Friday, July 31, 2020

Electronic Stimulation Treatment Helps Patients To Control Migraine Pain

Electronic Stimulation Treatment Helps Patients To Control Migraine Pain    

There is a device that administers electric stimulation for controlling migraines. But unlike electrodes for EEG, the electrodes are not located in the head or the forehead, but the arm. The electric stimulation is run by a device similar to a music player or even a smartphone app. It defines a personalized relief program via neuromodulation. It has advantages over drugs because the relief is faster. Click here for more information.


This New Drug Gives Hope To Patients Diagnosed With Untreatable Migraines

This New Drug Gives Hope To Patients Diagnosed With Untreatable Migraines    

It Inhibits The Pain Receptors Responsible For The Migraine Signals    

There is a new drug that helps with untreatable migraines. Some migraine sufferers respond poorly to other medications, defining their migraine as “untreatable”. These patients had been treated previously with four types of treatments, which has not worked for them. A new drug, called Erenumab, has proven to reduce migraine attacks in this group of patients. The study showed that 30% of the patients had half the number of migraine attacks, improving their quality of life. The drug inhibits a certain receptor responsible for sending the migraine pain signals. More Information click here.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Avoiding The Foods That Can Trigger A Migraine

Avoiding The Foods That Can Trigger A Migraine    

Studies have found out that there are foods that can trigger migraines. Ne of them are nitrites, which are contained in processed meats, like sausage, bacon, and ham. Also, MSG is used in Chinese food and in salad dressings, snacks, seasoning salts. How to eliminate these foods from your diet?. More details click here.


Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head

Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head    

One of the causes of migraine might be located in the neck, in which the vertebral disks presses the nerves. To research it, a clinic is conducting a study focusing on the neck and not the head, and without drugs. More Information click here.


A Gene Variation That Allows Adapting To Cold Is Linked To Migraine Headaches

A Gene Variation That Allows Adapting To Cold Is Linked To Migraine Headaches    

This Is A Result Of Early Human Migrations And Can Explain The Prevalence Of Migraine In Certain Human Groups    

Researchers have discovered a gene related to the ability to detect and respond to cool temperatures. A variation of this gene is common in people living in cold temperatures, and is related to migraine headaches, according to specialists. This variation might have been the result of the earlier migrations from Africa to other parts of the world, 50,000 years ago. According to researchers, this variation is very uncommon in people with Nigerian ancestry, by very common on people with Finnish ancestry, which had to adapt to colder climates. The study has also found a correlation between this gene variation and migraine headaches, which would explain why migraine is more prevalent among certain human groups. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Sinusitis Headache Must Not Be Confused With A Migraine

Sinusitis Headache Must Not Be Confused With A Migraine        

Also, Nasal Sprays Only Deliver Short-Term Relief    

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinus cavities and can be painful. There are several myths related to it. It causes a persistent headache, which can be confused with a migraine. However, migraines can be identified because they often include symptoms like flashing sensations, blurred vision, and nausea. Another myth is that sinusitis can be relieved with a nasal spray. The truth is that it delivers short-term relief for congestion, but it’s not viable as a long-term treatment. In some cases, it develops a dependence due to prolonged use. Also, the specialist must determine if it is caused by a viral or bacterial infection, because the patient may begin taking antibiotics unnecessarily. More details click here.


Retinal Migraine Includes Flashes Of Light, But Not Headaches

Retinal Migraine Includes Flashes Of Light, But Not Headaches    

It Can Also Cause Temporary Blindness In One Eye    

Migraine is not always related to headache symptoms. This is the case of ocular or retinal migraine, which includes signs such as blurred vision, flashes of light and temporary blindness. Since it excludes headaches, it is often called “silent migraine”. Another difference is that it usually affects only one eye, while a headache-type migraine with aura affects the vision of both eyes. The cause is the sudden narrowing of blood vessels in one eye, reducing the blood flow. Additional details click here.


New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine

New Drug For Pain Management And Migraine    

A drug called Marsyndol has shown to be effective in pain management and migraine. However, in order to find out what triggers migraines, doctors encourage patients to keep a migraine diary, registering every possible trigger. This way the patient can avoid the attack or at least prepare for it. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches

Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches    

Tension headaches are mainly caused by tightness in the neck and shoulders. Yoga has a solution for this because it includes poses that relax these areas. One of them is shoulder squeeze in which the shoulders are moved in the direction of the ears. Other is a neck roll, in which the head is slowly rolled to the side as if it were very heavy. These movements are complemented with slow breathing. Check all the exercises. Additional info click here.


Identifying The Signs Of Anemia

Identifying The Signs Of Anemia        

Among Them Are Poor Concentration, Headaches, Altered Heartbeat, Insomnia, And Hair Loss    

Anemia is a common blood condition in which there is a deficit of healthy red blood cells in your body, lowering the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen and nutrients. The most common form is iron-deficiency anemia, which is not fatal but can be a symptom of a more serious condition. Among the signs are skin paleness, due to the lower concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, making the blood less red. Low blood oxygen also affects the brain, altering the mood and concentration, and unexplained headaches. The heart also suffers, because it has to work harder to deliver the blood through the body, which alters its heartbeat. This causes exhaustion, which can lead to insomnia. Another sign is hair loss because the blood vessels in the hair follicles are not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients. Check all the signs of anemia. Additional details click here.


