Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Ocular Migraine Can Occur Without A Painful Headache

Ocular Migraine Can Occur Without A Painful Headache    

It Is Similar To A Migraine With Aura, But Only Includes The Aura    

Not all migraines include headaches. There is a different type of migraine, called ocular migraine that affects vision but does not involve excruciating head pain. In some cases, migraine includes a headache plus an aura, which appear as visual disturbances like seeing flashes of light, blind spots, zigzagging patterns, or shimmering spots or stars. Ocular migraine only consists of the aura. In other cases, it can show as a retinal migraine, which includes short periods of reduced vision or blindness, often before or with head pain. Specialists are not sure what causes migraines, but it seems to be related to an electrical impulse over the surface of the brain, and when it contacts the visual cortex, which processes visual signals, it can lead to an ocular migraine. Additional info click here.


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