addiction To Migraine Painkillers

Controlling The Risk Of Addiction To Migraine Painkillers    

There is now a wide availability of prescription medication for migraine and pain treatment, which also causes a euphoric numbness. These have the side effect of causing addiction and are taken even if there is no pain, resulting in an increasing number of deaths by overdose. The alternative is taking pills with natural ingredients for migraine. Additional details click here.


Pain Treatment Includes Drugs And Acupuncture

Pain Treatment Includes Drugs And Acupuncture    

People who choose alternative treatments for pain management are usually trying to avoid drugs due to its side effects. However, a study has shown that treatments such as acupuncture, combined with anti-inflammatory drugs, have resulted in a significant pain reduction. Additional details click here.


What Are Frozen Headaches?

What Are Frozen Headaches?    

We explained that ice cream can be a cause for headaches. Actually, any cold food or drink can trigger it. This is because it constricts the blood vessels on the roof of the mouth. Afterward, as they warm up and expand, they send pain signals through a nerve responsible for the pain in the face. As a result, the brain thinks the pain is from the forehead, resulting in a headache. Click here for more info.


New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine

New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine    

A drug called Marsyndol has shown to be effective in pain management and migraine. However, in order to find out what triggers migraines, doctors encourage patients to keep a migraine diary, registering every possible trigger. This way the patient can avoid the attack or at least prepare for it. Additional details click here.


Brain Stimulation Treatment Has Not Been Successful With Migraine

Brain Stimulation Treatment Has Not Been Successful With Migraine    

Direct current stimulation has been successful in treating chronic pain in the joints and in the spine. However, when a similar non-invasive was applied to migraine headaches, the results were negative. The same happened with magnetic stimulation. More Information click here.


Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Headaches

Essential Oils Have Health Benefits For Hair Loss And Headaches    

They Can Also Be Used For Treating Dandruff And Gastric Conditions    

Essential oils are extracted from seeds and plants and have many health benefits. One of them is chamomile oil, which is good for skin care, helping with acne and inflammation. Also, peppermint oil can help with oral hygiene, headaches and also treat indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Researchers have also discovered that peppermint oil can be used as an alternative treatment for hair loss. Lavender oil can help improve the sleeping patterns, treating insomnia. Tea tree oil is very good for skin conditions and hair care, helping treat dandruff. Additional details click here.


New Portable Device Uses Magnetic Pulses To Treat Migraine

New Portable Device Uses Magnetic Pulses To Treat Migraine    

It Resulted In A 50% Migraine Reduction And Has No Side Effects    

A new device treats headaches by inducing a mild electric current in the brain. This is done via a technique known as single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (sTMS). According to specialists, the magnetic pulses generate a current that may interrupt brain hyperactivity related to migraines. The procedure has resulted in a migraine reduction of 50 percent in nearly half of the patients in the study. The device is portable, and the patient locates it at the back of the head, causes no pain and treatments last seconds. There is good news for migraine patients because drug-based treatments usually have unpleasant side effects. Click here for more information.


New Drug-Free Migraine Treatment Varies The Temperature Of The Balance Organs

New Drug-Free Migraine Treatment Varies The Temperature Of The Balance Organs    

It Is Done With Special Headphones And A Handheld Device    

Recent research has shown a new therapy for treating migraine with mild temperature changes in the balance organs. This is known as caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) is done with special headphones and a handheld device, and sends cool and warm temperatures to the balance organs in the inner ear, which are connected to the brain areas responsible for migraine. An additional advantage is that it is drug-free treatment. Click here for more details.