Checking The Cause Of A Headache Before Taking A Painkiller

Checking The Cause Of A Headache Before Taking A Painkiller    

Dehydration, Oxygen Deprivation And Stress Might Be The Reasons    

When we have headaches, it is better to check what might be causing it than to take a pill. This can be painful, but the pill might act faster if the causes of the headache have been identified and taken care of. Among them are stress, dehydration, tension, poor sleeping, irregular meals, and oxygen deprivation, among others. Check at what time was your last meal, or how many glasses of water you have drunk in the day. Also, check if you are taking short breaths. This can cause oxygen deprivation in the brain and can be solved with long, deep breaths. Check all the natural cures for headaches. Click here for more info.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Controlling The Risk Of Addiction To Migraine Painkillers

Controlling The Risk Of Addiction To Migraine Painkillers    

There is now a wide availability of prescription medication for migraine and pain treatment, which also causes a euphoric numbness. These have the side effect of causing addiction and are taken even if there is no pain, resulting in an increasing number of deaths by overdose. The alternative is taking pills with natural ingredients for migraine. Additional details click here.


Migraine And Tinnitus Can Be Caused By TMJ (Tempo Mandibular Joint) Disorder

Migraine And Tinnitus Can Be Caused By TMJ (Tempo Mandibular Joint) Disorder    

Sometimes headaches can be caused by a dysfunction in the TMJ – tempo mandibular joint. This means that the mandible is unbalanced due to teeth misalignment, an injury or a previous condition that has affected the joint. In this case, pain also reflects itself in the neck and in the shoulders and can be also the cause of vertigo and tinnitus. The treatment is oriented to balance the posture of the spine, balance the bite and also the mandible. More details click here.


Dehydration Can Result In Headaches And High Blood Pressure

Dehydration Can Result In Headaches And High Blood Pressure    

Most Body Functions Depend On A Proper Hydration    

Dehydration affects most body processes, such as nutrient transportation, temperature regulation, and skin health, among others. Its main symptoms are headaches and nausea. Therefore, it is important to carry a bottle of water, especially in hot climates. Failure to hydrate properly can lead to more serious conditions, such as depression, allergies, high blood pressure and can also affect mental clarity. More details click here.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches

Using Yoga Movements And Slow Breathing To Deal With Tension Headaches    

Tension headaches are mainly caused by tightness in the neck and shoulders. Yoga has a solution for this because it includes poses that relax these areas. One of them is shoulder squeeze in which the shoulders are moved in the direction of the ears. Other is a neck roll, in which the head is slowly rolled to the side as if it were very heavy. These movements are complemented with slow breathing. Check all the exercises. Additional info click here.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head

Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head    

One of the causes of migraine might be located in the neck, in which the vertebral disks presses the nerves. To research it, a clinic is conducting a study focusing on the neck and not the head, and without drugs. More Information click here.


If Coffee Gives You Headaches, Check These Alternatives

If Coffee Gives You Headaches, Check These Alternatives    

Coffee is a great energy booster and also has many antioxidants. However, excess coffee can result in nervousness headaches, gastric conditions and also irregular heartbeats. There are natural alternatives that will also give the morning boost, such as green tea, kombucha, and matcha, among others. How are they prepared? Check the full list. More info click here.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head

Drug-Less Migraine Trial Focusing In The Neck And Not The Head    

One of the causes of migraine might be located in the neck, in which the vertebral disks presses the nerves. To research it, a clinic is conducting a study focusing on the neck and not the head, and without drugs. More Information click here.


Learning About The Two Main OTC Painkillers And Their Side Effects

Learning About The Two Main OTC Painkillers And Their Side Effects    

Paracetamol And Ibuprofen Address Pain, But Work In Different Ways    

The two main OTC painkillers for headache are paracetamol and ibuprofen. They have different ways of addressing the pain. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti0inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), which work blocking the enzymes that produce prostaglandins, chemicals which promote inflammation, and fever, therefore suppress inflammation in the body. On the other side, paracetamol inhibits the production of specific prostaglandins, allowing it to work on certain areas of the body, being more effective for pain relief due to headaches. Paracetamol has few almost no side effects, while Ibuprofen should not be taken by patients with severe heart failure or liver disease, among others. Learn more about the side effects and restrictions for both drugs. Click here for more information.


Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy

Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy    

It Can Cause Liver Damage, Dehydration, Headaches, And Sleep Disorders    

Green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks, due to its antioxidants. However, excessive intake of antioxidants, as in the case of green tea supplements, can result in liver damage. While green tea brews have 90 to 300 mg of antioxidants, its supplements have from 500 to 1000 mg. According to researchers, more than 800 mg of antioxidants might damage the liver. Therefore the message is that green tea is healthy, while it is not ingested in large quantities. Other consequences of green tea overdose are acid reflux and acidity, due to its caffeine content, dehydration, because the tea acts as a natural diuretic, mineral deficiency, and also caffeine, leading to headaches and sleep disorders. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Light Sensitivity Can Have Several Causes

Light Sensitivity Can Have Several Causes    

Among Them Are Dry Eye, Allergies, And Migraine    

Sensitivity to light, also called photophobia—the medical term for extreme sensitivity to light—light can actually cause damage to the eyes. There are some causes to it, such as dry eyes, in which these can’t lubricate themselves properly because of a problem with tear secretion. Another is allergies in the form of allergic conjunctivitis which is a form of pink eye, caused by an irritation of the conjunctiva, the delicate membrane that covers your eyes and insides of the eyelids. Migraines also cause like severe sensitivity to light, severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision. There can be extreme sensitivity to certain types of light, such as fluorescent light. Check the complete list of causes for light sensitivity. More info click here.


