Monday, October 12, 2020

Common Flu Can Lead To Serious Health Conditions

Common Flu Can Lead To Serious Health Conditions    

Among Them Are Hearing Loss And Strong Headaches, Which Might Be Symptoms Of Brain Conditions, Such As Encephalitis And Meningitis    

A cold or flu usually has mild symptoms that go away after several days. Among them are sneezing, headaches, and fever. However, there are other more serious health conditions that can be caused by the fly. Among them are hearing loss, due to the physical connection between the throat and the ears, which causes fluid buildup in the middle ear, known as conductive hearing loss. The patient understands louder sounds, and, if untreated, can derive into permanent hearing loss and balance issues. Other rare conditions that can be caused by flu is encephalitis, which is caused by a viral infection and can result in deafness, memory loss and seizures. If untreated, it can lead to coma or even death. Another serious brain condition caused by flu is meningitis, which can affect subjects with weak immune systems. Among the symptoms are headaches, fever, seizures, and lack of appetite.


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