Stopping Caffeine Intake Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Bad Breath

Stopping Caffeine Intake Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Bad Breath    

However, It Might Result In Headaches And Mood Changes    

Many people consider that a cup of coffee is fundamental for their morning energy boost. Some even take several cups during the day, but it might lead to gastrointestinal problems or excess anxiety. Therefore, the solution is to cut it back. However, this can result in several health issues, due to the body’s dependence on caffeine. One of them are headaches caused by coffee withdrawal. This is because caffeine causes a constriction in the blood vessels in the brain, slowing the blood flow. When they expand, the increase in blood flow causes headaches, which will continue until the brain adapts to the new blood flow. This also means that caffeine can also e used to treat headaches. Another side effect id a change in the mood, because if the absence of the stimulant properties of caffeine. This can also cause depression and irritability. It might also lower the energy levels, increasing fatigue, until the body adapts itself. The absence of caffeine will also provide better sleep. It might also have positive effects lowering the blood pressure, which can be caused by a widening of the arteries. Another reason can be that the lack of caffeine lowers the production of adrenaline, which causes an elevation in blood pressure. It also has beneficial effects if oral health, such as less discoloration on the tooth enamel, and lowers the risk of bad breath. This is because caffeine also causes dry mouth, which promoted the growth of foul-smelling bacteria, increasing the risk of gum disease. The downside is that coffee has also beneficial effects, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and a longer lifespan, among others More info click here.


Traveling By Plane Can Have Certain Health Risks

Traveling By Plane Can Have Certain Health Risks    

Low Pressure And Dry Air Can Result In A Headache    

A plane flight can cause panic in some people, but that is an issue that can eventually be controlled by the passenger. However, during a flight, there are other things that must concern us, and most cannot be controlled. One of them is the low pressure in the cabin. In order to prevent metal fatigue on a plane, the cabin is pressurized to an equivalent of 8,000 feet above sea level, which can cause mountain sickness. The air in the cabin is also dry. These two conditions may be the cause of a headache. Another concern is the germs. The plane has a recirculation system with filters similar to a hospital’s, but some germs can pass through. Also, the neighbor at the next seat may be sick. Check all the risk factors during a flight. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

New Treatment For Facial Neuralgias And Acute Migraine Headaches

New Treatment For Facial Neuralgias And Acute Migraine Headaches    

It Blocks A Cluster Of Nerves Located Behind The Nasal Passages    

There is a type of headache or migraine in which the pain is focused in the face. Chances are that the cause is a trauma of the sphenopalatine ganglion, a group of nerves located behind the nasal passages. A new procedure, called sphenopalatine ganglion block has been successful in controlling this type of headache. The face is a delicate is to work, which has made difficult the treatment of facial pain, including facial neuralgias, acute or chronic migraine headaches, and acute cluster headaches. However, through this procedure, a local anesthetic blocks the nerve cluster. It is a minimally invasive procedure, which lasts approximately ten minutes. Additional information click here.


Avoiding Headaches During Workouts

Avoiding Headaches During Workouts    

These Can Be Tension Headaches Or Excess Intracranial Pressure    

Sometimes you may experience a headache during a workout. It might be the body’s reaction to the physical effort. If the pain is around the temples, the cause might be excess blood flow into the brain, expanding the arteries and resulting in intracranial pressure. The solution is to hydrate before the workout and warm up, which reduces rises in intracranial pressure. If you feel that a headache is coming, you can constrict the blood vessels in the scalp and head by cooling the head with cold water. If the headache can go from the back to the front of the head, it might be a tension headache, which can be avoided by working out muscles below the neck. Additional details click here.


Headaches Can Be Caused By A Poor Posture

Headaches Can Be Caused By A Poor Posture    

We have talked about foods as headaches triggers. There are other triggers, such as posture. While working on a computer or looking down at a screen of a digital device, the neck has excess tension, which will lead to a headache. This is because the neck is designed to work in a neutral position. Another cause of headaches is dehydration. More Information click here.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Botox Can Control Excessive Sweating, And Treat Depression And Migraine

Botox Can Control Excessive Sweating, And Treat Depression And Migraine    

Botox injections are used in cosmetic treatments. They are toxins injected in a specific set of muscles, blocking the signals that make it contract. However, it has other uses, such as treatment for depression by injecting the toxin into the furrow of the brows, helps controls neck spasms and excessive sweating in the armpits, and also reduce migraines. Additional information click here.


Alternate Ways To Reduce The Frequency Of Tension Headaches

Alternate Ways To Reduce The Frequency Of Tension Headaches    

The most common type of headache is called a tension headache. The patient usually takes a painkiller to get rid of it, but in some cases, these drugs can go all the way around, making these symptoms more intense. However, there are habits that can help reduce the frequency of headaches. Among these exercising, maintaining a consistent lifestyle related to sleeping hours, eating and drinking, and controlling stress. Click here for more info.


Sulfur In Red Wine Preserves The Flavor And Prevents Oxidation, But Also May Trigger A Headache Migraine

Sulfur In Red Wine Preserves The Flavor And Prevents Oxidation, But Also May Trigger A Headache Migraine    

There Are Solutions Such As Sulfur-Tree Wine, And A Device That Extracts Sulfur And Preserves The Flavor    

Red wine has health benefits because of its tannins, which act as powerful antioxidants. They also have a component called sulfites, which prevent the wine from turning brown due to oxidation, keeps the wine stable then traveling and preserves the flavors. Unfortunately, sulfites also trigger migraine headaches. There are wines that do not add Sulphur in its production process but can have a small percentage of it due to fermentation, and these wines are hard to find and somewhat expensive. However, there is a device that, according to manufacturers, will remove the Sulphur and preserve the flavor, lowering the risk of migraine attacks. More Information click here.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Alternate Ways To Reduce The Frequency Of Tension Headaches

Alternate Ways To Reduce The Frequency Of Tension Headaches    

The most common type of headache is called a tension headache. The patient usually takes a painkiller to get rid of it, but in some cases, these drugs can go all the way around, making these symptoms more intense. However, there are habits that can help reduce the frequency of headaches. Among these exercising, maintaining a consistent lifestyle related to sleeping hours, eating and drinking, and controlling stress. Click here for more info.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium

Dreaming About Chocolate? It Could Be Lack Of Magnesium    

Magnesium Deficiency Might Result In Migraines, Insomnia, And Anxiety    

If you are dreaming about chocolates, it may be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Dark chocolate, with a high percentage of cocoa, is a source of magnesium. This mineral is fundamental for many body processes, such as a proper nerve and muscle functioning. Lack of magnesium might lead to migraines, insomnia, anxiety, difficulty to concentrate and extreme fatigue. Additional info click here.


Alternative Treatments For Migraine Headaches

Alternative Treatments For Migraine Headaches    

Migraines can be suffered once or twice a month, or it can happen daily. While drugs are the most common treatment, alternative therapies also work. For example, massage has been successful in 85% of the cases. Also, acupuncture has reduced the frequency of attacks, and a workout has decreased the intensity of headaches. More details click here.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men

The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men    

It Is Related To Hormonal Changes, Which Affects Brain Cells    

Migraine is three more common in women than in men. A recent study has found out that the estrogen fluctuations affect brain cells. Estrogen increases the susceptibility to an electrical phenomenon in the brain. This is known as cortical spreading depression, which could be associated with the auras that show up with migraines. This study will allow the development of more targeted migraine drugs for men and women. Additional information click here.


Study: Floppy Eyelids Can Be A Symptom Of Sleep Apnea

Study: Floppy Eyelids Can Be A Symptom Of Sleep Apnea        

This Would Help With The Diagnosis Of This Condition, Besides Fatigue And Headaches When Waking Up    

According to a study, one symptom of sleep apnea might be floppy eyelids, with a lax and rubbery look. This was present in more than half of the patients in the study. The most severe cases of sleep apnea correlated with the most pronounced cases of floppy eyelids. Patients had one of the following conditions: lax eyelid condition (rubbery lids); lax eyelid syndrome (lax eyelids plus conjunctivitis); and floppy eyelid syndrome (lax eyelid syndrome in obese young men). Even though there is not a clear explanation, specialists believe that sleep apnea is associated with low-grade inflammation that affects elastin, a protein that allows skin and other tissues to resume their original shape after stretching or contracting. Many sleep apnea sufferers are undiagnosed because this condition occurs when the patient is asleep, but sometimes it can be identified when there is fatigue and headaches when waking up. Also, the patient might snore due to partial airway obstruction, but the condition is considered as sleep apnea when there is a total obstruction and the patient ceases breathing for several seconds. These are interesting news because the usual way to diagnose this condition is via a sleep study, which in some cases might be expensive. Additional info click here.


Identifying The Signs Of Anemia

Identifying The Signs Of Anemia        

Among Them Are Poor Concentration, Headaches, Altered Heartbeat, Insomnia, And Hair Loss    

Anemia is a common blood condition in which there is a deficit of healthy red blood cells in your body, lowering the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen and nutrients. The most common form is iron-deficiency anemia, which is not fatal but can be a symptom of a more serious condition. Among the signs are skin paleness, due to the lower concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, making the blood less red. Low blood oxygen also affects the brain, altering the mood and concentration, and unexplained headaches. The heart also suffers, because it has to work harder to deliver the blood through the body, which alters its heartbeat. This causes exhaustion, which can lead to insomnia. Another sign is hair loss because the blood vessels in the hair follicles are not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients. Check all the signs of anemia. Additional details click here.


Nausea Can Have A Variety Of Causes, Besides Pregnancy And Food Poisoning

Nausea Can Have A Variety Of Causes, Besides Pregnancy And Food Poisoning        

Among Them Are Migraine, Stress, Dehydration, And Acid Reflux    

Nausea is a common symptom that can be caused by several health conditions, such as gastrointestinal illnesses, hormonal issues, motion sickness, and pregnancy. There are other causes, such as a migraine, which is related to a mechanism that signals the blood vessels in the brain to grow bigger and can affect the area of the brain related to nausea and vomiting. Anxiety is also another cause, in which the stress hormone cortisol forces the body to react as in a potential danger, sending the blood to the muscles instead of the organs and digestive system, causing nausea. These hormones also increase the contractions in the stomach. Dehydration can also cause nausea, in which the body sends the blood to the most important organs, which are the brain and the heart, reducing the flow to the other organs. In addition, acid reflux can also cause nausea. The acidic matter returns through the esophagus, damaging its lining, leading to nausea, Check all the causes of nausea. Click here for more info.


What Is Happening With Migraine Treatment?

What Is Happening With Migraine Treatment?    

A migraine is a severe, pounding headache. It is the sixth highest cause of disability and affects almost 15% of the people. However, it is not given the importance it deserves, and in many cases, it is under-treated or under-diagnosed. Why is this happening? Click here for more information.


Causes Of Hangover And How To Prevent Them

Causes Of Hangover And How To Prevent Them    

Knowing the causes of hangovers can be a clue to prevent them. One of them is dehydration. Alcohol consumption increases urination, which leads to hangover symptoms, such as a headache, dry mouth, nausea, and fatigue. Other causes are toxins, which causes damage and irritation of the cells. There are formed when alcohol is broken down in the liver. Other causes are sleep disruption, which leads to fatigue, and hypoglycemia, which lowers the sugar level. Therefore drinking water and ingesting sugar can lower the risk of hangovers. Check all the causes. More info click here.


Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion

Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion    

A concussion can have long-term consequences, like structural brain damage which can result in depression and anxiety, chronic headaches and attention and concentration issues, among others. Among the symptoms of concussions are losing consciousness, a constant headache, and dizziness and balance issues, among others. Check all the concussion symptoms. Click here for more info.


What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?

What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?    

Cluster headaches are a rare condition, but it is even more painful than a migraine. They are so rare that are often misdiagnosed as migraine, allergies, or even sinus headache. However, if correctly diagnosed, it is very treatable with several drugs that prevent the episodes. More details click here.


Study: Inducing A Brain Freeze Could Be The Key To Regulating Migraine Headaches

Study: Inducing A Brain Freeze Could Be The Key To Regulating Migraine Headaches    

It Is A Headache Caused By Ingesting Cold Drinks Or Foods    

Brain freeze occurs when you ingest quickly a cold drink or food, such as ice cream. It lowers the temperature of a group of nerves located in the back of the palate, which is sensitive to cold and stimulates an area of the brain resulting in a headache. Researchers have related an increase in blood flow through the brain’s anterior cerebral artery, increasing the pressure in brain tissues, which leads to headache. The body reacts warming the brain by flooding it with blood. Studies suggest that inducing a brain freeze could regulate migraine headaches. Additional information click here.


Botox Leads The Way For Innovative Treatments For Migraine

Botox Leads The Way For Innovative Treatments For Migraine    

Botox is not only for getting rid of wrinkles. It is also an approved treatment for migraines. Now there a new substance called CGRP which modulates the pain fibers in the brain. This product has advantages because it is taken orally, while Botox is injected. Additional information click here.


Study Relates Headache Disorders With Increased Risk Of Hypothyroidism

Study Relates Headache Disorders With Increased Risk Of Hypothyroidism    

A study has related migraine and cluster headaches with a high risk of developing hypothyroidism. This happens when the thyroid gland is underactive, resulting in hair loss, fatigue, weight gain and changes in the mood. Click here for more details.


Check These Triggers For Migraines

Check These Triggers For Migraines    

Migraines can be triggered by several causes. In some cases, it can be foods with nitrates caffeine or red wine. Other can be poor posture, skipping meals, changing sleep patterns or stress. Others can beyond or visual stimulants, such as repetitive sounds, uninterrupted staring at a computer screen, or strong flashing lights. Additional info click here.


Migraine Attacks Affects Levels Of Dopamine, The Feel-Good Neurotransmitter

Migraine Attacks Affects Levels Of Dopamine, The Feel-Good Neurotransmitter    

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps one feel good, regulating motivation, emotion, and sensory perception. Recent studies have shown that dopamine levels fluctuate in patients with migraine attacks. This will help researchers understand more about dopamine-based treatments for controlling migraine pain. Click here for more details.


Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes        

They Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Sleep Apnea, Or Nocturnal Hypertension, Among Others.    

The causes of headaches are different in older adults, compared to younger adults. Headaches are more serious in older people and can be related to other health conditions, or even induced by medications. Tension headaches are more common in older adults, but their frequency and severity decline with age, so they are not reported as a major problem. Migraines are the second most common type of headache, and also decreases with age. There is another type of headache that is present in people older than 50 years, called hypnic headache. These appear while sleeping and have a short duration. The causes might be nocturnal hypertension and sleep apnea, among others. Special attention must be placed on thunderclap headaches, which are extremely painful. They can represent a life-threatening condition. Check all the headache types common in older adults. More info click here.


Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes

Headaches In Older Adults Have Different Causes        

They Can Be Caused By Certain Medications, Sleep Apnea, Or Nocturnal Hypertension, Among Others.    

The causes of headaches are different in older adults, compared to younger adults. Headaches are more serious in older people and can be related to other health conditions, or even induced by medications. Tension headaches are more common in older adults, but their frequency and severity decline with age, so they are not reported as a major problem. Migraines are the second most common type of headache, and also decreases with age. There is another type of headache that is present in people older than 50 years, called hypnic headache. These appear while sleeping and have a short duration. The causes might be nocturnal hypertension and sleep apnea, among others. Special attention must be placed on thunderclap headaches, which are extremely painful. They can represent a life-threatening condition. Check all the headache types common in older adults. More info click here.


Migraine With Aura Related To A Higher Risk Of Cardiovascular Conditions

Migraine With Aura Related To A Higher Risk Of Cardiovascular Conditions    

Also, Women Have Three Times The Risk Of Suffering Migraine Due To A Hormonal Mechanism    

Studies have shown a link between cardiovascular issues and migraine. Even though the reason is not clear, the risk is higher in the group that suffers from a migraine with aura. Therefore these patients should be especially aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. This risk increases when excessive weight is present, and also when aging. Also, migraine is three times more common in women, because the hormonal mechanisms that protect pre-menopausal women from cardiovascular issues are the same mechanisms that increase the risk of migraine. Click here for more details.


Study Relates Headache Disorders With Increased Risk Of Hypothyroidism

Study Relates Headache Disorders With Increased Risk Of Hypothyroidism    

A study has related migraine and cluster headaches with a high risk of developing hypothyroidism. This happens when the thyroid gland is underactive, resulting in hair loss, fatigue, weight gain and changes in the mood. Click here for more details.


Your Headache Can Be An Annoying Pain Or A Life-Threatening Condition

Your Headache Can Be An Annoying Pain Or A Life-Threatening Condition    

A headache can be a migraine or a tension headache. It can be an annoying pain or a life-threatening situation. Tension headaches are short-lived, while migraines are debilitating conditions. There is even one type of headache that is associated with an aneurysm. Check all the symptoms and how to differentiate them. Click here for more details.


Nausea Can Have A Variety Of Causes, Besides Pregnancy And Food Poisoning

Nausea Can Have A Variety Of Causes, Besides Pregnancy And Food Poisoning        

Among Them Are Migraine, Stress, Dehydration, And Acid Reflux    

Nausea is a common symptom that can be caused by several health conditions, such as gastrointestinal illnesses, hormonal issues, motion sickness, and pregnancy. There are other causes, such as a migraine, which is related to a mechanism that signals the blood vessels in the brain to grow bigger and can affect the area of the brain related to nausea and vomiting. Anxiety is also another cause, in which the stress hormone cortisol forces the body to react as in a potential danger, sending the blood to the muscles instead of the organs and digestive system, causing nausea. These hormones also increase the contractions in the stomach. Dehydration can also cause nausea, in which the body sends the blood to the most important organs, which are the brain and the heart, reducing the flow to the other organs. In addition, acid reflux can also cause nausea. The acidic matter returns through the esophagus, damaging its lining, leading to nausea, Check all the causes of nausea. Click here for more info.


A Protein In The Brain May Be Responsible For The Pain In Migraine Attacks

A Protein In The Brain May Be Responsible For The Pain In Migraine Attacks    

Scientists have found that a protein, called BNDF, may be linked to migraine attacks. Migraine patients are more sensitive to triggers that lead to the attack, and the protein was present during the attack. After the injection of a substance that neutralizes the protein, the subjects were desensitized to migraine pain. Click here for more info.


Feeling A Headache After Lunch? You Could Have Reactive Hypoglycemia

Feeling A Headache After Lunch? You Could Have Reactive Hypoglycemia    

Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the sugar level drops. This happens when skipping meals, and one symptom is a headache. However, this can also happen after a meal, in which the blood sugar drops instead of rising and happens because of excess insulin secretion after a meal. Additional information click here.


New Treatment Based On Colored Light Reduces The Symptoms Of Migraine And Tinnitus

New Treatment Based On Colored Light Reduces The Symptoms Of Migraine And Tinnitus    

A new treatment based on colored lenses helps treat migraines and is also being used on patients with tinnitus. It consists of tiny lamps of different colors, and the patient can control the intensity of them. The initial study was made for patients with migraine, which reduced the intensity of the pain. A number of them had also tinnitus, and also observed a reduction in the symptoms. The different colors distract the sensory area of the brain, reducing the tinnitus symptoms. Additional information click here.


Probiotics May Help In Reducing The Symptoms Of Heartburn And Indigestion

Probiotics May Help In Reducing The Symptoms Of Heartburn And Indigestion    

It Also Helps Decreasing The Frequency Of Migraine Attacks And Controls Bad Breath    

Probiotics are one of the most important supplements to consider. They promote gut bacteria in the intestine. Digestive problems and acid reflux have been related to a poor balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Heartburn can be treated with probiotics, which has been found in foods and also supplements. Probiotics also help to fight pathogenic bacteria and even yeast overgrowth and also supports the digestive function. If the digestive tract has not had enough acid to digest proteins, absorb vitamins and minerals, and fight pathogenic bacteria, it will take longer for the stomach to break down the food. The undigested food matter begins to ferment in the stomach, resulting in gas, which pushes up the stomach acid into the esophagus. Probiotics also help treat bad breath, because one of its causes, besides poor digestion, acid reflux, and poor oral hygiene, is the proliferation of the wrong type of bacteria in the digestive tract. Also, according to studies, migraine sufferers have reduced the frequency and severity of the migraine attacks with the help of probiotics, which help to regulate the inflammatory response. Review the other benefits of probiotics Additional information click here.


Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines

Ketone Diet Helps With Weight Loss And Also Controls Migraines    

A new diet trend, the ketogenic diet, can be useful for migraines. The ketogenic diet consists in forcing the body to use fats as its primary energy source, instead of carbs. This is done by increasing the fat ingestion. A study revealed that the ketones also reduce the neural inflammation that causes both migraines and epilepsy. Click here for more info.


Dealing With Headaches In Children

Dealing With Headaches In Children        

Parents Must Administer Pain Medication While They Wait For The Doctor    

Headaches in children are not uncommon. However, they generate anxiety in parents because they don’t know what is happening to their child. This anxiety gets worse if the parents believe that the headache might be a symptom that something really wrong is happening to their child. The truth is that dangerous headaches are very unusual, and there are screening questions that can help determine the seriousness of the headache and rule out other health conditions, such as the description of the pain, and what other issues they have. Also, there are parents who prefer to give their child medication, while others prefer to consult a doctor or even to the emergency room. On the other hand, if there are other symptoms along with a headache, such as fever or stomach ache, most parents prefer to consult their family physician. It is also important to give them the pain medication quickly, because, the earlier they give it, the earlier it will work. Some parents believe that it is better to wait for the doctor before giving a pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but, as mentioned, it is not a good idea. Also, parents must watch for other symptoms, such sensitivity to light. Check all the factors that can cause headache in children. Click here for more information.


The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men

The Reason Why Migraine Attacks More Women Than Men    

It Is Related To Hormonal Changes, Which Affects Brain Cells    

Migraine is three more common in women than in men. A recent study has found out that the estrogen fluctuations affect brain cells. Estrogen increases the susceptibility to an electrical phenomenon in the brain. This is known as cortical spreading depression, which could be associated with the auras that show up with migraines. This study will allow the development of more targeted migraine drugs for men and women. Additional information click here.


Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion

Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion    

A concussion can have long-term consequences, like structural brain damage which can result in depression and anxiety, chronic headaches and attention and concentration issues, among others. Among the symptoms of concussions are losing consciousness, a constant headache, and dizziness and balance issues, among others. Check all the concussion symptoms. Click here for more info.


Migraines Are Not Only Strong Headaches – They Can Be Severely Incapacitating

Migraines Are Not Only Strong Headaches – They Can Be Severely Incapacitating    

New Treatments Include Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Ketamine And Controlling The Protein CGRP, Associated With Migraine Attacks    

Most people believe that a migraine is like a headache, but worse. However, there are differences. Migraine is a neurological incapacitating disease and includes nausea, visual disturbances like auras, sensitivity to light and sound, and also touch ad smell, dizziness, and loss of balance, and numbness in the face, arms, or legs. It is also the third most prevalent illness in the world, affecting 12% of the population, and also the sixth most disabling health condition. Due to the severity of its attacks, migraine sufferers have 2 to 4 times the possibility to have also depression. It can be triggered by lifestyle changes, such as skipping meals or dehydration, environment and weather changes, like strong smells, altitude, humidity, and bright sunlight. Even though treatments include OTC medication and preventive treatments, many people seek alternative therapies, regular exercise, and preventing dehydration. There are also new in treatments including, TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation), controlling the protein CGRP, which is associated with migraines, and ketamine, used also for depression and chronic pain. More Information click here.


Certain Foods Can Result In A Serious Discomfort, Resulting In A Food Hangover

Certain Foods Can Result In A Serious Discomfort, Resulting In A Food Hangover    

Symptoms Are Similar To Alcohol Hangover Can Be Caused By Intolerance To Certain Foods Or Additives    

Hangovers are related to excess drinking. However, it can also be a result of the wrong food. The reasons can be an intolerance to specific foods, certain ingredients or food additives. The results can be headaches, irritability, and digestive issues, similar to alcohol hangovers. Among the causes are excess fat, high salt, sugar, or starch. One of the main issues is that patients do not associate their discomfort with the food they ate the day before, and look for other health conditions. Click here for more info.


Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion

Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion    

A concussion can have long-term consequences, like structural brain damage which can result in depression and anxiety, chronic headaches and attention and concentration issues, among others. Among the symptoms of concussions are losing consciousness, a constant headache, and dizziness and balance issues, among others. Check all the concussion symptoms. Click here for more info.


Reading In Poor Light May Cause Headache, But Won’t Harm The Eyesight

Reading In Poor Light May Cause Headache, But Won’t Harm The Eyesight    

There are myths about health, like relating varicose veins to crossing the legs, or that stress will turn the hair grey. One of them is that reading in poor light will damage the eyesight. It can give headache and cause eyestrain, but won’t give permanent damage. Check for other myths. Click here for more details.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Alternative And Unusual Treatments For Headaches

Alternative And Unusual Treatments For Headaches    

Among Them Are Breathing Deeply And Using A Mouthguard To Prevent Teeth Grinding    

Usual treatments for headaches are painkillers, such as aspirin, paracetamol, or ibuprofen. However, there are other unusual (and weird) treatments, which might be also useful, such as using a book as a pillow, which eases tension on the small muscles connecting the neck to the back of the head. Another one is to avoid a hunched position while texting or checking the smartphone or tablet. Even though the weight of the head is from 10 to 12 lbs., the forces in the neck due when it is inclined forward can reach 60 lbs. This causes a tension in the neck muscles, resulting in cervicogenic headaches, and can also cause a condition called Occipital Neuralgia, which consist of the inflammation of the nerves running from the base of the neck up through the scalp. In addition, breathing deeply can also treat a headache, because most people breathe in a shallow way, which reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain. Grinding the teeth and night and clenching it during the day stresses the jaw muscles, which also cause headaches. It can be prevented by wearing a mouthguard. Check all the unusual treatments for headache. More info click here.


Coffee And Tea Can Help Reducing Headache Symptoms

Coffee And Tea Can Help Reducing Headache Symptoms    

They Also Improve The Effects Of Common Painkillers, Such As Paracetamol And Ibuprofen    

Drinking caffeine beverages can have positive effects on headache symptoms. Coffee and tea constrict the blood vessels and improves alertness and mood. Caffeine also improves the effects of common painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen. However, sudden suppression of caffeine intake can lead to headaches. Also, lowering carbohydrate intake, like in low-carb diets, can also result in headaches. It reduces the glycogen, the main source of energy of the brain, which in turn causes dehydration, triggering headaches. These can be avoided by drinking water and eating healthy carbs, like whole grains. Ginger is also effective on migraine sufferers due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Check all the foods that can help reduce headaches and migraine symptoms. Click here for more info.


Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision

Migraine Headaches Related To Sudden Blurred Vision    

Blurred vision can be the result of myopia, hyperopia, or other conditions related to eyesight, usually corrected with lenses. However, sudden blurred vision is related to other conditions, such as migraine headaches, poor eye lubrication, overusing contact lenses, or even uncontrolled diabetes. Check the symptoms. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Dealing With Headaches In Children

Dealing With Headaches In Children        

Parents Must Administer Pain Medication While They Wait For The Doctor    

Headaches in children are not uncommon. However, they generate anxiety in parents because they don’t know what is happening to their child. This anxiety gets worse if the parents believe that the headache might be a symptom that something really wrong is happening to their child. The truth is that dangerous headaches are very unusual, and there are screening questions that can help determine the seriousness of the headache and rule out other health conditions, such as the description of the pain, and what other issues they have. Also, there are parents who prefer to give their child medication, while others prefer to consult a doctor or even to the emergency room. On the other hand, if there are other symptoms along with a headache, such as fever or stomach ache, most parents prefer to consult their family physician. It is also important to give them the pain medication quickly, because, the earlier they give it, the earlier it will work. Some parents believe that it is better to wait for the doctor before giving a pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but, as mentioned, it is not a good idea. Also, parents must watch for other symptoms, such sensitivity to light. Check all the factors that can cause headache in children. Click here for more information.


Migraine Sufferers Can Lower The Discomfort With Daith Piercings

Migraine Sufferers Can Lower The Discomfort With Daith Piercings    

There are alternative treatments for migraines. One of them is the Daith piercing, which is a piercing in the innermost cartilage of the ear. Patients who have chosen this treatment say that the migraine pain lowers considerably. However, even though there are no medical studies to support this claim, it seems that the effect is similar to acupuncture. Click here for more information.


Identifying Flu From The Common Cold

Identifying Flu From The Common Cold    

Influenza, also known as flu, and a common cold can be difficult to identify for some people. This is important, because flu is a dangerous disease, and if not treated properly, it can be fatal. While the symptoms of the common cold are sneezing, a runny nose and a sore throat, influenza have fever, chills, general achiness, chest discomfort, and headache. Learn all the signs of flu. Click here for more info.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion

Constant Headache And Dizziness Can Be A Sign Of A Concussion    

A concussion can have long-term consequences, like structural brain damage which can result in depression and anxiety, chronic headaches and attention and concentration issues, among others. Among the symptoms of concussions are losing consciousness, a constant headache, and dizziness and balance issues, among others. Check all the concussion symptoms. Click here for more info.


Cluster Headaches Can Be Treated With An Implant At The Base Of The Neck

Cluster Headaches Can Be Treated With An Implant At The Base Of The Neck    

They Are So Severe That They Are Also Called “Suicide Headaches”    

Cluster headaches are painful that they are also called “suicide headaches”. There are different from migraines and tension headaches, attacking one side of the face. Researchers have developed an implantable device to relieve this condition. It applies a mild stimulus near the occipital nerves at the base of the head via wires under the skin. These wires are connected to a small battery also implanted under the skin, generating an electric current which interferes with the pain signals and reducing the headache intensity, duration, and frequency, and also decreasing the use of medication. Click here for more information.


Pharma Companies Are Combining Generics Into Costly Drugs

Pharma Companies Are Combining Generics Into Costly Drugs    

A drug maker has combined two migraine drugs into one pill. The problem is that the price is very high - $83 per pill. This is over the insurance coverage of many people. However, if the drugs were to be purchased separately, the total cost would be far below. Is this ethical?. Additional info click here.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Suffering From Tech-Neck? Try These Yoga Asanas

Suffering From Tech-Neck? Try These Yoga Asanas    

Neck pain and stiffness can result in hen sleeping in the wrong position or staring at a screen for hours, even by slouching the head while texting on the smartphone. These yoga asanas will help stretch the neck muscles and relax them. More Information click here.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Study: Placebo Pills Showed Better Results Than Medications In Pediatric Migraine

Study: Placebo Pills Showed Better Results Than Medications In Pediatric Migraine    

A study wanted to show which medication was the best for kids with migraine. There were groups for the different kinds of medicine and another group with placebo sugar pills. However, it found out that the best result in migraine reduction was in the placebo group. Also, the groups taking the medications had also side effects. Click here for more info.


Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One    

Uncontrollable Eye Twitching Can Be A Sign Of High Blood Pressure Or Burnout    

Headaches are a common symptom of hypertension. However, there are unusual symptoms, such as eye twitching. This shows as an uncontrollable spasm of the upper or lower eyelid and can last for a short time to several hours. This can be a symptom of other conditions, like burnout, low level of magnesium and even hyperthyroidism. More Information click here.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Modern Device Use Has Resulted In New Health Conditions, Such As Tech Neck, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, And Computer Vision Syndrome

Modern Device Use Has Resulted In New Health Conditions, Such As Tech Neck, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, And Computer Vision Syndrome        

Symptoms Include Reduced Lung Capacity, Headache, Neck And Back Pain, Heart Disease, And Depression    

Modern life includes interaction with several devices, that may lead to a poor posture and neck and back pain. Bad posture has also been linked with reduced lung capacity, as well as an increase in depression, heart disease, headaches, and neurological disorders One early example is holding the office phone between the shoulder and the ear to leave both hands free, which resulted in neck pain. The same is happening with handheld devices and audio devices, which cause the head to slouch forward, resulting in “tech neck”. In this case, the stress on the neck increases with the angle on the head, which may grow from 10 to 12 pounds in a neutral posture, the human head typically weighs 10-12 pounds, but when it is bent forward at 15 degrees and 60 degree angles, the weight on the neck increases to 30 and 60 pounds, respectively. This is similar to carrying an 8-year-old child in the neck. Also, contact typing and mouse movement lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, caused by the wrists being held in uncomfortable static positions for prolonged periods of time with contact strain placed on the forearm nerves, which become irritated as a result. Another condition is called computer vision syndrome (CVS), which includes optical pain, eyestrain, dryness, blurry vision, headaches as well as neck and shoulder pain. It is caused by poor lighting, improper viewing distances, poor seating posture, glare on a digital screen, and uncorrected vision problems. There are tips and exercises for dealing with all these issues. Click here for more information.


What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?

What Are Cluster Headaches And How To Treat Them?    

Cluster headaches are a rare condition, but it is even more painful than a migraine. They are so rare that are often misdiagnosed as migraine, allergies, or even sinus headache. However, if correctly diagnosed, it is very treatable with several drugs that prevent the episodes. More details click here.


Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Migraine

Natural Tips For Getting Rid Of Migraine    

There are natural solutions for migraines. Among them are ginger, grape juice, which has vitamin C and riboflavin, nuts, which compensates the magnesium loss that triggers migraines. Also hot and cold therapy helps the muscles relax, and peppermint tea will help avoid nausea and headache due to gastrointestinal spasms. More info click here.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Dealing With Headaches In Children

Dealing With Headaches In Children        

Parents Must Administer Pain Medication While They Wait For The Doctor    

Headaches in children are not uncommon. However, they generate anxiety in parents because they don’t know what is happening to their child. This anxiety gets worse if the parents believe that the headache might be a symptom that something really wrong is happening to their child. The truth is that dangerous headaches are very unusual, and there are screening questions that can help determine the seriousness of the headache and rule out other health conditions, such as the description of the pain, and what other issues they have. Also, there are parents who prefer to give their child medication, while others prefer to consult a doctor or even to the emergency room. On the other hand, if there are other symptoms along with a headache, such as fever or stomach ache, most parents prefer to consult their family physician. It is also important to give them the pain medication quickly, because, the earlier they give it, the earlier it will work. Some parents believe that it is better to wait for the doctor before giving a pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but, as mentioned, it is not a good idea. Also, parents must watch for other symptoms, such sensitivity to light. Check all the factors that can cause headache in children. Click here for more information.